A 根据上文的 when I act 可知答案应选 A. 查看更多



单词拼写 (共 20 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 20 分)


66.The child is ________(精力好) .He keeps on jumping and running all the time.

67.Christopher Columbus was one of the great ________(探险家).

68.He is ________(熟悉) with Oxford and the surrounding area.

69.You must pay more attention to your ______(发音), otherwise you’ll make yourself misunderstood when you speak English.

70. Our holidays are _______(有限) to weeks a year.

71. Judging from his appearance, he exactly________ (像) his mother.

72.You can’t leave here without being p_________.

73.He is the sort of man who draws a c______ without much thinking.

74.Asia is separated from America by the ______(太平洋).

75.The girl was so __________ (着迷) by the mighty river that she would spend hours sitting on its bank and watching the boats going and coming.

76.Benjamin Franklin said:“early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,w_______ and wise.”

77. We did not feel like _________( 徘徊) in the cold winter aimlessly

78.He gathered his s________ to move the big stone out of the way.

79.The story is written by an _________(澳大利亚)engineer .

80._________(诚实地)speaking, I didn’t understand what the foreigner said just now.

81.The prisoners a_________ to escape but failed at last.

82.Her health is __________ (逐渐)improving.

83.The police got control of the situation and many c_________ were caught finally.

84.Many ________(志愿者)were sent to the earthquake-stricken area to join in the rescue work .

85.From her ________ ( 迷惑) expression on the face, I know she hasn’t got my idea.



第二节 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 (注意:61—65题涂到卡上  E="AB   " F="AC  " G=AD)

W: Pacific Bell.May I help you?

M: I’d like to have my phone disconnected.

W:     61______

M: Well, I’m graduated and am moving to California for a new job there.

W:     62______

M: Thanks.

W: All right.    63______

M: Sure.My phone number is 377-765-8769.

W: And the name on the account, please?

M:     64_____

W: For security purposes, Mr.Schaefer, may I have your date of birth, please?

M: It’s June 5, 1988.

W: Thank you.Now, when would you like it to be disconnected?

M:    65____

W: Sure.The telephone will be disconnected at 5:00 PM tomorrow.

A.Tomorrow by 5:00 PM

B.Cheers up altogether!

C.May I have your phone number, please?


E.May I ask why?

F.My name is Jefferey Schaefer.

G.Is my name very important?





W:Hello, Jim. Where are you going?

M:To the cinema. What about  (76) c_______ with me?

W:No, thanks. I’m going home. My friend’s expecting me.

M:What a (77) p_____! I believe it’s a very good film.

W:Do you go to the cinema a lot?

M:(78) O___ a week. Most nights I sit at home and watch TV.

W:Oh, I see. (79) B__ the way, where are you going for your holidays this year?

M:I don’t know yet. My wife’s going to her mother’s for a

(80) c_____ of weeks. She lives by the sea, you know.

W:Oh, does she? That’s convenient.

M:Yes, but I want to go to the (81) c________.

W:Don’t you like the sea?

M:Yes, very much. But I need (82) p_____ and quiet when I’m on holiday. What are you going to do?

W:I’m going to (83) s_____  at home.

M:Aren’t you going to (84) h____ a holiday abroad this year?

W:No, I want to buy a car, and that’s going to take

(85) e_______ penny I’ve got.
















W:This is English Language Center. How can I help you ?

M:Yes .I’m (1)c          to find out more information about your program . For example, what kind of courses do you offer ?

W:Well, first of all, the (2)p          of our program is to provide language learning opportunities to this area’s community, where a student’s goal is to master basic functional language skills .

M:Perfect, I’m considering (3)a          a U .S university to have (4)f          education there.

W:That’s the kind of instruction we (5)o          ,from basic communication course to content-based classes such as computer literacy and business English .

M:That sounds great. When is your application (6) d          for the next semester (学期)?

W:Well, we ask applications to apply no late than two months (7)b          the semester begins.

M:How much is it for a full-time student?

W:2,030 dollars.

M:And how does one apply? Is it difficult ?

W:Well, we can (8)s          you an application from and you can mail it back to us, or you can

(9)f          out the application form (10)o          .You can easily find it on our website .

M:Great. Thank you for your help .


M: What have you been doing recently, Cathy?
W: I’ve been chatting online with friends. What about you?
M:   【小题1】 
W: Why not?
M: Well, my computer is really old, so most software doesn’t work well with my computer.
W:   【小题2】 
M: How long does it take to download mp3 files?
W: Not very long at all.
M:   【小题3】 
W: Sure, I download at least one program a day.
M: Do you think you could download some for me?
W:   【小题4】 
M: Let me see…. Oh, a show called Friends.
W: No problem. Did you know that there are many Friends’ forums (论坛) online?
M: What’s a forum?
W:   【小题5】 

A.I’ve never chatted online before.
B.Sure, just tell me what you want.
C.I like chatting online very much, too.
D.It’s free to download TV programs or movies.
E. Do you ever download any TV programs or movies?
F. Come over to mine and I can show you how to use it.
G. It’s a place where you can chat to other people who have similar interests as you.

