A suggested B. thought C. questioned D. found 查看更多



“I don’t believe in Santa Claus!” Trogmire announced.
Tremor looked shocked. “Why not?” he asked.
“Because he never leaves me any gifts at all,” Trogmire growled.
Tremor thought about the evidence for a few seconds. “Maybe,” he suggested, “it’s because when Santa checked his list, your name wasn’t in the ‘nice’ column.”
“So, he could at least bring me a lump of coal!” Trogmire replied. “And,” he went on, “Troubled doesn’t believe in Santa, either.”
“Right,” Tremor said, “because he saw his parents putting the ‘From Santa’ presents under the tree. But I know the truth about that. My mother found out from Troubled’s mother. When Troubled’s parents got an e-mail from Santa, saying that he would never bring Troubled another gift, they didn’t want to tell him the truth. So now they buy presents and pretend they’re from Santa.”
“What did Troubled do to get Santa so mad?” Trogmire questioned.
“I think it had something to do with the time he put glue paper all over the living room floor on Christmas Eve, and left a sign that said, ‘Trapped like a rat!’ hanging over the fireplace.” said Tremor.
“I guess Santa doesn’t have a sense of humour,” sighed Trogmire. “Well, at least I’m not the only one who Santa scratched off his name list.”
【小题1】Why doesn’t Santa leave presents for Trogmire or Troubled?

A.Their parents won’t let him leave gifts.B.He can’t find their homes.
C.He often forgets their names.D.They have behaved badly.
【小题2】Trogmire and Troubled don’t believe in Santa because ________.
A.Santa has no sense of humorB.Santa doesn’t give them anything
C.they are too naughty to believeD.Tremor convinced them he wasn’t real
【小题3】Troubled’s parents never ________.
A.told him about the message from SantaB.loved him very much
C.cared about how he behavedD.bought him anything
【小题4】Trogmire’s last comment could be an example of the saying _______.
A.Misery(苦难,不幸) loves company B.Easy come, easy go
C.Beauty is only skin deepD.Love me, love my dog


“I don’t believe in Santa Claus!” Trogmire announced.

Tremor looked shocked. “Why not?” he asked.

“Because he never leaves me any gifts at all,” Trogmire growled.

Tremor thought about the evidence for a few seconds. “Maybe,” he suggested, “it’s because when Santa checked his list, your name wasn’t in the ‘nice’ column.”

“So, he could at least bring me a lump of coal!” Trogmire replied. “And,” he went on, “Troubled doesn’t believe in Santa, either.”

“Right,” Tremor said, “because he saw his parents putting the ‘From Santa’ presents under the tree. But I know the truth about that. My mother found out from Troubled’s mother. When Troubled’s parents got an e-mail from Santa, saying that he would never bring Troubled another gift, they didn’t want to tell him the truth. So now they buy presents and pretend they’re from Santa.”

“What did Troubled do to get Santa so mad?” Trogmire questioned.

“I think it had something to do with the time he put glue paper all over the living room floor on Christmas Eve, and left a sign that said, ‘Trapped like a rat!’ hanging over the fireplace.” said Tremor.

“I guess Santa doesn’t have a sense of humour,” sighed Trogmire. “Well, at least I’m not the only one who Santa scratched off his name list.”

1.Why doesn’t Santa leave presents for Trogmire or Troubled?

    A.Their parents won’t let him leave gifts.          B.He can’t find their homes.

    C.He often forgets their names.    D.They have behaved badly.

2.Trogmire and Troubled don’t believe in Santa because ________.

    A.Santa has no sense of humor      B.Santa doesn’t give them anything

    C.they are too naughty to believe  D.Tremor convinced them he wasn’t real

3.Troubled’s parents never ________.

    A.told him about the message from Santa              B.loved him very much

    C.cared about how he behaved                   D.bought him anything

4.Trogmire’s last comment could be an example of the saying _______.

    A.Misery(苦难,不幸) loves company        B.Easy come, easy go

    C.Beauty is only skin deep             D.Love me, love my dog




  “I don’t believe in Santa Claus!”Trogmire Troll announced.

  Tremor Troll looked shocked.“Why not?”he asked.

  “Because he never leaves me any gifts at all,”Trogmire growled.

  Tremor thought about the evidence for a few seconds.“Maybe,”he suggested, “it’s because when Santa checked his list, your name wasn’t in the ‘nice’ column.”

  “So, he could at least bring me a lump of coal!”Trogmire replied.“And,”he went on,“Troubled Troll doesn’t believe in Santa, either.”

  “Right,”Tremor said,“because he saw his parents putting the ‘From Santa’ presents under the tree.But I know the truth about that.My mother found out from Troubled’s mother.When Troubled’s parents got an e-mail from Santa, saying that he would never bring Troubled another gift, they didn’t want to tell him the truth.So now they buy presents and pretend they’re from Santa.”

  “What did Troubled do to get Santa so mad?”Trogmire questioned.

  “I think it had something to do with the time he put glue paper all over the living room floor on Christmas Eve, and left a sign that said, ‘Trapped like a rat!’ hanging over the fireplace.”said Tremor.

  “I guess Santa doesn’t have a sense of humour,”sighed Trogmire.“Well, at least I’m not the only one who Santa scratched off his name list.”


Why doesn’t Santa leave presents for Trogmire or Troubled?

[  ]


They have behaved badly.


He can’t find their homes.


He often forgets their names.


Their parents won’t let him leave gifts.


Trogmire and Troubled don’t believe in Santa because ________.

