The lady blamed the naughty boy caught flowers in her garden and let him off. A.picking pick have picked be picking 答案 A 查看更多




A lady was going by ship from a city to another in America. On board she was with her baby boy and a maid. The maid was carrying  36  in her arms.

     37  the ship came near to the landing-place, it began to reduce speed. The maid walked to the side of the ship to  38 , when all at once the child sprang out of her arms, and  39  the water below. The swift stream carried it quickly away.

    The mother was  40  wild with grief and fear. The  41  began to lower a boat.  42  everyone could see that the child would be drowned before  43  could reach it. What was to be done?

    Hearing the cries of the mother, a gentleman who was reading in the ship came  44  forward and said, “Can you give me  45  the child has worn?”

    The maid gave him a tiny apron. The gentleman  46  a fine dog that stood near, looking up into his face. He pointed first  47  the apron, and then to the spot  48  the child had sunk.

     49  did the dog spring into the water. Soon the dog was seen far away with something in his  50  . More than one on board cried for  51  as the boat reached the dog and the sailors saved the child. Then the mother burst into tears and said to his owner, “Oh, sir, I  52  have this dog! I will give anything for the dog!” “I’m very  53  , madam, that Hector has been of service to you; but I couldn’t lose him for anything in the world,” the gentleman said. The dog  54  at his master’s feet, with a look that seemed to say, “No, master, nothing shall  55  us!”

36.A.the lady 

B. a dog

C. a bag

D. the child

37.A. While

B. As

C. Until

D. After

38.A. look at

B. look out     

C. look over

D. look up

39.A. fell behind

B. fell into

C. fell off

D. fell down

40.A. nearly

B. mainly

C. mostly

D. hardly

41.A. lady

B. maid

C. passenger

D. sailors

42.A. But

B. So

C. Then

D. Although

43.A. the lady

B. the dog

C. the maid

D. the boat

44.A. quickly

B. anxiously

C. suddenly

D. surprisingly

45.A. something

B. anything

C. everything

D. nothing

46.A. turned down

B. turned to

C. bent to

D. said to

47.A. in

B. to

C. out

D. down

48.A. that

B. what

C. where 

D. which

49.A. On the way

B. By this means

C. Out of question

D. In no time

50.A. mouth

B. hand

C. arm

D. leg

51.A. joy

B. help

C. surprise

D. sorrow

52.A. can

B. should

C. must

D. need

53.A. sorry

B. glad

C. grateful

D. sad

54.A. sit down

B. rushed out

C. moved around

D. lay down

55.A. save

B. bother

C. part

D. kill


A lady was going by ship from a city to another in America. On board she was with her baby boy and a maid. The maid was carrying  36  in her arms.

     37  the ship came near to the landing-place, it began to reduce speed. The maid walked to the side of the ship to  38 , when all at once the child sprang out of her arms, and  39  the water below. The swift stream carried it quickly away.

    The mother was  40  wild with grief and fear. The  41  began to lower a boat.  42  everyone could see that the child would be drowned before  43  could reach it. What was to be done?

    Hearing the cries of the mother, a gentleman who was reading in the ship came  44  forward and said, “Can you give me  45  the child has worn?”

    The maid gave him a tiny apron. The gentleman  46  a fine dog that stood near, looking up into his face. He pointed first  47  the apron, and then to the spot  48  the child had sunk.

     49  did the dog spring into the water. Soon the dog was seen far away with something in his  50  . More than one on board cried for  51  as the boat reached the dog and the sailors saved the child. Then the mother burst into tears and said to his owner, “Oh, sir, I  52  have this dog! I will give anything for the dog!” “I’m very  53  , madam, that Hector has been of service to you; but I couldn’t lose him for anything in the world,” the gentleman said. The dog  54  at his master’s feet, with a look that seemed to say, “No, master, nothing shall  55  us!”


36.A.the lady 

B. a dog


C. a bag


D. the child

37.A. While


B. As


C. Until


D. After


38.A. look at

B. look out     

C. look over

D. look up

39.A. fell behind

B. fell into

C. fell off

D. fell down

40.A. nearly

B. mainly

C. mostly

D. hardly

41.A. lady


B. maid


C. passenger

D. sailors

42.A. But


B. So


C. Then


D. Although

43.A. the lady

B. the dog

C. the maid

D. the boat

44.A. quickly

B. anxiously

C. suddenly

D. surprisingly

45.A. something

B. anything

C. everything

D. nothing

46.A. turned down

B. turned to

C. bent to

D. said to

47.A. in


B. to


C. out


D. down


48.A. that


B. what


C. where 


D. which


49.A. On the way

B. By this means

C. Out of question

D. In no time

50.A. mouth


B. hand


C. arm


D. leg


51.A. joy


B. help


C. surprise

D. sorrow

52.A. can


B. should

C. must


D. need


53.A. sorry


B. glad


C. grateful

D. sad


54.A. sit down

B. rushed out

C. moved around

D. lay down

55.A. save


B. bother

C. part


D. kill




  Andrea had never seen an old lady hitchhiking before.However, the weather and the coming darkness made her feel sorry for the lady.The old lady climbed in through the car door, and pushed her big brown shopping bag down under her feet.She said in almost a whisper,“Thank you, dear-I’m just going to Brockbourne.”

