-Do you think we should accept that offer? -Yes. we should. for we such bad luck up till now. and time out. A.have had;is running B.had;is running C.have;has been run D.have had;has been run 答案 A 解析 句意为:--你认为我们应该接受那个提议吗?--是的.我们应该接受.因为迄今为止我们一直运气不好.而且时间就要用光了.因为有时间状语till now.所以第一个空应该用现在完成时态,根据句意.时间应是“就要用光.快用光了 .所以第二个空用现在进行时态.表示时间一点一滴地在流逝. 查看更多



At the age of 13,I visited a doctor with my parents. As I sat in the examining chair,the doctor looked into my  31 .“She did inherit (继承) it,”he said with coldness.“You need to be prepared. There is no  32  for this disease.”
My father  33 a gene which,in most cases,results in blindness. I’d inherited the gene. He gradually  34  his eyesight and so did I. At last we were both  35  blind—he was fifty-seven years old, 36  I was only twenty-eight.
My world  37  as the darkness fell, 38  the dreams my husband and I had for us and for our three little boys. But  39  I tried to find some hope and  40 ,my eyes were opened to a new realization.
My father had  41  me not just failing eyesight,but an example of  42  in the face of hardships as well. We were all living in Bolivia in 1964 when he decided to  43  the family to America. He worked tirelessly to  44 the right of living in the US.
Alone in the States,he  45  his helplessness and lack of fluency in English. He managed to rent a small apartment,and nine months later,sent airline tickets for my mom,my brother and me.
Decades later, 46 an American citizen,I look back at what he'd shown me. He set an example proving that determination is important to success. His  47  taught me valuable lessons for my own path in the darkness.
I did the same as I stepped into a  48  world. I fulfilled (完成) my own  49  as a wife,mom,Sunday school teacher and Spanish interpreter. What I inherited from my father helped me to 50  my life in a whole new light.

A.though B.butC.soD.since
A.broke downB.broke offC.broke awayD.broke out
A.handed B.rewardedC.givenD.taught
A.moveB.settle C.arrangeD.send
A.enjoy B.declareC.applyD.win
A.accepted B.admittedC.overcame D.met
A.as B.likeC.for D.to
A.knowledge B.journeyC.situation D.event
A.cruel B.inner C.modernD.dark
A.touch B.endC.saveD.see


The telephone rang in the police station at Richmond, California, USA. “Police station? A train for Santa FE collide(碰撞)with a(n) 31 at the McDonald Street Crossing. Please go there at once, with an ambulance too. A man is badly injured,” said a(n) 32 voice of a young woman.

“Just a minute, we’ll come 33 . Please stay there and wait,” answered the policeman.

Within a minute, a police car and an ambulance 34 . Soon they got to the 35 , but only to 36 everything was fine. No collision, no 37 man.

“What a dirty trick!” said the policeman 38 . “We must find out that mischievous(恶作剧的) 39 and. . . ”

They had not been able to say anything about a punishment 40 they heard the whistle of a train: the train was nearing them quickly. All 41 a sudden, a truck appeared. It came fast towards them, too.  42 it was passing the crossing, it suddenly refused to move on. Right then and there, before the eyes of all the people present, the train collided with the truck heavily and struck it 43 meters away.

When Randolph Bruce, the driver was 44 out of the damaged truck, he was 45 hurt just 46 the young woman had foretold on the phone. As he was taken to the 47 in time, he was saved at last.

Later the policemen did 48 they could to find the woman who had telephoned them, but 49 .

It is 50 that a prophecy(预言)should coincide(巧合)with the fact so exactly.

