Most of us know we should cut down on fat.but knowing such things isn’t much help when it shopping and eating. A.refers to B.speaks of C.focuses on es to 答案 D 解析 when it comes to 某事的情况.事情或问题时,refer to参考.提及,speak of说起,focus on注意.聚焦于. 查看更多



【小题1】They have been married ________ ten years.
【小题2】England is ________ European country.
【小题3】Lily is not a good girl ________ we forgive her because she is still so young.
【小题4】This plan ________(change) but no body told me about that.
【小题5】_______(know) that Joey is a selfish girl, we decided not to play with her again.
【小题6】Betty is ________(beautiful) than Jenny.
【小题7】I think _______ stupid that we will wait for her until 9 p.m..
【小题8】It is a pleasure _______ (help) others.
【小题9】This is the latest book _______(write) by Mo Yan.
【小题10】He broke the window _______ the stone.
【小题11】This is the factory ______ we worked last year.
【小题12】All of us know _____ has happened.
【小题13】Tom’s ________ (absent) made his father very angry.
【小题14】There are three boys making _______(annoy) noise around me.
【小题15】With their __________(encourage), I kept on working hard.


What’s On?

Macau Neighborhood Festival 2008

       Various celebratory activities will be hosted by the General Union of Neighbors Association of Macau from July 9 to 31 in celebration of the “Macau Neighborhood Festival”. A live performance and picture exhibition will be mounted (组织开展) on July 9. Visitors and local residents are welcome.

Time: 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm         Free admission

Venue: Courtyard of Lok Yeung Garden, Fai Chi Kei

Telephone enquiries: (853) 333 614

Lao Man Chau Photography Exhibition       2 to 9 Jul.

       Throughout his travels to various natural beauty cities, Lao Man Chau had plenty of opportunities to indulge(满足) his passion for painting, music, calligraphy (书法) and philosophy. He is to share the delights of photography in his seminar on July 2 at 3:30 pm. All are welcome to come and share the experience.

Opening hours: 11:00 am to 7:00 pm    Free admission

Venue: Millennium Gallery, Av. da Praia Grande, No. 599

Telephone enquires: (853) 557 672

Permanent Activity — San Kio Fair

       San Kio Fair is specially designed to offer entertainment, culture and shopping to visitors. Different stalls (摊位) will be set up outside the Lin Kai Temple to provide visitors with toys, garments and food. Cantonese Operas are held on Saturday and Sunday nights.

Time: 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm             Free admission

Venue: In front of Lin Kai Temple

Telephone enquires: (853) 324 622

4th Macau Pop Music Festival

       Major local music event Macau Pop Music Festival acts as a platform for bands and singers from Hong Kong and Macau to exchange musical genres (类型). This year, performers will stage two concerts in Sai Van Lake Square on July 16 at 7:30 pm and Macau Forum on July 23 at 8:30 pm.

Admission: MOP $80

Telephone enquires: (853) 9884 130, 9884 000

If you plan to leave Macau at 8:00 pm on July 9, how many activities can you take part in at most?

A. Four.     B. Three.           C. Two.       D. One.

The 4th Macau Pop Music Festival is different from the other three in that ______.

A. it requires admission charges

B. it lasts for more than one week

C. you can enjoy a performance there

D. you can go there in the evening

From the passage we can know that ______.

A. singers from different countries can take part in Macau Pop Music Festival

B. if you want to know more about the culture of Macau, you should go to Sai Van Lake Square

C. Lao Man Chau is a photographer of many talents

D. you can enjoy a live performance at Courtyard of Lok Yeung Garden from July 9 to 31

The main purpose of announcing the above is to give information about ______.

A. some bands and singers       B. some activities for July

C. a famous photographer       D. celebratory activities


Now I’m a senior high school student in Grade Two . I feel that school life is a little hard , just as my friends said . However , a hard life doesn’t have to mean a boring one at all .
School life is not just about studying and getting high marks . Getting involved in student clubs can be a unique and unforgettable experience .
Wang Tian enjoys Tuesday afternoons more than any other time of the week . Why ? Well , that’s when Wang and 47 other members of the DIY ( do it yourself ) club learn to make things such as rondo flowers ( 丝网花 ) and cross-stitch( 十字绣 ). Wang also knows how to knit scarves and make clay accessories( 小饰件 ). They even sell their products to raise money for poor students !
When Chen Mo started the High School , there was a drama club and a rock band , but no street dance club . So the girl started one . “Street dancing is dynamic and helps us relax and keep fit ,” Chen said . There are around 30 students in Chen’s club . They practice dance skills on Sundays . Sometimes they go to street dance performances in the city . “We watch , learn and make friends . People in this circle are actually very nice and sweet ,” she said .
There are dozens of clubs for me to choose from , such as basketball club or science club . But I love the translation club best . The 30 club members get together once a week . With the help of a volunteer teacher , I’ve learned the general principles of professional translation . It’s the first step to becoming a good translator . Besides ,after attending this club , my English has improved a lot .
I like my school life very much . And I believe whether a life is meaningful or not depends on the person who leads it .
【小题1】Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage ?

