C.clear up 意为“消除.解除 .此句意为:在两年里Jimmy鼓励了我消除在我的表上的所有101项. 查看更多



The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times and some other newspapers have published articles indicating that cyber attacks targeting Google and several other U.S.companies were from China.Such accusations are biased(有偏见的).

These articles take as evidence that hackers’ IP addresses could be traced back to two schools in China.However, it is common sense that hackers can attack by controlling computers from anywhere in the world.This fact also explains why hackers are hard to be tracked down.

Computers in China are easy to be controlled by hackers as the majority of Chinese Internet users lack security awareness and adequate protection measures.

The hackers’ IP addresses could by no means vindicate(证明正确)the newspapers’ accusations that the attacks were carried out by Chinese citizens or from within China.

The New York Times says one of the schools from which the cyber attacks were said to originate has military support.Another school “has received financing from a high-level government science and technology project.”

The New York Times went to great lengths to mention that “graduates of one of the school’s computer science department are employed by the local military each year.” The paper, however, did not care to tell its readers that a school in China does not need to have any special relationship with the military to have its graduates in uniform.It is also true in the United States, where the New York Times is based.

China’s attitude toward cyber attacks has been unequivocal and has adopted laws against such crimes, as China is one of the countries that suffer from cyber attacks.

The U.S.government, on the other hand, takes an uncertain attitude toward cyber attacks.According to media reports, the U.S.Homeland Security and Defense departments have both openly employed hackers.

People with a “blackhat perspective” and knowing how to “do threat modeling” are the best choices, said Philip Reitinger, Department of Homeland Security deputy undersecretary, at an information security conference last October.

Cyber crimes could cause immense losses to individuals, companies and nations.Effective supervision(监督) and closer international cooperation are ways to improve cyber security.Finger pointing is not.

60.The passage is intended to tell us that __________.

         A.IP addresses are often used as evidence to track down hackers

         B.it’s not necessary for schools in China to contact the military

         C.the U.S government openly employ hackers to deal with cyber attacks

         D.the accusations of cyber attacks against China are unreasonable and irresponsible

61.The underlined word “unequivocal” in Paragraph 7 means __________.

         A.clear    B.negative     C.supportive       D.vague

62.We can conclude from the passage that __________.

         A.international cooperation and finger pointing are called for to ensure cyber safety

         B.people skilled at doing threat modeling don’t have security awareness

         C.some hackers work for the U.S.Homeland Security and Defense departments

         D.hackers are difficult to catch because they can cause lots of losses to people

63.The passage is organized by __________.

         A.raising questions and analyzing figures            

         B.making descriptions and giving explanations

         C.presenting opinions and providing arguments

         D.giving definitions and explaining details



My parents operated a small restaurant in Seattle.It was open twenty-four hours a day, six days a week.And my first real job,when I was six years old,was  21  the diners’ shoes.My father had done it when he was young,so he taught me  22  to do it efficiently,telling me to  23  to reshine the shoes if the customer wasn’t  24  .

Working in the restaurant was a cause of great   25   because I was also working for the good of the family.But my father  26  that I had to meet certain standards to be part of the team.I  27  to be punctual,hard-working,and polite to the  28  .

I was  29  paid for the work I did at the restaurant.One day I made the mistake of advising Dad that he  30  give me $10 a week.He said,“OK.How about you paying me for three meals a day you have here? And  31  the times you bring in your friends for free soft drinks?” He  32  I owed him about $40 a week.

I remember returning to Seattle after being  33  in the US Army for about two years.I had just been promoted to Captain at that time.And full of pride,I walked into my parents’ restaurant,but the  34  thing Dad said was,“How about your  35  up tonight?” I couldn’t  36  my ears! I am an officer in the Army! But it didn’t   37 as far as Dad was concerned,I was just  38   member of the team.I reached for the mop(拖把).Working for Dad has taught me the devotion to a  39  is above all.It has nothing to do with  40  that team is involved in a family restaurant or the US Army.w.w.*w.k.&s.5*u.c.om

A. cleaning             B. shining                     C. removing                 D. keeping

A. why                   B. what                        C. when                       D. how

A. offer                         B. refuse                      C. love                         D. learn

A. interested            B. annoyed                   C. relaxed                  D. satisfied

A. fun                    B. pride                        C. trouble                            D. effort

A. got it right             B. kept it a rule             C. made it clear      D. took it for granted

A. had                    B. tended                      C. hated                       D. managed

A. family                   B. workers                    C. customers                 D. friends

A. never                    B. always                            C. seldom                  D. ever

A. must                    B. should                      C. might                       D. could

A. at                        B. before                      C. around                            D. for

A. worked out       B. found out                 C. put out                     D. thought out

A. alone                   B. away                        C. outside                     D. off

A. usual                   B. last                          C. next                         D. first

A. washing w.w.*w.k.&s.5*u.c.om                                  B. taking                      C. cleaning                   D. moving

A. ignore                 B. follow                      C. believe                  D. understand

A. happen                B. care                         C. go                           D. matter

A. no                       B. other                        C. some                        D. another

A. team                    B. family                      C. leader                      D. restaurant

A. why                    B. whether                    C. when                       D. How


      Tired of Working in Your Country?

With over 500 teachers and 20 years of experience, we are the leader in the field of teaching foreign languages. We now have positions open in Osaka starting September/October 2004 for teachers of English, German, Spanish and French.

?? Teach many different kinds of classes using the latest technology in small classes of up to 3 students.

??Accommodation (住宿), and other necessary documents will be ready before you leave.

?? Applicants will teach their first language only.

?? Excellent teacher training programs.

If you are young with a university degree and are willing to experience different cultures, apply (申请) now. Experience in teaching is an advantage but not specially required. Knowledge of the Japanese language is not necessary but good English skills and practical computer knowledge are basic requirements.

