Summary:主语和谓语的顺序分为两种: 自然语序:主语+谓语 倒装语序:谓语+主语1. 部分倒装和全部倒装 我们通常使用的语序是自然语序.即主语在前.谓语在后.但有时谓语的全部或一部分提到主语的前面.即采用倒装语序.倒装的原因.或是语法结构的需要.或是为了强调. A→部分倒装 部分倒装是谓语中的一部分(如:助动词.情态动词或系动词be)放在主语前面.其余部分仍放在主语后面. 例:ⅰ)Only in this way can we work at the physics problem. ⅱ)Never had he had any experience like that. ⅲ)Not only is he a singer,but also he is a dancer. B→全部倒装 全部倒装是句子中没有助动词.情态动词或系动词be时.要把谓语动词放在主语的前面. 例:Here comes the bus. Up went the arrow in to the sky. The door opened and in came a group of soldiers. ● 例外:这时如果主语是人称代词.则主谓不倒装. 例:Here he comes. Here you are. 给你 Here we are. 我们到了 ▲ 重点:在英语中.从形式上可分为部分倒装和全部倒装.我们为了使于理解.还可以把它分为语法性倒装.这是由于语法上的需要而必须倒装的句子.还有一种是修饰性倒装.顾名思义.这些句子如果不是特意加以强调.可以不必倒装. 查看更多



下面文章中有5处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(  A、B、  C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

A. Find a fiction book.

B. Learn how to read your card.

C. Find your non-fiction book.

D. Decide if you want to search by author, title or subject.

E. Learn to find the card you need.

F. Understand the Dewey Decimal System.


The card catalog was once found in every library. Most libraries have now replaced the card catalog with a computerized cataloging system. However, some libraries still have the set of drawers with thousands of cards inside, and some library patrons still prefer the hands-on approach to researching the information they need. Cards are set up alphabetically in long drawers. Different types of cards are kept separate from each other so you may search by author, title or subject. Learning to use the card catalog can help you find the book you want without waiting for a computer terminal.



Once you have found the card for the book you want, write down the numbers and letters at the top of the card and the title and author of the book. The numbers at the top are how the book is cataloged using the Dewey Decimal System, and the letters are the first three letters of the author's last name. Your library will have the numbers at the end of the stacks (the shelves of books), so find the stack your book is located in, then scan the shelves of that stack until you locate the number on the card. More than one book can have the same number, so you will narrow down your search if you have the first three letters of the author's name.


The cards in a card catalog reference other cards. An author card will also have a book title and subject, a title card will have the author and subject, and a subject card will have author and title. This is handy for cross-referencing, so if you want to read a book on beekeeping, you can look that up in the subject cards and find an individual card on each book the library carries on beekeeping.


If you want to look up a book by Stephen King, find the author cards in your library's card catalog, and look under "K". The cards are organized by last name and are broken down into the individual drawers. Sometimes a letter will take up more than one drawer, so you may find drawers that have "Ka-Ke" and then "Ki-Kr." Stephen King will be in the drawer with "Ki-Kr." You would find a card in a similar manner by title or by subject by finding the drawer with the corresponding letters such as "Be" for beekeeping in the subject cards or "Wr" for "The Writer's Market" ("The" is not considered part of titles).


This isn't required to use the card catalog, but it can make searching for your book a little easier. The numbers range from 000 to 999; 000-099 are general subjects, 100-199 are psychology and philosophy, 200-299 is religion, 300-399 is social science, 400-499 is language, 500-599 are natural science and math, 600-699 is applied sciences, 700-799 is art, 800-899 are literature and plays, and 900-999 are geography and history.


The author card will have a call number at the top, a line with the author's name with last name first, then lines for the title of the book, its publisher, a brief summary and subject listings. For an author with many books like Stephen King, there will be a card for each of his books in alphabetical order. Title cards are similar but have the title first, then the author in the following line. Subject cards have the subject in all capital letters at the very top of the card and the same information as on an author's card. Many cards on the same subject will be organized by the authors' last names.



第二节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)    阅读下面的短文,根据上下文填入适当的词语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空。

A clear, accurate summary only gives the vital information from a text. Any extra, irrelevant details are left out.  31      (summarize) will seriously improve your quick reading skills — so learn how to do it. You can’t summarize if you haven’t read    32      text carefully. Start by scanning the text, then reading it closely.      33    you understand the whole text, go through it again slowly, working out    34     is relevant, and which details can be left out. Write only the number of words you   35   (tell) — no more. See what the title is, and look for any extra information on the paper   36        could be relevant,   37       the author’s name. Decide what the main theme of the text is.