A. The members in the DIY club sell their products to raise money for the club .
B. There are more members in the DIY club than in the translation club .
C. Chen Mo joined the street dance club and played an important part in it .
D. The members of the translation club meet on Tuesday afternoon .
【小题2】 How many clubs are mentioned in the passage ?
A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8
【小题3】The underlined word dynamic in Paragraph 4 means __________.
A. energeticB. helpfulC. challengingD. attractive
【小题4】 If you want to improve your English , you’ll probably join the _______.
A. DIY clubB. science clubC. drama clubD.translation club
【小题5】We can infer that _____________.
A.the writer feels the new school life is hard
B.the writer’s friends feel the new school life is hard
C.the writer is pleased with his new school life
D.every student leads a meaningful life in the new school


Few laws are so effective that you can see results just days after they take effect. But in the nine days since the federal cigarette tax more than doubled—to $1. 01 per pack—smokers have jammed telephone “quit lines” across the country seeking to kick the habit.   

This is not a surprise to public health advocates. They’ve studied the effect of state tax increases for years, finding that smokers, especially teens, are price sensitive. Nor is it a shock to the industry, which fiercely fights every tax increase.  

The only wonder is that so many states insist on closing their ears to the message. Tobacco taxes improve public health, health, they raise money and most particularly, they deter people from taking up the habit as teens, which is when nearly all smokers are addicted. Yet the rate of taxation varies widely.   

In Manhattan, for instance, which has the highest tax in the nation, a pack of Marlboro Light Kings cost $10.06 at one drugstore Wednesday. Charleston, S, C., where the 7-cent-a-pack tax is the lowest in the nation. The price was $4. 78.  

The influence is obvious.   

In New York, high school smoking hit a new low in the latest surveys—13.8%, far below the national average. By comparison, 26% of high school students smoke in Kentucky, Other low-tax states have similarly depressing teen-smoking records.   

Hal Rogers, Representative from Kentucky, like those who are against high tobacco taxes, argues that the burden of the tax falls on low-income Americans “who choose to smoke.”  

That’s true, But there is more reason in keeping future generations of low-income workers from getting hooked in the first place, As for today’s adults, if the new tax drives them to quit, they will have more to spend on their families, cut their risk of cancer and heart disease and feel better.  

66 The text is mainly about___________.   

A. the price of cigarettes                       B. tie rate of teen smoking  

C. the effect of tobacco tax increase              D. the differences in tobacco tax rate  

67 What does the author think is a surprise?  

A. Teen smokers are price sensitive.  

B. Some states still keep the tobacco tax low.   

C.  Tobacco taxes improve public health.   

D.  Tobacco industry fiercely fights the tax rise.   

68. The underlined word "deter” in Paragraph 3 most probably means ______ .   

A. discarding    B. remove    C. benefit      D. free  

69. Rogers’ attitude towards the low-income smokers might be that of _____ .  

A. tolerance   B. unconcern    C. doubt   D. sympathy  

70. What can we learn from the last paragraph?  

A. The new tax will be beneficial in the long run.   

B. Low-income Americans are more likely to fall ill.  

C. Future generations will be hooked on smoking.   

D. Adults will depend more on their families.   


       New York: When the first plane struck 1 World Trade Center at 8:48 am on Tuesday, the people in 2 World Trade Center who saw the instant (瞬间的) damage to the other tower realized clearly what they, too, must do: get out fast.

       Katherine Ilachinsiki, who had been knocked off her chair by the blast (一阵)of heat exploding from the neighboring tower, was one of those. Despite her 70 years of age, Mrs Ilachinsiki, an architect working on the 91st floor of 2 World Trade Center, the south tower, went for the stairs. Twelve floors above her, Judy Wein, an executive (经理), cried sharply and set off too.

       But others up and down the 110 floors, many without seeing the damage across the way and thus unclear about what was happening, were not so sure. And the 18 minutes before the next plane would hit were ticking off.

       Most people had no idea about what was the best thing to do, formal announcements inside the south tower asked people to stay put, assuring them that the building was sound and the threat was limited to the other tower.

       Some left, others stayed. Some began to climb down and, when met with more announcements and other cautions (警告) to stop or return, went back up. The decisions made in those instants proved to be of great importance, because many who chose to stay were killed completely when the second plane crashed into the south tower.

       One of those caught in indecision (犹豫不决) was the executive at Fuji Bank USA.

       Richard Jacobs of Fuji Bank left the 79th floor with the other office workers, but on the 48th floor they heard the announcement that the situation was under control. Several got in the lifts and went back up, two minutes or so before the plane crashed into their floor.

       “I just don’t know what happened to them,” Mr Jacobs said.

From the passage, we know that the south tower was hit by the plane ________.

 A. at 8:30                           B. 18 minutes earlier than the north tower

C. at around 9:06                    D. at 8:48

The underlined words “stay put” means ________.

    A. stay in the building                B. leave at once

      C. put everything back and then leave    D. keep silent

Which floor was hit by the second plane?

A. The 91st floor    B. The 103rd floor     C. The 60th floor     D. The 79th floor

Fewer people would have died if       .

A. more announcements had been made     B. people hadn’t used the lifts

 C. the attack had happened on a weekend    D. the people had obeyed the office rules