31. A. ambulance    B. truck    C. car     D. bus

32. A. anxious         B. sweet             C. gentle            D. low

33. A. fast            B. ahead             C. soon              D. later

34. A. went by        B. set off             C. got there           D. came on

35. A. telephone       B. street             C. station             D. crossing

36. A. feel            B. find              C. have              D. tell

37. A. injured         B. trapped            C. frightened         D. killed

38. A. happily         B. excitedly          C. angrily            D. disappointedly

39. A. man           B. policeman          C. woman           D. boy

40. A. until           B. since              C. while             D. when

41. A. at             B. of                C. by                D. for

42. A. When          B. Where            C. That              D. Which

43. A. dozen          B. dozens            C. dozen of           D. dozens of

44. A. raised          B. helped            C. pushed            D. forced

45. A. slightly         B. clearly            C. hardly            D. badly

46. A. as             B. so                C. before            D. for

47. A. police station    B. market            C. hospital           D. sidewalk

48. A. that            B. which             C. however          D. whatever

49. A. delayed         B. worked           C. stopped            D. failed

50. A. surprised        B. surprising         C. satisfied           D. satisfying



Everybody knows Charlie Chaplin,a world-famous funny actor.People 21have laughed at Charlie Chaplin’s films 22 tears run down their faces.From his very first 23 they know what will happen. The little man is always with black moustache,wide-open eyes,round black hat and ___24 too large for his feet.He’ll?25 ?through snow,and fall from windows.He’ll fight men who are twice his 26 ,fall in love with women,who 27 notice him and try to hug(拥抱)them.

The poor man that Charlie Chaplin 28 in dozens of films makes all kinds of stupid mistakes.He is always in 29 ,but he never 30 .He dreams of becoming a great man.Even people who 31 understand English can 32 Chaplin’s films,because they are mostly? 33___.It isn’t what he 34 that makes people laugh.His comedy(喜剧)doesn’t depend on words.It depends on little? 35 ?which mean the 36 thing to people all over the world.

Chaplin raises his thick eyebrows or rolls his eyes.He hides behind a fat lady or under a table to escape from his 37 .He dresses well and pretends to be a 38 and important man. It is all so hopeless and 39 that he makes us laugh.This is the 40 of Chaplin’s huge success.

21.A.here                       B.everywhere?     C.abroad                         D.who?

22.A.if                     B.once?          C.because                         D.until?

23.A.disappearance        B.appearance?     C.words                           D.emotions?

24.A.trousers                B.stocks?         C.shoes                            D.hands?

25.A.sleep                    B.sit?            C.play                             D.struggle?

26.A.length                  B.size?           C.greatness                      D.width ?

27.A.hardly                  B.deeply?         C.widely                         D.luckily

28.A.played                  B.recognized?     C.loved                               D.fooled?

29.A.joy                       B.excitement?     C.sorrow                          D.trouble?

30.A.comes down          B.gets away?      C.goes back                        D.gives up?

31.A.don’t                    B.can?           C.do                                D.may?

32.A.understand            B.watch?         C.enjoy                                   D.see?

33.A.frightening           B.silent?          C.pleasant                       D.moving?

34.A.plays                    B.acts      ?    C.expects                         D.says?

35.A.actions                 B.expressions ?  C.stories                          D.words?

36.A.some                    B.different?    C.same                                D.bitter?

37.A.enimies                B.own?        C.characters                         D.films?

38.A.poor                     B.sad             C.rich                                 D.beautiful?

39.A.possible                B.impossible ?   C.instructive                        D.tired?

40.A.way                            B.beginning?   C.theory                              D.secret?



The telephone rang in the police station at Richmond, California, USA. “Police station? A train for Santa FE collide(碰撞)with a(n) 31 at the McDonald Street Crossing. Please go there at once, with an ambulance too. A man is badly injured,” said a(n) 32 voice of a young woman.

“Just a minute, we’ll come 33 . Please stay there and wait,” answered the policeman.

Within a minute, a police car and an ambulance 34 . Soon they got to the 35 , but only to 36 everything was fine. No collision, no 37 man.

“What a dirty trick!” said the policeman 38 . “We must find out that mischievous(恶作剧的) 39 and.

They had not been able to say anything about a punishment 40 they heard the whistle of a train: the train was nearing them quickly. All 41 a sudden, a truck appeared. It came fast towards them, too.  42 it was passing the crossing, it suddenly refused to move on. Right then and there, before the eyes of all the people present, the train collided with the truck heavily and struck it 43 meters away.