If the question says how many words long the summary must be, you must never write more _38  __    that limit. You will  39      (definite) lose marks      40        you don’t follow the guidelines. Make sure that all the basic information is there —– don’t include detail when there isn’t room.



Everyone may all have the experience of feeling anxious and stressed when having a rough day or having some troubles. Different people may choose different ways to deal with it, and for most people a break for a 10-minute walk may be quite

Anyway, here is another way around: to get a piece of chewing gum, and chew it. According to a Swinburne University of Technology study, gum-chewing has been found to “relieve anxiety, improve alertness(机敏性) and reduce stress among individuals in a laboratory setting.”

Some may argue that a laboratory is not the same as an office. But check out the conditions of the study: individuals were monitored while performing “a group of ‘multi-tasking’ activities.” Doesn’t it sound like the situation in the office?

Here’s a summary of some of the study’s findings:

Gum chewers showed a reduction in anxiety as compared to non-gum chewers by nearly 17 percent during mild stress and nearly 10 percent in appropriate stress.

Gum chewers showed improvement in alertness over non-gum chewers by nearly 19 percent during mild stress and 8 percent in moderate stress.

Improved Performance: Chewing gum resulted in a big improvement in overall performance on multi-tasking activities.

Although these aren’t major improvements, every little bit works and chewing a piece of gum is a lot quicker and easier than slipping outside for a 10-minute walk. So, how does gum work this magic? In part it does so by lowering the level of cortisol(皮质醇)—a steroid(类固醇) hormone that is released in response to stress in your system.

A few words of advice before you reach for the gum: don’t crack your gum, and be sure to chew it with your mouth closed. In fact, I’d say keep the gum out of meetings, because it really looks impolite to others around you.

1.From the study in the text we know that_________________.

A. gum chewers may lack alertness

B. gum chewers tend to be less stressed

C. gum chewers can finish many jobs perfectly

D. gum chewers can reduce their anxiety and anger easily

2.How does gum work to reduce stress according to the text?

A. It works by improving alertness.

B. It works by allowing a 10-minute walk.

C. It works by reducing one’s level of cortisol.

D. It works by being chewed in a laboratory setting.

3.Which one may the author probably agree with?

A. People should chew gum with their mouths closed in a meeting.

B. It is impolite to chew gum in a meeting with people around you.

C. People can crack gum freely when meeting friends.

D. People should be careful when chewing gum at home.

4.What does the text mainly talk about?

A. How to chew gum.                                              B. How to relieve stress.

C. Why people love chewing gum.                       D. Chewing gum can relieve stress.



On August 5 at 10:31 p.m. PST, a rover(探测器)named Curiosity touched down safely on the surface of Mars, and I was lucky enough to have a front-row seat.

My name is Clara, and when I was in Grade 6, I won the essay contest NASA held to name its next Mars rover. The essay I wrote was not even 250 words long, but somehow it was enough to change my life.

I still remember that cold December day, sitting in a science class. I’d finished a worksheet early and decided to get a Time for Kids magazine off Mrs. Estevez’s bookshelf. It was the 2008 Invention Issue, but that wasn’t the only thing that caught my eye. In the magazine, there was an article about a girl who named the Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity. The article also talked about the essay contest NASA was holding to name its next Mars rover. Before I even knew anything else about it, a single word flooded my 11-year-old mind: Curiosity.

I couldn’t wait for the bell to ring so I could get started on my essay. That afternoon, I raced home from the bus stop, sat down at the computer and typed until my fingers ached. It turned out that I was just in time. A few days later, and the contest would have closed.

Five months later, shortly after I had turned 12, I was watching a National Geographic special on mammoths when the phone rang. My mom answered, and immediately, a wide smile spread across her face. When she told me that I had won, I was happier than I could ever remember being, I screamed and ran up and down the stairs and all around the house. I completely forgot about the mammoths and did not even remember to turn off the TV until it was really late.

Curiosity is such an important part of who I am. I have always been fascinated by the stars, the planets, the sky and the universe. I remember as a little girl, my grandfather and I would sit together in the backyard for hours. He’d tell me stories and point out the stars.

