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743] He suddenly returned to the small village _____ a rainy morning.

[译文] 在一个下雨天的早晨他突然回到了这个小村庄。

  A. on   B. at

  C. in   D. during

[答案及简析] A。 在一个具体的日期,介词要用on。


742] The road to the mountains _____ by the snow for almost a month.

[译文] 通往山区的路被大雪截断已有将近一个月了。

  A. has been cut off   B. have been cut off

  C. has been cut down   D. have been cut down

[答案及简析] A。 the road主语是单数;cut off意为截断。


741] Is the river ______ through that town very large?

[译文] 流经这城镇的河大吗?

  A. which flows   B. flows

  C. that flowing   D. whose flows

[答案及简析] A。 定语从句,which代替先行词the river在从句中作主语。


740] Now that there are only a few minutes left, we’d better talk about the plan in _____.

[译文] 既然只剩下几分钟了,我们最好简短地谈谈我们的计划。

  A. short   B. secret

  C. all   D. general

[答案及简析] A。 in short 简短地;in secret 秘密地;in all总共。


739] The woman sold the eggs _____ seven dollars and they were sold ____ half price.

[译文] 这个妇女卖鸡蛋得了7美元,但这些鸡蛋是半价卖出的。

  A. with; at   B. for; at

  C. at; in   D. by; on

[答案及简析] B。 sell sth. for money卖…得了多少钱;; sell sth. at the price以…价格卖….


738] Please tell me _____ you want your coffee, black or white?

[译文] 请告诉我你如何喝咖啡,加牛奶还是不加?

  A. when   B. what

  C. how   D. which

[答案及简析] C。 这个句子不是选择疑问句,而是问的如何喝咖啡,故选how。


737] -----What do you think of the materials _____ these clothes were made? ----- They feel _____.

[译文] --你看这些衣服是什么原料做的? --他们摸起来柔软。

  A. for whom; well   B. into; soft

  C. of which; soft   D. in which; good

[答案及简析] C。 成品中看得到原材料,要用be made of;feel摸起来,是连系动词,后面跟形容词作表语。


736] Through the reform, the economic situation of China ____ much better than it used to.

[译文] 通过改革,中国的经济形势比以往任何时候都好。

  A. turned into   B. turned off

  C. turned to   D. turned out

[答案及简析] D。 turn out证明是。


735] No one noticed him _____ in.

[译文] 没有人注意到他进来了。

  A. to come   B. came

  C. come   D. have come

[答案及简析] C。 使役动词notice后面的不定式做宾补,不定式符号要省略。


734] -----What are you afraid ______? -----I’m afraid ______ dogs.

[译文] --你害怕什么?  --我怕狗。

  A. / ; /   B. with; with

  C. of; of   D. / ; of

[答案及简析] C。 be afraid of sth.害怕…。

