D 当不定式所表示的动作先于谓语动词所表示的动作时.不定式用完成时.且kill与逻辑主语people之间是被动关系.故选D 查看更多




I think ______ bad manners to talk with your mouth full of food.

[  ]

Athis   Bthat   Cit   D.不填




 Rod always used to laugh at the idea of flying saucers.“If there are people in  1 out space,” he  2  say,“"they won't want to come here, will they?”

 But  3  was before Rod had a very strange experienceOne summer evening, just as he  4  to go to bed, Rod heard a low humming  5  outside,  6  thousands of bees He looked out of his bedroom window In the field at the end of the garden he saw  7  bright objects coming down As they landed, their lights went off and the fields became dark Rod decided to  8  from the wall at the end of his garden

 From there he could see the  9  objects quite clearly There were twelve of them  10  and they were long and thin, like huge cigars (香烟) In the centre of the machines he could just  11  a group of figures (人物), all  12  space suits They  13  to be having a meeting

 As he stood there, Rod  14  sure that these men were from outer space Their machines were the famous  15   Rod also believed that they came from outer space Rod also believed that they came from a quiet, peaceful planet,  16  unlike the world he lived in And he wanted to  17  them!

 At that moment the figures began to move back  18  their machines They went inside and the low humming noise began again 19  the machines lit up Then the first machine rose into the air, spinning like a wheel A second one followed it and then a third

 Rod felt terribly  20   The machines were leaving without him! He jumped  21  the low wall. “Wait! he shouted, Take me with you! Please!But as he rushed  22  , a wave of hot air pushed him back and he fell to the ground

 Did he  23  see flying saucers or was it all a dream? Rod is not sure But these days, when anyone  24  flying saucers Rod keeps quiet And he is very sad, remembering the happy peaceful  25  he wanted to go to


(1) A.    an 


B the


C a


D (不填)


[  ]


(2) A.    would


B used to


C was


D had


[  ]


3) Ait






D what


[  ]


(4) A.    was getting ready


B was prepared


  C. was ready


D prepared


[  ]


(5) A.    voice


B noise


C sound


D shout


[  ]


(6) A.    like


B as


C as if


D as though


[  ]


(7) A.    the number of


B a great deal of


  C. a large amount of 


D a number of


[  ]


(8) Asee clearly


B watch carefully


  C.take a closer look


D notice


[  ]


(9) A.    funny


B interesting


  C.    mysterious




[  ]


(10)A.    in all


B above all


C first of all


D all that


[  ]


(11)A.    make of


B make into


  Cmake out


D make up


[  ]


(12)A.    put


B wearing


C dressing


D had on


[  ]


(13)A.    were


B appeared


C appealed


D had


[  ]


(14)A.    got


B made


C kept


D felt


[  ]


(15)A.    flying saucers


B spaceship 






[  ]


(16)A very


B much


C quite


D rather


[  ]


(17)A join


B live


C meet


D see


[  ]


(18)A for


B towards


C to


D into


[  ]


(19)A One another


B One after another 


  C One and all


D One by one


[  ]


(20)A alone


B sad


C disappointed


D anxious


[  ]


(21)A across


B through


C over


D on


[  ]


(22)A forward


B back


C ahead


D behind


[  ]


(23)A exactly


B truly


C clearly


D really


[  ]


(24)A speaks of


B says


C tells


D talks


[  ]


(25)A star


B planet


C. moon


D. Mars


[  ]



 I got _____ bad toothache yesterday,which kept me awake _____ whole night

A. a; the         B. 不填; a           C. the; a           D. a; 不填



I got ______ bad toothache yesterday, which kept me awake ______ whole night.

   A. a; the        B. 不填; a      C. the; a         D. a; 不填


The education of ______ young is always ______ hot and serious topic.

A. 不填, 不填        B. the, a

C. 不填, the        D. the, 不填


