一般先答复对方的问题.然后再谈自己想要说的话. 查看更多






1.What can we learn about the man ?

A. He has been on the warship before .  B. He is satisfied with the service on the ship .

C. It is the first time he had been abroad .

2.What is the woman most concerned about ?

A. Hot weather.  B. The traffic.  C. Catching the bus .

3.How long did the American teacher travel in Asia ?

A. Six days .  B. Eight days .  C. Twelve days .

4.What has the woman been doing ?

A. Cooking.  B. Reading .  C. Looking for someone . 

5.Why does the woman want to find John?

A. Because John is missing .    B. Because the supervisor wants to see him .

C. Because the woman needs John’s help in a meeting .

第二节(共l 5小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6.Where does the man get through ?

A. The computer centre .  B. The English Testing center .  

C. The self-access language centre .

7.How could the man get operator if he was on the campus ?

A. By dialing “9” .   B. By dialing “114” .  C .By dialing “0” .

8.What can we learn from the conversation ?

A. Marin is in the language centre .  B. The man wants to call computer centre . 

C. The man will dial the same number again.


9.What are the two speakers talking ?

A. Watching a football game . B. Going out to dinner tonight. 

C. Getting ready to play a game .

10.What would prevent the woman from seeing the game ?

A. Car trouble .  B. Studying for an exam .  C. A dinner.

11.Where will the man be sitting ?

A. In Section C .   B. In section B.   C. Behind the benches .


12.What is the cause of the air pollution according to the man ?

A. Cars.   B. People.   C. Factories .

13.Why doesn’t the woman dislike the man driving to school ?

A. Because of the pollution and inadequate exercise.  

B. Because of the pollution and high cost.

C. Because of her inconvenience and pollution.

14.How will the man go to school today ?

A. By car.  B. By bus.  C. On foot .


15.When did the man take the last checkup?

A. 6 months ago.  B. 1 year ago .  C. 3 months ago .

16.What can we learn about the man ?

A. He has got the wrong medicine .  B. He needs to be hospitalized . 

C. He gets stressed with the work .

17.What does the woman prescribe for the man in the end ?

A. A flu shot and some vitamins .  B. Some throat tablets and vitamins.

C. A transfusion and some tablets .


18.What’s the function of a good memory?

A. Helping a person to learn a language .  B. Helping Dickens to go shopping.

C. A great help in taking pictures .

19.What is special about Charles Dickens according to the talk?

A. He can easily remember directions in London . 

B. He can easily remember shop names in London .

C. He can easily remember the road names in London .

20.What does “Memory is the diary that we all carry about wit us ” suggest?

A. We can’t learn things by heart without the diary.

B. Memory is important for us to keep .

C. Everything around us makes an impression on our minds .






1.What time is it now?

A. 4:00.                    B. 4: 10.                    C. 4:30.

2.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In a bank.                B. In a street.               C. On a bus.

3.What exam does the man have to take?

A. Physics.                 B. Math.                  C. History.

4.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Waiter and customer.     B. Policeman and driver.    C. Teacher and student.

5.Why does the woman want to change the skirt?

A. Because it is too small.   B. Because it is too big.     C. Because it's of poor quality.

第二节(共l 5小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6.What language is the man learning?

A. French.                  B. Japanese.                C. Chinese.

7.What does the woman advise the man to do?

A. Spend more iime.         B. Practise with her.        C. Make more efforts.


8.Where is Mr. Wang now?

A. In the office.             B. In the street.            C. In the cafeteria.

9.What is the meeting about?

A. Products preparation.      B. Foreign exchange.        C. Sales strategies.

听第8段材料,回答第l 0至l 2题。

10.What degree is the woman studying to get?

A. A doctor' s degree       B. A master's degree.      C. A bachelor's degree.

11.In what field has the woman got a degree?

A. Biochemistry.           B. Physics.                C. Chemistry.

12.What can we know from the dialogue?

A. The woman has failed to get any scholarship.

B. The man shows some interest in biochemistry.

C. The woman has a plan for her future career.

听第9段材料,回答第l 3至1 6题。

13.What kind of house is the woman looking for7

A. A large one.             B. A cheap one.            C. A small one.

14.Why does the woman need so many bedrooms?

A. Because she has a vet7 big family.     B. Because she often has visitors on weekends.

C. Because she likes rooms of different styles.

15.How does the woman choose to stay in different bedrooms?

A. According to her mood.             B. According to the weather.

C. According to the season.

16.What can you learn about the woman?

