A university is an educational institution which degrees and carries out research. A. rewards B. awards C. grants D. presents [答案] B. awards. [注释]awards sb. sth. 授于某人某物.如:They awarded John the first prize. 对比:reward sb with sth. 以某物酬谢某人, 须加介词with; They rewarded the boy with $5 for bringing back the lost dog. (他们给这男孩5美元酬谢他把丢失的狗找回来.) grant (=consent to give or allow what is asked for) 同意 :The firm granted him a pension. (公司同意给予他退休金.) present sb. with sth. 赠送:Our class presented the school with a picture. (我们班给学校送了一幅画.) present 颁发, 呈递:1) The principal will present the diplomas. We shall present a complete report to the Annual Conference. (我们将向年会递交一份全面的报告.) 本题句意是:大学是授予学位和进行研究的教育机构.可见, 本题应选award. 查看更多



A university is an educational institution which _____ degrees and carries out research.

A. rewards                 B. awards                         C. grants            D. presents


A university is an educational institution which _____ degrees and carries out research.

   A. rewards    B. awards    C. grants    D. presents


A university is an educational institution which _____ degrees and carries out research.

   A. rewards    B. awards    C. grants    D. presents


A university is an educational institution which ____ degrees and carries out research.

[     ]

A. rewards
B. awards
C. grants
D. prize


.A university is an educational institution which _____ degrees and carries out research.

   A. rewards    B. awards    C. grants    D. presents

