With the help of high technology.more and more new substances in the past years. A.discovered B.have discovered C.had been discovered D.have been discovered 答案 D 解析 in/during the past years所在句子要用现在完成时态.substances是“被发现 .故用被动形式. 查看更多



Price list for Expo 2010 Tickets




Pre-sale Phase I 2009.03.02-2009.06.30

Pre-sale Phase II 2009.07.01-2009.12.31

Pre-sale Phase III 2010.01.01-2010.04.30

Pre-sale Phase 2010.05.01-2010.10.31

Peak Day

Single Day






Standard Day

Single Day






3-Day Admission



7-Day Admission


Evening Admission



Group Admission

For authorized travel agents only

Student Group Admission         

For authorized travel agents and education institutes only

Note: Peak Days include “Labor Day” Holiday(May 1-3, 2010), “National Day” Holiday(Oct.1-7, 2010), and the last week before the closing date (Oct.25-31, 2010).

Uni Sports Club Memberships

  Making the most out of the sports opportunities and facilities at Surrey has never been easier! With 4 membership packages available from UniSPRTS there will be something that suits you.It is up to you to decide what you are interested in and how often you will use the facilities.As Surrey student you will be eligible for a number of special membership deals allowing you to participate in sport, exercise or dance for an unbelievable price! All memberships are available throughout the year and can be purchased from the Sport Centre.

Student Gold Card £95

Membership includes;

Access to student club activities

Student sports club insurance

Unlimited use of the gym

Free fitness classes

Discounts on most dance and sport courses

Student Silver Card £85

Membership includes:

Unlimited use of the gym

Access to student club activities

Student sports club insurance

Student Bronze Card £75

Membership includes:

Access to student club activities

Student sports club insurance

Free sport workshops

Public Associate Sport Club £75

Membership includes:

Access to student club activities

Discounts on most sport courses

  You can join a sports club at any time of the year by adding a club membership to your existing UniSPORTS membership.Club membership is term-time only(30 weeks) and if brought after Christmas, is for 15 weeks and available at the reduced cost of £5.00.

1.If the Smiths hope to visit Shanghai Expo 2010 on May 2, how much will they pay to book 2 tickets on April 30?

  A.¥340     B.¥360     C.¥400    D.¥380

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to Chart I?

A.Student Group Admission is intended for education institutes only.

B.Different discounts are available for purchases made in different pre-sale phases

C.The price of Peak Day single-day admission is much lower than other types.

  D.Thy earlier, the higher the price of the Expo tickets is.

3.If you’d like a cheapest card with insurance included, you will choose.

A.student Gold Card       B.Student Bronze Card

  C.Student Silver Card      D.Public Associate Sports Club

4.We can learn from the second passage that    .

A.all the membership cards can be used for students to take part in club activities

B.Surrey is a company selling varieties of membership cards to students

C.Student Gold Card is the most difficult to apply for of all membership cards

D.all membership cards can only be purchased before Christmas





  I moved into the dormitory today-an ugly building and near a busy main road too.My room is small but quite pleasant.I must get some posters for the walls, though.I met a few fellow students at supper(the food was awful!)They all look much younger than me.They are, of course!


  Lectures began last Monday.So far they haven't been very interesting(except for the man who lectures on drama.He's first class).Personally, I'd much rather go to the library and read, but I have to attend ten lectures a week.Those are the "rules"!Well, at least you meet people there.


  I realiy don't like life in the dormitory at all.The food is bad and the students are noisy.They stay up half the night and play games just outside my room.When on earth do they sleep?When do they work?Besides, I don't like my room.It's just like living in a box!It looks even smaller now, with the posters on the wall.I am wondering how long it will he before I can feel as comfortable as I did living in my high school dormitory.


  I tried to explain some of my problems to my supervisor today.She listened-but that was about all."You have to go to lectures, you know, Ann, "she lold me.''And the dormitory is cheap and convenient.""Cheap and convenient"!Well.il isn't "cheap"if you can't eat the food and it isn't "convenient"if you can't sleep at night!


  I can't believe it!Three other students-I met them at a lecture and they' re all about my own age-have invited me to share a flat with them.It's in an old house and it has its own kitchen, so we can cook for ourselves.And my room-righy at the top of the house-is fantastic!


