A and B. so C but D for 查看更多




For the past six weeks I have been having online writing classes. I had never taken an online class before, so I did not know what to expect. Now I am about halfway through the courses, and I am doing three courses, where I am practicing writing.

These creative writing classes have been somewhat similar to those I took in a middle school. There are weekly readings where we have to discuss our thoughts, and we comment on each other’s work. But there are some differences. In my middle school, I had one novel writing class where we all sat in a circle twice a week and discussed each other’s work. Each person had a copy of the story but the author of the story was always anonymous(匿名的). This allowed people to give honest opinions since there was no face to connect the story to.

The creative article course is held in a computer lab and all of our work is done online. Every week, two people read their stories aloud to the class, and then we spend a few minutes discussing them, and then post comments on the online discussion board. Still, the main benefit of an online class is that I can choose when to turn in my homework. This allows me to choose how to manage my time.

 I think taking three creative writing courses at one time may have been a little too ambitious, but I am studying a variety of writing styles and I think I am becoming a better writer for it.

73. How long do the online writing classes that the author is taking last for in total?

A. About twelve weeks.               B. About two months.

C. About six months.                  D. About six weeks

74. What do the author’s online classes and school classes have in common?

A. Students have classes in a computer lab.

B. Students sit in a circle twice a week.

C. Students write novels every day.

D. Students discuss their reading every week.

75. Why was the author of the story anonymous during the discussion?

A. Because students didn’t want their work popular.

B. Because in this way students could express their real ideas freely.

C. Because students didn’t know each other at all.

D. Because it took students less time to finish the discussion.

76. What is the main advantage of taking online writing classes?

A. Students needn’t have face-to-face talks.

B. Students can hand in their homework late.

C. Students can arrange their time as their like.

D. Students needn’t do any homework.



For many of us, printed books are satisfying in ways beyond the words they contain. Billions of printed books have been published, read and saved in the 600 years since movable type was invented, so why mess with a good things?

       Sony Electronics is doing just that, betting that readers will be won over by the convenience of readability of its new electronic book devices. Sony's reader, the PRS-505, can hold 160 books in its fixed memory, enough to line the shelves on a good-sized wall in the average American home. The $299 device is about the size of a paperback book, but a half-inch thick and weighs less than a pound.

The Sony book reader is revolutionary not only in its storage capacity. The font(字体) is highly readable and adjustable by size. Unlike laptop computers, you can put the Sony in your purse, read it in direct sunlight and even bookmark the pages. And you can connect it to your PC to download books.

Surprisingly, though the reader has liberated the book from paper, electronic books aren't always a bargain. For example, David Baldacci's "Stone Cold" download retails(零售) for $15.19 at the Sony site, while Amazon(卓越网) will deliver a hard copy to your mailbox for $16.19.

The Sony reader also lets you store and play or display music. So what's not to like about the Sony? Well, for many bibliophiles, they like to have, hold and keep their volumes, which don't need charging. You can write notes in the margins, and enjoy the ambience they provide on your book shelves.

The need for electronic reading devices is likely to grow as more people worried about the billions of tons of paper used for printed material. Many believe the time will come when devices like the Sony reader are as common as printed newspapers and magazines today.

68.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. The age of the electronic book reader is coming

B. Printed books are out of date

C. The Sony reader meets many readers’ needs

D. The revolution in book readers

69.According to the passage, the Sony book reader _________.

A. is as light as a laptop computer               B. can hold more than 200 books

C. is convenient to carry around                  D. cannot be connected to a PC

70.What is the author’s point when he mentions “Stone Cold”?

A. Amazon’s printed books are very cheap

B. “Stone Cold” can be got from the Sony site and Amazon

C. The Sony book reader is not very cheap to use

D. The Sony book reader can benefit its buyers a lot

71.According to the author, what’s the future for the electronic reading devices?

A. They’ll replace printed newspapers and magazines

B. They’ll still be more expensive than printed newspapers

C. They’ll become a must in people’s daily life

D. They’ll become more popular as time goes on


A mum saved her daughter’s life with her newly learned first aid skills. Sonya Hall, 33, of Denny Avenue, Lancaster, had only just attended one first aid class the day before when she found herself needing to use the skills on her three year old daughter Tilly.
Sonya, who also has son Emmen, six, attended the first aid course at Lune Park Children’s Centre in Lancaster. Then she was faced with every parent’s worst nightmare when Tilly went blue in the face and stopped breathing. But thanks to her newly acquired skills, Sonya saved Tilly’s life.
Sonya said: “Tilly was playing with her brother and they were fighting over a toy. Emmen won the fight. Tilly fell backwards and her head was hit. She was face down and shaking and at first I thought she was upset. But then I saw she was blue in the face and had stopped breathing. I reacted without thinking and immediately started using the first aid skills I had learned the day before which were so fresh in my mind. I began doing mouth-to-mouth and chest compressions (胸外按压). It probably took about a minute before Tilly started breathing again, but to me it felt like a lifetime.”
After getting Tilly breathing again, Sonya called an ambulance and the doctors came. Since then, Tilly has been diagnosed (诊断) with Reflex Anoxic Seizure (反射缺氧发作). Sonya said: “The seizure can happen when there’s any unexpected pain, fear or fright. It is just so lucky that the day before it happened, I had been practising first aid.”
The Empowering Parents First Aid course is run by Lancashire Adult Learning. Sonya said: “I am just so glad I did the course and learnt the first aid skills. I always feared I would not know what to do in a crisis situation, but luckily I had the knowledge and skills to deal with it.” 

