it的用法: ①.it指前面己经提到的人或事物 ②.模糊it: it指时间, 季节, 气候, 距离, 情况等 a. It is time for the meeting. b. It is Saturday today. c. It is fine today. d. It often rains in summer and it often snows in winter in this city. e. It is five kilometer from home to the school. f. It is well with you ? 你身体好吗? ③.it作形式主语: it作形式主语时, 真正的主语可以是动词不定式, 动名词或由that引导的主语从句.当句中的这些真正主语用词较多时, 常用it作形式主语, 而把真正的主语移到后面 a. It is a good habit to do morning exercise. b. It is no use learning without thinking. c. It is pity that you didn’t see such a good film. ④.it作形式宾语: it作形式宾语时, 真正的宾语可以是不定式, 动名词或that引导的宾语从句. 当宾语之后有宾补, 而作宾语的不定式或宾语从句用词较多时, 常用it作形式宾语, 而把真正的宾语移到后面 a. I find it easy to learn English well if in the right way. b. I consider it wrong that you stand too close to an Englishman. c. They want to make it clear that they are doing an important and necessary job. ⑤.it用于强调句型: It + is / was + 被强调的部分 + that / who + 其他 a. Professor Wang teaches us English every Monday afternoon. b. It is Professor Wang that / who teaches us English every Monday afternoon. c. It is us that / who Professor Wang teaches English every Monday afternoon. d. It is English that Professor Wang teaches us every Monday afternoon. e. It is every Monday afternoon that Professor teaches us English. 不定代词 查看更多




It's surprising that he should ask me such a difficult question.




It's no use crying over spilt milk.It做________主语。



We published it that we had won the football game.




You may find it exciting working here.It做形式________;指代________短语。



1.New furniture is too ________; we'll use the old pieces.

2.The railroad connects two cities, ________, New York and Chicago.

3.He surrounds himself with attractive, ________, or well-known people.

4.The steam engine is a ________ invention.It marks the coming of a new era.