  Something in the way the lady spoke made Andrea uneasy about this strange hitchhiker.She didn’t know why, but she felt instinctively(直觉上)that there was something wrong, something…dangerous.But how could an old lady be dangerous?It was strange.

  Careful not to turn her head, Andrea looked sideways at her passenger.She studied the hat, the dirty collar of the dress, the shapeless body, the arms with their thick black hairs

  Thick black hairs?

  Hairy arms?Andrea’s blood froze.

  This wasn’t a woman.

  At first, she didn’t know what to do.Then suddenly, an idea came into her racing, terrified brain.Swinging the wheel suddenly, she threw the car into a skid(侧滑),and brought it to a stop.

  “My god!”she shouted,“A child!I think I hit her!”The“old lady”was clearly shaken by the sudden skid,“I didn’t see anything, dear,”she said.“I don’t think you hit anything.”

  “I am sure it was a child!”insisted Andrea.“Could you just get out and have a look?”She held her breath.Would her plan work?

  It did.The passenger slowly climbed out to have a look.Hardly was she out of the car, Andrea drove madly away, and soon she put a good three miles between herself and the awful hitchhiker.

  It was only then that she thought about the bag.Maybe the bag would provide some information about what she was.Pulling into the side of the road, Andrea opened the heavy bag curiously.

  It contained only one item-a small hand axe, with a sharp blade.The axe, and the inside of the bag, were covered with the dark red stains of dried blood.

  Andrea began to scream.


Andrea allowed the hitchhiker to take a ride in her car mainly because ________.

[  ]


she felt sorry for the lady


She was curious about the old lady


she had never seen an old lady hitchhiking before


something in the way the lady spoke attracted her


What made Andrea afraid when she looked at the old lady?

[  ]


She had a shapeless body.


She had a harsh voice.


She wore a dirty dress.


She had hairy arms.


Andrea suddenly stopped the car because ________.

[  ]


she thought she had hit a child on the road


she felt instinctively that there was something wrong


she wanted to trick the passenger into getting out


she couldn’t concentrated and nearly had a crash


According to the passage, it can be inferred that ________.

[  ]


Andrea regretted getting rid of the“old woman”


Andrea was afraid of blood


the“old woman”was probably a killer


Andrea would be charged with murder



 On Wednesday morning Lady Wyatt went to Hall's Department store to do some shopping and to meet a friend for lunchIn the ladies' Fashion Department she bought a hat and a bag and paid for themAs she was waiting for the lift to go up to the Rooftop Coffee lounge(休息室), she saw a silk blouse that she likedShe tried it on and decided to buy itShe looked around for a shopkeeper to pay but couldn't see anybodyThe lift came and as she was late for her appointment, she put the blouse with her other things and wanted to pay for it later on her way outUnfortunately, she forgot to pay and was stopped at the door by the store detective(侦探)who asked her to go to the manager's officeHe said she had stolen the blouseShe tried to explain, but the manager didn't believe her and called a policeman

(1) The woman went to the store to ________

[  ]

Adrink coffee upstairs

Bbuy something and then see a friend of hers

Chave lunch there

Dbuy a gift for her friend

(2) The Rooftop Coffee lounge is ________

[  ]

Anear the department store

Bon the first floor of the store

Cfar from the store

Don the top floor of the store

(3) The store detective stopped her because ________

[  ]

Ashe was stealing money

Bshe didn't pay for a silk blouse

Cshe paid less for a hat

Dher friend had stolen a hat and a bag from it

(4) What would happen at the end of the story?

[  ]

AThe manager didn't excuse the lady for what she had done until she explained

BThe detective took the lady to the police station

CThe police arrived when the store made a telephone call

DThe manager found that the lady had not wanted to steal the blouse

(5) It seems that the writer of this passage ________

[  ]

Afelt pity for the lady

Bthought the detective and the manager did right

Cspoke highly of the lady

Dliked the lady and hated the detective




  Our neighbour asked my daughter what she put on her cat to make him smell so good. “Maybe it's the perfume(香水) I use,”came the answer. “The cat sleeps with his nose against my neck, so some of the perfume must go off on him.”

  The next evening our neighbour was in a store when she noticed a familiar(熟悉的) fragrance (香味) in the air. Our neighbour liked shopping very much and always went to the same store. She asked the woman who had just walked by what perfume she was wearing. After learning the name, our neighbour said, over the heads of all in the crowded store, “It smells wonderful. My friend's cat wears it.”

1.The cat smelled good because ________.

[  ]

A.the writer's daughter put perfume on him

B.the cat slept with the girl

C.the cat liked the smell of the perfume

D.the cat wore the perfume

2.The word “wear” here means ________.

[  ] have something on the body become less useful make holes in something go slowly or to last long

3.Which of the following sentences does not keep to the topic (话题)?

[  ]

A.Something made the cat smell good.

B.It smells wonderful.

C.She liked shopping very much.

D.My friend's cat wears it.

4.What the neighbour said at the end of the passage means she wanted to ________.

[  ]

A.make fun of the lady
B.make fun of the perfume
C.sound funny
D.think highly of the perfume