My grandfather lived in China, thousands of miles away from my home in Kansas. I loved the stars because they kept us together even when we were apart. They were always there, yet there was so much I didn’t know about them. That’s what I love so much about space. No matter how much we learn, it will always possess some mystery.

In the past, space exploration may have been a competition to see who got somewhere first or the fastest. But now, it is one of the few things that bring people together. Science is a language that needs no translation. It doesn’t matter where you’re from or what you look like – you just have to have a thirst for knowledge and a passion for learning in order to succeed.

People often ask me why we go to faraway places like Mars. Why do we explore? My answer to that is simple: because we can; because we’re curious; because we as human beings do not just stay holed up in one place. We are constantly wondering and trying to find out what’s over the hill and beyond the horizon.

The curiosity rover is more than just a robot. It is more than just a titanium body and aluminum wheels. Curiosity represents the hard work, passion, love and commitment of thousands of people from all over the world who were brought together by science. Science is so awesome. It is breathtaking and mind-blowing; and sometimes, it’s just a little bit crazy. The discoveries we make about our world are incredibly humbling. They move us forward and have the potential to benefit all of mankind.

This December it will be four years of my life that have been tied to Curiosity in some way. I’ve met so many amazing people through this experience, from scientists to engineers to administrators to volunteers. Their devotion and enthusiasm inspire me greatly. My journey with Curiosity and the MSL mission team has shaped the person that I am today, as well as the person I would one day like to become.

I am deeply grateful to everyone who made it possible for me to have this amazing adventure.

And to you, I hope your curiosity takes you far.

1. The method the writer uses to begin the passage is _____.

A.telling a story                 an example

C.offering an explanation                   D.describing a scene

2.Why did the writer hurry home to finish the essay for the contest NASA held?

A.She had just gathered enough information from Time for Kids

B.She wanted to write down what flashed through her mind in time.

C.She knew from Mrs. Estevez the deadline for the contest was approaching.

D.She was afraid she might miss the chance to compete with the former winner.

3. The writer mentions her grandfather in order to show that ______.

A.she missed him very much.

B.he knew a great deal about space

C.he influenced her to love the stars

D.she treasured their happy moments

4.Which of the following serves as a summary of Paragraph 11?

A.The writer was inspired to be a volunteer by the people she met.

B.The writer owed her success to her team members’ encouragement.

C.The writer met many difficulties in her four-year life with Curiosity.

D.The writer has benefited a lot from her experience tied to Curiosity.

5.Which best describes the writer’s tone in the passage?

A.Sharp.            B.Proud.            C.Aggressive.        D.Enthusiastic.

6.What is conveyed in the passage?

A.Curiosity is important to human beings.

B.A thirst for knowledge helps one grow up.

C.Entering a contest is a way to achieve success.

D.Curiosity changes people’s attitude towards science.



6-Day Trek(艰苦跋涉)in the Highland National Parks

Destinations: Saigon—Cat Tien National Park—Buon Ma Thuot—Lak Lake—YokDon National Park

Estimated trekking time: Average 4-5 hours/day

Summary: This trip is ideal for those who love trekking in natural forests. From the southern part of Vietnam up to the central highlands, you will cross through two national parks. There will be opportunities to see wildlife and challenge yourself physically at a moderate(中等的)level.

    Indulge yourself in the beauty of nature, escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, rediscover yourself in the natural world and refresh both mind and body.


·Private tour

·Walk through the forest to a fascinating and beautiful wetland area. If you are lucky, you may be able to see many different kinds of animals using only binoculars(双筒望远镜).

·Night time wildlife-spotting excursion(远足)

·Elephant riding


·Travel insurance

·Private transportation

·English-speaking guide

·Guest house-twin shared room

·Meals as indicated in the itinerary



·Mineral water

·Entrance fees & all permits


·Surcharges for other guides in other languages, festival season and peak season surcharges, which will be advised at time of booking


·Gong show(80 USD/show)


·Personal expenses

1.During the tour, visitors will trek through     national parks.

    A. 2    B. 3    C. 4    D. 5

2.In the forest, tourists will be able to     .

A. ride elephants          

B. have barbeques with natives

C. play with wild animals  

D. race in canoes

3.Visitors may have to pay extra fees for     .

    A. permits          B. a Gong show

    C. meals and water D. an English-speaking guide

4.This advertisement is especially targeting visitors          .

A. from other countries   

B. who love wildlife

C. who enjoy country life  

D. interested in hiking in forests