  I moved into my new room last Sunday.I feel really happy.Life is going to be so much more fun from now on!


The above writing is diary entries of ________

[  ]


a high school student's spring semester


a high school student's fall semester


a college student's spring semester


a college student's fall semester


Which of the following is NOT the reason why the writer disliked the first dormitory?

[  ]


It was messy.


It was small.


It was noisy.


The food was bad.


Which of the following statements about the writer's teachers and lectures is RIGHT?

[  ]


She benefited a lot from the talk with the supervisor.


She didn't like any of the lectures there.


She liked the lectures by the drama teacher.


She found all the lectures were interesting.


The event happening on Oct.30 can be thought of as a ________.

[  ]




turning point






The writer likes the new room very much because ________.

[  ]


she will have some seniors help with the studies


she won't have to bear terrible dormitory foods


she won't have to go a long way to attend lectures


she will pay less rent than she did living in the dorm



  New Annotated Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle


  Publication Date:30/11/2004

  Publisher's description

  Collects Doyle's fifty-six classic short stories, arranged in the order in which they appeared in the late nineteenth century book editions, in a set complemented(补充)by four novels, editor biographies of Doyle, Holmes, and Watson as well as literary and cultural details about Victorian society.

  Breaking Ground by Daniel Libeskind


  Publication Date:11/10/2004

  Brief introduction

  This is a book about the adventure life that can offer each of us if we seize it, and about the powerful forces of tragedy, memory and hope.For Daniel Libeskind, life's adventure has been through architecture, which he has found has the power to reshape human experience.Although often relating to the past, his buildings are about the future.This memoir(自传)of one man's journey brings together history, personal experience, our physical environment and a fresh international vision.

  In the Shadow of No Towers by Art Spiegelman


  Publication Date:02/09/2004

  Brief introduction

  On 11th September 2001, Art Spiegelman raced to the World Trade Center, not knowing if his daughter Nadja was living or dead.Once she was found safe-in her school at the foot of the burning towers-he returned home, to meditate(反省)on the trauma(创伤), and to work on a comic strip(连环漫画).In the Shadow of No Towers is New Yorker Art Spiegelman's extraordinary account of“the hijacking”on 9.11 and the following hijacking of those events' by America.

  Light on Snow by Anita Shreve


  Publication Date:07/10/2004

  Publisher's description

  This is the 11th novel by Anita Shreve, the critically accepted bestseller.A moving story of love and courage and tragedy and of the ways in which the human heart always seeks to heal itself.


Who is the writer of the book latest published among the four books?

[  ]


Arthur Conan Doyle.


Daniel Libeskind.


Art Spiegelman.


Anita Shreve.


If one would like to know something about cultural details about Victorian society, he or she may read ________.

[  ]


Light on Snow


In the Shadow of No Towers


Breaking Ground


New Annotated Sherlock Holmes


Of the four books listed above, there are two referring to tragedies.They are ________.

[  ]


Light on Snow & Breaking Ground


In the Shadow of No Towers & Breaking Ground


Light on Snow & In the Shadow of No Towers


New Annotated Sherlock Holmes & In the Shadow of No Towers


South Korean films

Beijing audience(观众) can view five new South Korean films, all with Chinese subtitles(中文字幕), until April 19 at the Tuixin Cinema (影院) on the Beijing National Library grounds.

Two other South Korean films completed their full runs(展出) at the Tuixin Cinema earlier this month.

Location:Tuixin Cinema, Beijing National Library, 39 Baishiqiao Road, Haidian District Telephone:86425566

  My love, My Bride

  April 15: 9: 00, 13: 00, 15: 30, 17:30, 19:30

  Kim's War

  April 16: 9:00, 13:00, 18:15

  Because You Are a Woman

  April 17:13:30, 18:15

  Marriage Story

  April 18:9:00, 13:30, 15:30, 18:15


  April 19:9:00, 13:30, 15:30, 17:30, 19:30

Leon's show

  Hong Kong pop star..Leon Lai will give a personal performance (演出,表演) at 7:30pm from tomorrow through to September 21 at the Shanghai Gymnasium(体操馆). The show is to celebrate(庆祝) the opening of the 93 Huangpu Tourism Festival.

  Tickets:60, 90, 120, 180 yuan RMB, available (有票) at 66 Jiangning Road.

