9.B 句意为:你在作文中犯了几个错误.但总的来说.写得很好.A.首先.最重要的是,B.总的说来.大体上,C.另一方面,D.迄今为止. 查看更多







76. Workers built _________(避身处)for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.

77. If you continue to walk,the dog feels no threat and will not       (袭击)you.

78. We are         (关心)about each other and we’ll meet after class and talk then.

79. I’m _________(喜欢)of my sister but she has some serious shortcomings.

80. After g_________ from college, we finally got the chance to take a bike trip.       

81. She is very r_________ and I knew I didn’t need to encourage her.

82. I think they’ve finally made up their m        to spend next summer studying in Europe, rather than going to the USA.

83. As I lay b_______(在下面)the stars I thought about how far we had already traveled.

84. A_______ all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other.

85. Although many Americans move a lot,they still r_______ and understand each other’s dialects.

76.             77.            78.             79.            80.              

81.             82.             83.            84.            85.            




Would you like something ________ ________?


B) 根据句意填入单词(共10个空格;每空格1分,满分10分)

81. Sorry to i           you but can you tell me the time?

82. We can all leave together — a          that the others aren’t late.

83. We don’t know whether the necklace was well _________ (保存) .

84. The students __________ (鼓掌欢迎) the boy student’s brilliant answer in my class the other day.

85. Can you __________ (加速) your walk to the office?

86. I didn’t recognize him because he was in d________.

87. I’m not familiar with that guy and I just have a nodding         (acquaint) with him.

88. Professor Higgins believed that “People b_______ their status every time they open their mouths”

89. No team which entered the final games of the World Cup should be __________ (低估).

90. His excuse for his absence from the meeting is _________ (accept) because there is no sign of traffic jams today.



B) 根据句意填入单词(共10个空格;每空格1分,满分10分)

81. Sorry to i           you but can you tell me the time?

82. We can all leave together — a           that the others aren’t late.

83. We don’t know whether the necklace was well _________ (保存) .

84. The students __________ (鼓掌欢迎) the boy student’s brilliant answer in my class the other day.

85. Can you __________ (加速) your walk to the office?

86. I didn’t recognize him because he was in d________.

87. I’m not familiar with that guy and I just have a nodding         (acquaint) with him.

88. Professor Higgins believed that “People b_______ their status every time they open their mouths”

89. No team which entered the final games of the World Cup should be __________ (低估).

90. His excuse for his absence from the meeting is _________ (accept) because there is no sign of traffic jams today.