[  ]


Santa has no sense of humor


they are too naughty to believe


Santa doesn’t give them anything


Tremor convinced them he wasn’t real


Troubled’s parents never ________.

[  ]


bought him anything


loved him very much


cared about how he behaved


told him about the message from Santa


Tromire and Santa probably have different ideas about what’s ________.

[  ]




the proper way to do things


easy to do


the proper way to address an e-mail


Trogmire’s last comment could be an example of the saying ________.

[  ]


Easy come, easy go


Misery loves company


Beauty is only skin deep


One good turn deserves another



       Growing up, I had a scar on my face — a perfect arrow in the center of my cheek, pointing at my left eye. I 36 it when I was three, long before I knew that scars were a 37 thing, especially for a girl. I only knew that my scar brought me 38 and tenderness and candy. As I got older, I began to take 39in my scar, in part to stop people laughing at me, but mainly as a reaction to the thought that I should feel uncomfortable. It’s true. I was 40 the first couple of times someone pointed at my 41 and asked, “What’s that?” or called me “Scarface.” But the more I heard how 42 my scar was, the more I found myself liking it.

     When I turned fifteen, my parents — 43 the advice of a doctor — decided it was time to 44 on what was now a thick, shiny red scar.

    “But I don’t mind the scar, really,” I told my father as he 45 that I would have the operation during my summer vacation. And my friends, along with my boyfriend at the time, 46 as I did, that my scar was 47 and almost pretty in its own way. After so many years, it was a 48 of me. But my father said it was a deformity (畸形). I don’t know what 49 more that day: hearing my father call my scar a deformity, 50 realizing that it didn’t 51 to him how I felt about it.

     I did have the operation that summer.

       In my late twenties, I took a long look at my scar, something I hadn’t done in years. 52, it could be seen in the right light, but no one 53 me about it anymore. As I leaned uneasily toward the mirror, I felt a sudden 54.

   There was something powerful about my scar and the proud person I 55 because of it. I have never been quite so strong since they cut it out.

A. got           B. remained      C. kept       D. drew

A. good       B. bad      C. strange     D. funny

A. trouble     B. shame       C. attention    D. reward

A. pride        B. place     C. care         D. blame

A. uncomfortable        B. proud      C. pleased      D. disappointed

A. head        B. cheek       C. mouth         D. nose

A. long       B. unfortunate C. beautiful     D. unbelievable

A. in         B. for         C. against         D. on

A. operate              B. talk             C. remove      D. center

A. suggested        B. explained    C. told        D. ordered

A. felt                 B. acted      C. did         D. hoped

A. unlucky         B. ugly            C. unique    D. necessary

A. part           B. problem     C. memory     D. dream

A. interested         B. encouraged C. hurt       D. surprised

A. and           B. or         C. so          D. but

A. mind           B. occur             C. concern      D. matter

A. Still                B. Though    C. Thus        D. Also

A. cared         B. asked        C. questioned  D. mentioned

A. happiness        B. satisfaction   C. sadness       D. shock

A. respected     B. knew      C. met          D. became


Growing up, I had a scar on my face — a perfect arrow in the center of my cheek, pointing at my left eye. I 36 it when I was three, long before I knew that scars were a 37 thing, especially for a girl. I only knew that my scar brought me 38 and tenderness and candy. As I got older, I began to take 39in my scar, in part to stop people laughing at me, but mainly as a reaction to the thought that I should feel uncomfortable. It’s true. I was 40 the first couple of times someone pointed at my 41 and asked, “What’s that?” or called me “Scarface.” But the more I heard how 42 my scar was, the more I found myself liking it.
When I turned fifteen, my parents — 43 the advice of a doctor — decided it was time to 44 on what was now a thick, shiny red scar.
“But I don’t mind the scar, really,” I told my father as he 45 that I would have the operation during my summer vacation. And my friends, along with my boyfriend at the time, 46 as I did, that my scar was 47 and almost pretty in its own way. After so many years, it was a 48 of me. But my father said it was a deformity (畸形). I don’t know what 49 more that day: hearing my father call my scar a deformity, 50 realizing that it didn’t 51 to him how I felt about it.
I did have the operation that summer.
In my late twenties, I took a long look at my scar, something I hadn’t done in years. 52, it could be seen in the right light, but no one 53 me about it anymore. As I leaned uneasily toward the mirror, I felt a sudden 54.
There was something powerful about my scar and the proud person I 55 because of it. I have never been quite so strong since they cut it out.
36. A. got              B. remained     C. kept      D. drew
37. A. good       B. bad     C. strange          D. funny
38. A. trouble     B. shame    C. attention    D. reward
39. A. pride      B. place     C. care        D. blame
40. A. uncomfortable            B. proud     C. pleased      D. disappointed
41. A. head      B. cheek      C. mouth       D. nose
42. A. long       B. unfortunate       C. beautiful     D. unbelievable
43. A. in         B. for         C. against        D. on
44. A. operate                 B. talk            C. remove      D. center
45. A. suggested      B. explained   C. told       D. ordered
46. A. felt                B. acted      C. did        D. hoped[来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K]
47. A. unlucky         B. ugly          C. unique    D. necessary
48. A. part         B. problem    C. memory     D. dream
49. A. interested       B. encouraged C. hurt      D. surprised
50. A. and          B. or         C. so       D. but
51. A. mind        B. occur            C. concern      D. matter
52. A. Still               B. Though    C. Thus      D. Also
53. A. cared         B. asked      C. questioned  D. mentioned
54. A. happiness      B. satisfaction   C. sadness      D. shock
55. A. respected     B. knew      C. met        D. became