A. She might be a good gardener.      B. She might be a good designer.

C. She might be a good cook.

听第10段材料,回答第l 7至20题。

17.How long do some uni versities require foreign students to stay in the dornlitory?

A. At least one year.         B. At least one year.       C. At least two years.

18.Why do students choose to live in the dormitory?

A. Because it is more comfortable.        B. Because it is less expensive.

C. Because it is more convenient.

19.What can we learn from the report?

A. Not all the males and females can share the same noor.

B. Not all the males and females can share the same room.

C. Not all the males and females can share the same bathroom.

20.Who is Edward Spencer?

A. President for student affairs.     B. President for Virginia Tech.

C. President for Student Union.




梵  高

张  炜













下列对文章的理解有误的两项是:(     )











Today’ s English learner has a wide choice of dictionaries. There are ______36 with AmericanEnglish, with British English, with idioms or slang, and 37 with pictures. One of the most 38______dictionaries I have seen among many students is the 39______ electronic dictionary. All you have to do is to ______40 a word in your language and you can see it and 41______ it in English. That* s great, right? Well, I think it* s great, too…but only sometimes.

Bilingual electronic dictiooaries are fast and ______42 . They can be great 43 you are traveling and need information quickly. 44______ I am against electronic dictionaries and even bilingual 45______dictionaries in many cases. Let me explain.

When you reach an intermediate(中等的)level of English, you know 46 ______of the language to ask the meaning of certain things while using English. Translating between languages in your head ______47 time. You should be translating as little as possible and 48 ______in English as much as possible. I strongly recommend that intermediate and advanced students should 49 ______an English-English dictionary that is made ______50 for your understanding. For example,Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press has good dictionaries for students and 51______ publishing houses do, too.

I also feel that paper dictionaries are better for studying than electronic dictionaries. True, they take longer to use. But, for some reason, the information you______ 52 seems to stay in your head longer. It may be______ 53 you are forced to spell the word in your head and therefore "see it" more clearly in your ______54 .

So what do you do if you have checked an English - English dictionary and still don ’ t understand something? Go to your bilingual dictionary. It is useful sometimes. Just remember to

try to  ___55 in English a  s much as   possible.              

   A.  dictionaries    B.  books   C.  magazines   D.  papers

   A.  still   B.  even    C.  yet D.  just

   A.  interesting B.  useful  C.  expensive   D.  popular

   A.  saying  B.  talking C.  speaking    D.  telling

   A.  take down   B.  get across  C.  type in D.  say out

   A.  observe B.  feel    C.  hear    D.  say

   A.  difficult   B.  vital   C.  helpful D.  easy

   A.  when    B.  as  C.  after   D.  before

   A.  So  B.  And C.  But D.  While

   A.  plastic B.  paper   C.  electric    D.  visual

   A.  enough  B.  little  C.  most    D.  few

   A.  spends  B.  costs   C.  takes   D.  invests

   A.  writing B.  typing  C.  thinking    D.  reflecting

   A.  borrow B.  buy C.  keep    D.  Use

   A.  especially  B. specially    C.  generally   D.  extremely

A. another B. other    C.  the other   D.  others

   A.  refer to    B. check in C.  look up D.  put in

   A.  why B. because  C.  when    D.  where

   A.  mind    B. ears C.  eyes    D.  heart

.  A.  speak   B. stay C.  save    D.  remember



A former high school teacher who fled his classroom during the massive May 12 earthquake in southwest China has a new job here in a private training school.

     Fan Meizhong has a two-year contract with Keyfind Education School in the Haidian District, school spokesman Zhang Wenbin told Xinhua on Wednesday.

     The former Chinese language teacher from a private high school in earthquake-hit Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province, was nicknamed “running Fan” by netizens (网民) after he left his students behind and escaped the classroom as the 8.0-magnitude earthquake struck.

     Fan’s behavior became a controversial object, and he was later fired.

     Zhang said, however, that Fan had been hired for his extensive teaching experience and talent. At Keyfind, he’ll conduct research on developing students’ potential and raising their interest in learning. He’ll also give some lectures, according to Zhang.

     “Fan, as a person, also needs to live,” Zhang said. “We hope the media will be tolerant about Fan and give him some living space. Whether he was wrong or right in his running behavior, we only want to make use of his talent.”

     He said the school had not decided what to do next about Fan’s job.


1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点;

2. 然后以约120个词就“范美忠再被聘为教师”为主题发表你的看法,并包括下列要点:








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