When Randolph Bruce, the driver was 44 out of the damaged truck, he was 45 hurt just 46 the young woman had foretold on the phone. As he was taken to the 47 in time, he was saved at last.

Later the policemen did 48 they could to find the woman who had telephoned them, but 49 .

It is 50 that a prophecy(预言)should coincide(巧合)with the fact so exactly.


31. A. ambulance

B. truck

C. car

D. bus

32. A. anxious

B. sweet

C. gentle

D. low

33. A. fast

B. ahead

C. soon

D. later

34. A. went by

B. set off

C. got there

D. came on

35. A. telephone

B. street

C. station

D. crossing

36. A. feel

B. find

C. have

D. tell

37. A. injured

B. trapped

C. frightened

D. killed

38. A. happily

B. excitedly

C. angrily

D. disappointedly

39. A. man

B. policeman

C. woman

D. boy

40. A. until

B. since

C. while

D. when

41. A. at

B. of

C. by

D. for

42. A. When

B. Where

C. That

D. Which

43. A. dozen

B. dozens

C. dozen of

D. dozens of

44. A. raised

B. helped

C. pushed

D. forced

45. A. slightly

B. clearly

C. hardly

D. badly

46. A. as

B. so

C. before

D. for

47. A. police station

B. market

C. hospital

D. sidewalk

48. A. that

B. which

C. however

D. whatever

49. A. delayed

B. worked

C. stopped

D. failed

50. A. surprised

B. surprising

C. satisfied

D. satisfying


For most of the day construction worker Sidney Smith and his brother – in – law Joseph Chambers had been   21   along the banks of Lake Waco with little   22  . Chambers suggested they go home, but Smith  33  that there were still several hours of daylight  24  and there was one other place they might try a bit longer before  25 .

Smith drove his pickup(小货车)a couple of miles along the 26 road to get to the other side of the lake. This road, in the truest sense, was a path wagging in the heavy  27 area. Even with the sun still high in the cloudless sky, the  28 of trees formed a leafy 29 over the road and it suddenly seemed  30 in the evening.

“A guy could get lost and nobody would ever find him,” said Chambers.

Smith smiled, “We’re  31 there.” He said. A few seconds later, the smile was  32  from his face.

“What the hell is that?”

  He braked to a stop. Less than twenty feet away was what appeared to be a  33  .

  For several minutes the two men sat in the pickup  34 to decide whether they had happened to  35 someone’s bad practical joke or something far more serious. Smith with his brother-in-law got out of the pickup and  36 walked towards that thing some distance before them.

It was a young man who was already dead. They had got to tell  37 . Back into the pickup, Smith backed the pickup down the road  38 he could turn around, then  39 back. With the dead young man still on his mind, Smith felt as if he was going to be sick. God, how he 40  they had given up fishing and gone home early.

A.playing    B.boating       C.fishing          D.walking

A.failure        B.success   C.disappointment D.interest

A.quarreled  B.argued       C.reasoned       D.shouted

A.remaining  B.staying       C.keeping      D.leaving

A.starting off B.running out    C.sending away        D.giving up

A.winding   B.widening        C.leading     D.blocking

A.grassed   B.wooded    C.iced       D.snowed

A.trunks   B.shadow       C.shade     D.shape

A.hat    B.umbrella  C.sheet        D.overcoat

A.foggy   B.late     C.early   D.rainy

A.almost   B.already       C.only         D.fairly

A.escaped  B.lost     C.gone          D.missed

A.body   B.trap      C.pile       D.stream

A.talking   B.hoping    C.wanting      D.trying

A.come across B.turn out    C.bring about    D.make up

A.loudly   B.quietly    C.quickly     D.slowly

A.everybody  B.somebody  C.anybody    D.nobody

A.until    B.before     C.after       D.when

A.turned    B.ran     C.headed    D.walked

A.expected  B.hoped     C.wished     D.prayed