Apply with C. V. and send letters to:

NOVA France, Mr. Sampy (IHT3/2)

34, Bd. Haussmann, 75009 Paris, Franceks5*u

Fax: 33148014804

Or visit our website: www. teadyp. com

The manager expects to meet and talk with successful applicants in Paris in June and July.

What is the purpose of the text?

    A. To introduce a language school in Japan. B. To hire language teachers to work in Japan.

    C. To describe working conditions in Japan. D. To make clear the requirements for Japanese teachers.

We know from the text that those who are going to Japan will _______.

    A. teach English only in Osaka              B. receive a degree from a university

    C. have free accommodation             D. get trained for the job

Before going to Japan, you need _______.

    A. to see the manager of NOVA France   B. to take some computer courses

    C. to write a letter to Japan               D. to find a place to live

If you want to work in Japan you should _______.

    A. have some working experience             B. know how to use computers

    C. present good teaching plans              D. speak several languages


When people in the U.S. have company or when they're invited to (formal or informal)get-together, they usually make a point of trying to make others feel comfortable and relaxed.On the whole, they tend to be informal. Men shake hands, but usually only when they're introduced. Male friends and business associate who haven't seen each other in a while may shake hands when they say hello. Women usually don't shake hands when being introduced to each other. When a woman and man are introduced, shaking hands is up to the woman. Americans rarely shake hands to say goodbye, except on business occasions. American women are used to being independent. They are used to going to places by themselves, making their own money, and often living alone. Sometimes they will ask men for help, but they usually don't want to be protected. Since the women's movement started, it's not always clear whether women expect men to open doors or help them into their coats. American women may start conversations with men or even ask them to dance.

 There are a lot of Americans who don't smoke or drink, and many who don't want people to do those things in their houses. It's always best to ask for permission before you,bring alcohol to a dinner or before you light up a cigarette, if you are with people you don't ,know very well. Non-smokers have become more militant (好战的) about smoking in public places. Many restaurants, for example, have set up special areas for smokers.

House guests may bring gifts when they come to visit, and they often offer to help in some way. As a guest, you may want to ask your host or hostess if there's anything you can do to help in the kitchen. In many cases, the gesture is more important than actually helping.

1."…the gesture is more important than actually helping." Here "gesture" means_________.

     A. 态度       B. 话题          C.姿态         D. 言行

2.When American people are introduced to each other, ____________.

     A. men seldom shake hands                       B. women often shake hands

     C. a woman decides if she will shake hands with a man

     D. a man decides if he will shake hands with a woman

3.___________is not mentioned in the passage.

    A. How to visit an American family      B. When American women's movement started

    C. American women are independentD Non-smokers hate smoking in public places.

4. Which one is NOT right? ________________.

A None of Americans want people to smoke or drink in their houses

B Many Americans don’t smoke or drink

C Many special areas for smokers have been set up in the US

D It’s best to ask before you smoke in America




After the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill aimed at retaliatory(报复的) action against China for its “significantly undervalued” currency, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner urged the IMF to pressure China to adopt “more flexible, more market-directed exchange-rate management”. This is a coded message to China: You’re keeping on purpose your currency cheap, and the U.S. economy is paying the price. So cut it out --- or else. The normally dull IMF meeting became the latest battleground for the U.S. to be against a fast developing China.
Our new conventional wisdom is that China’s policy leads to make trade deficits (逆差) greater and the loss of American jobs. Dozens of candidates have run ads attacking a competitor for allowing China to take advantage of us. In the election-year view, China grew 10% annually for the past decade while maintaining low inflation(通涨) only by taking advantage of its artificially low currency. The idea that the U.S. is not responsible for its own economy is a black-is-white view. It argues that China and its currency are causing the lion’s share of harm.
This is an argument born of fear. It covers a fact that the economies of China and the U.S. have become beneficial to each other. Those trillions in reserves that China accumulates: Where do they go? Back to the U.S. in the form of lending money to the federal government. Those made-in-China goods that account for the trade deficit: Whom do they benefit? China, yes, but also American consumers and companies. Without China, American companies could not have maintained their profitability in recent years. Take two brand names, Caterpillar and Nike. Both have their products made in China, but both also view China as a fast-growing market for their products.
George Soros warned recently that a currency war could put the world into disorder more damaging than anything caused by the financial crisis of the 1930s. He’s right. Whether we like it or not, we live in a global system. The zero-sum attitude toward China and its currency is a relic, the remaining of an earlier time when nations defined economic life.
China is far from perfect and seeks its own advantage, but holding it accountable for our domestic problems is beyond outdated. It reflects a dangerous refusal to deal with the world as it is. Retaliating against China over currency will not regain high-end jobs in the U.S., which needs more our own demand. It will not renew construction or retool the American labor force. It will not rebuild rotting bridges or create a next-generation energy network.
【小题1】Which of the following argument can be supported by the writer?

A.China is the winner in the Sino-US trade.
B.China’s rapid development over the past ten years is based on its low inflation.
C.The world’s economy will benefit from China’s policy changes on its currency.
D.The US will get hurt if it tries hard on damaging China’s economy.
【小题2】This passage is in a tone that is ____________.
A.in favor of China
B.in the shoes of US
C.blaming China’s low currency policy
D.helping IMF solve the world’s economic problem
【小题3】The writer makes his point of view clear through the passage by using _____________.
A.reasonable analysis
B.leaders’ quotations
C.figure examples
D.moving stories
【小题4】China’s currency policy ________.
A.will help increase the demand in the US
B.is unable to equip the American labor force with new working skills
C.could guide the world economy for the next decade
D.is to be controlled by the international currency groups

