Communication is more than speaking and listening. Body language expresses a person’s different . A. feelings B. signs C. minds D. senses 查看更多




  [1]Many children across the world study Chinese as a second language.While learning a new language is a little difficult for some children,parents can still find some ways to make take time and that even‘‘fun”learning methods take efforts and practice

  [2]Flash Cards

  Create a set of flash cards for your child.and review vocabulary words each day.The basic idea behind flash cards is that continuous repetition will help your child memorize a wide variety of words and phrases.


  Select a variety of popular Chinese children'S movies to enjoy with your child.Pause the film as needed to discuss new words or vocabulary with your child, and to make sure she understands what is happening in the movie.


  Listen to Chinese music with your child.Sing songs and dance around to the music.Music offers the chance to learn without really noticing that you're learning.Your child eventually will learn the words to the Chinese music and, even if she vocabulary she doesn't understand, she will improve pronunciation and listening skills.


  Select several Chinese children'S books to read to your child.If your child is old enough to read, encourage her to read along.with you as you share the story.If your child can't read

  Chinese characters yet, write the English pronunciation(pinyin)beneath the characters SO she learns the Chinese translation of the book.

  [6]Field Trip

  Take your child on a field trip to a place where Chinese is spoken regularly.Many cities have曼.Chinatown where local businesses not only speak Chinese, hut sell Chinese foods, books and movies.Take your child to the place and encourage her to use her Chinese when communica-ring with other people you encounter.

1.What is the main idea of the text?no more than 10 words

2.Please fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper more than 4 words

3.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 into Chinese.