  Address:Shanghai Gymnasium, 1111 Caixi Road N.

Tel:29189188, 29171145, 49384952, 29197113

Russian Concert

  The Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra(上海爱乐乐团)will put on some excellent Russian choral(合唱的) works at 7:15pm on September 26 and 27 at the Shanghai Concert Hall. They will sing Russian folk songs and a Mass under a Russian conductor who is very famous for conducting chorus(歌唱队) and has given a successful choral concert in Beijing.

  Tickets:6, 8, 10, 12 yuan RMB, available at the hall’s ticket office.

  Address:523 Yan’an Road. Shanghai


Korean songs

  The Song and Dance Troupe (巡回演出团) of the Republic of Korea will give a Song and Dance show at 7: 30pm tonight at the Shanghai Centre Theatre.

  Tickets:10, 20, 30 yuan RMB available at the theatre's ticket office.

  Address:1376 Nanjing Road W. Shanghai


1. The audience in _______ can be most available(方便的) to watch the performance given by Leon Lai from tomorrow through to September.

  A. Beijing B. Korean C. Shanghai D. Hong Kong

2._______ will be on April 18.The cinema’s telephone number is_________.

  A. Kim’s War; 29798663 B. My love, My Bride; 32275694

  C. Because You Are a Woman; 29189188 D. Marriage Story; 86425566

3.________will give a Song and Dance show at 7:30 pm tonight at Shanghai Centre Theatre.

  A. Leon Lai, a Hong Kong pop star

  B. The Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra

  C. The Song and Dance Trupe of the Republic of Korea

  D. A Russian Philharmonic Orchestra

4.The address of the Shanghai Centre Theatre is________.

  A. 1111 Caoxi Road N   B. 1376 Nanjing Road W

  C. 523 Yan’an Road     D. 66 Jiangning Road

5.Which of the following statement is TRUE?

  A. We can see all the South Korean films in the morning.

B. Leon’s show is to celebrate a festival.

  C. There are some famous pop singers in Russian concert.

  D. We can enjoy the Korean songs at the Shanghai Concert Hall.




  New Annotated Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle


  Publication Date:30/11/2006

  Publisher's description

  Collects Doyle's fifty-six classic short stories, arranged in the order in which they appeared in late nineteenth and early twentieth-century book editions, in a set complemented by four novels, editor biographies(传记)of Doyle, Holmes, and Watson as well as literary and cultural details about Victorian society.

  Breaking Ground by Daniel Libeskind


  Publication Date:11/10/2006

  Brief introduction

  This is a book about the adventure life that can offer each of us if we seize it, and about the powerful forces of tragedy, memory and hope.For Daniel Libeskind, life's adventure has been through architecture, which he has found has the power to reshape human experience.Although often relating to the past, his buildings are about the future.This memoir(自传)of one man's journey brings together history, personal experience, our physical environment and a fresh international vision.

  In the Shadow of No Towers by Art Spiegelman


  Publication Date:02/09/2006

  Brief introduction

  On 11th September 2001, Art Spiegelman raced to the World Trade Center, not knowing if his daughter Nadja was alive or dead.Once she was found safe-in her school at the foot of the burning towers-he returned home, to meditate(反省)on the trauma(创伤), and to work on a comic strip(连环漫画).In the Shadow of No Towers is New Yorker Art Spiegelman's extraordinary account of“the hijacking on 9.11 and the following hijacking of those events”by America.

  Light on Snow by Anita Shreve


  Publication Date:07/10/2006

  Publisher's description

  This is the 11th novel by Anita Shreve, the critically accepted bestseller.A moving story of love and courage and tragedy and of the ways in which the human heart always seeks to heal itself.


Who is the writer of the book latest published among the four books?

[  ]


Arthur Conan Doyle.


Daniel Libeskind.


Art Spiegelman.


Anita Shreve.


If one would like to know something about cultural details about Victorian society, he or she may read ________.

[  ]


Light on Snow


In the Shadow of No Towers


Breaking Ground


New Annotated Sherlock Holmes


Of the four books listed above, there are two referring to tragedies.They are ________.

[  ]


Light on Snow & Breaking Ground


In the Shadow of No Towers & Breaking Ground


Light on Snow & In the Shadow of No Towers


New Annotated Sherlock Holmes & In the Shadow of No Towers