  1. 1.

    What happened to Tilly?

    1. A.
      She was knocked down by her brother.
    2. B.
      She fell on the floor and hit her head.
    3. C.
      She was hit by a toy on the head and felt upset.
    4. D.
      She was hit by her brother and stopped breathing.
  2. 2.

    When Sonya found Tilly’s shaking, she thought her daughter must ______.

    1. A.
      be crying
    2. B.
      be very angry
    3. C.
      pretend to be hurt
    4. D.
      recognize her failure
  3. 3.

    When Sonya goes to the first aid class next time, she will feel ______.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    What would be the best title for the text?  

    1. A.
      The importance of first aid
    2. B.
      How to practise first aid
    3. C.
      Mum saves girl with first aid
    4. D.
      Mums should attend first aid courses


A gentle breeze blew through Jennifer's hair. The golden red sun was setting. She was on the beach, looking up at the fiery (火红的) ball. She was amazed by its color, deep red in the middle, softly fading into yellow. She could hear nothing but the waves and the seagulls flying up above in the sky.    

The atmosphere relaxed her. After all she had been through, this was what she needed. "It's getting late," she thought, "I must go home. My parents will be wondering where I am."

She wondered how her parents would react, when she got home after the three days she was missing. She kept on walking, directing herself where she spent every summer holiday. The road was deserted. She walked slowly and silently. Just in a few hundred meters she would have been safe in her house.

It was really getting dark now. The sun had set a few minutes before and it was getting cold too. She wished she had her favorite sweater on: it kept her really warm. She imagined having it with her. This thought disappeared when she finally saw her front door. It seemed different. Nobody had taken care of the outside garden for a few days. She was shocked: her father was usually so strict about keeping everything clean and tidy, and now... It all seemed deserted. She couldn't understand what was going on.    

She entered the house. First, she went into the kitchen where she saw a note written by her father. It said: "Dear Ellen, there is some coffee ready. I went looking." Ellen was her mother but-where was she? On the right side of the hallway was her parents' room. She went in. Then she saw her. Her mother, lying on the bed, was sleeping. Her face looked so tired, as if she hadn't slept for days. She was really pale. Jennifer would have wanted to wake her up but she looked too tired. So Jennifer just fell asleep beside her. When Jennifer woke up, something was different-she wasn't in her mother's room and she wasn't wearing the old clothes she ran away in. She was in her cozy bed in her pajamas.     

It felt so good being back home. Suddenly she heard a voice, "Are you feeling better now, dear? You know you got us very, very scared."

Three days later Jennifer came back home      .

A. at sunrise         B. at sunset      C. at night              D. at midday

What does the underlined phrase "This thought" most probably mean?

A. The idea of going back home.           

B. Her anxiety about her parents.     

C. The feeling of being warm in her favorite sweater.     

D. The feeling of getting back home safely.

Her father didn't take care of the garden because      .

A. he was busy looking for her   

B. he had to look after his wife

C. he was not strict with his job        

D. he no longer enjoyed working in the garden

What can we infer from this passage?

A. In fact Jennifer's mother had been sick for days.     

B. As Jennifer walked towards home, she became increasingly scared.     

C. When she found the garden deserted, she realized she was wrong.     

D. Having experienced a lot outside, Jennifer felt home was safest for her.


For years we have been told that encouraging a child’s self-respect is important to his or her success in life. But child experts are now learning that too much praise can lead to the opposite effect. Praise-sholic kids  who expect it at every turn may become teens who seek to same kind of approval from friends when asked if they want to go in the backseat of the car.

The implication(含义) of saying “You are the prettiest girl in class,” or talking about the goals she succeed but not her overall effort, is that you love her only when she looks the best, scores she highest, achieves the most. And this carries over to the classroom.

Social psychologist Carrol Dweck, PhD, tested the effects of overpraise on 400 fifth graders while she was at Columbia University. She found that kids praised for “trying hard” did better on tests and were more likely to take on difficult assignments than those praised for being “smart”.

“Praising attributes(品质) or abilities makes a false promise that success will come to you because you have that quality, and it devalues effort, so children are afraid to take on challenges, ” says Dweck, now at Stanford University, “They figure they’s better quit while they’re ahead.”

The underlined words “Praise-sholic kids” refers to kids who are ______.

   A. tired of being praised             B. worthy of being praised

   C. very proud of being praised        D. extremely fond of being praised

The author quoted(引用) Dr. Dweck’s words in the last paragraph in order to make the article


A. better-known      B. better-organized    C. more percussive   D. more interesting

We can infer from the passage that _____.

   A. praise for efforts should be more encouraged

   B. praise for results works better than praise for efforts

   C. praising a child’s achievements benefits his or her success in life

   D. praising a child’s abilities encourage him or her to take on challenges

