Many children s to death in Africa because of the lack of food. 查看更多



1. Many children s________________ to death in Africa because of the lack of food.

   2. You should stop your car in the _____________ ( 停车 ) lot instead of in the street.

   3. We all _____________ ( 钦佩 ) her for the way she saved the children from the fire.

   4. The __________( 起源 ) of some words are unknown.

   5. With plenty of rain and sunshine this summer, there will be a good __________( 收成) in autumn

   6. On his a _______________, he was greatly welcomed by his fans.

   7. He managed to save the d___________ girl, which was praised by many people.

   8. At the beginning of the year, farmers usually have a lot of a________work to do.

   9.I hope you will always be e________________ when having classes.

   10. Under the lead of our Party, we finally got i_____________ from the other countries.


Many children s________ to death in Africa because of the lack of food.


Many children s________________ to death in Africa because of the lack of food.




1. Many children s________________ to death in Africa because of the lack of food.

   2. You should stop your car in the _____________ ( 停车 ) lot instead of in the street.

   3. We all _____________ ( 钦佩 ) her for the way she saved the children from the fire.

   4. The __________( 起源 ) of some words are unknown.

   5. With plenty of rain and sunshine this summer, there will be a good __________( 收成) in autumn

   6. On his a _______________, he was greatly welcomed by his fans.

   7. He managed to save the d___________ girl, which was praised by many people.

   8. At the beginning of the year, farmers usually have a lot of a________work to do.

   9.I hope you will always be e________________ when having classes.

   10. Under the lead of our Party, we finally got i_____________ from the other countries.


Many children s________________ to death in Africa every year because of the lack of food.


