精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


1Let’s go ___________shopnowMary

2Look! A tiger is running after some ____________sheep

3How many ___________hourdo you sleep every night?

4There are _____________manygirl students in Class 2 than in Class l

5His father takes exercise every dayso he is very __________health

6If you want to play the piano very wellyou must __________it every daypractice).

7Although they are twinsthere are some differences between__________.(they

8I live in a town __________Alice Springs.(call

9In big citiesstudents usually _________bikes to school or take buses.(ride

10My mother hardly ever __________exerciseso she isn’t in good health.(take

1、1shopping           2sheep      3hours     4more      5healthy

6practisepractice    7them      8called     9ride       10takes


科目:初中英语 来源:专项题 题型:填空题

1. Let's hope that all our trouble will        (appear) soon.  
2. The local people are        ( thank) that the whole nation are helping them rebuild the town.
3. Lots of        (foreign)come to visit the old town every year.  
4. Don't mind       (offer)your help to others whenever necessary
5. He works in the        (big) computer company in the world.  
6. There are        (hundred) of people dancing at the square after supper.
7. My mother was       (water) the flowers when I came in.
8. She is proud of        (she)for not giving up easily.
9. The boy sat down excitedly because he answered the difficult question        ( correct).  
10. Everybody likes to ask him for help because he often        (come) up with good ideas.


科目:初中英语 来源:专项题 题型:填空题

1. Please be quick, or you       (be)late for the meeting.
2. The bus       (leave)when I got to the bus stop.
3. The dictionary must       (take)good care of.    
4. Either you or she        ( have) made a wrong decision.
5. Joanna received many        (gift) when graduating from middle school.
6. Alex is        (fourth) years old and is taken good care of in the kindergarten.
7. Whose school uniform is that on the chair, yours or       (his)?  
8. It was       (difficulty) for human beings to protect weather in the past.  
9. There is a beautiful       (paint)on the wall in each room of my house.  
10. You need to explain your opinions quite        (clear) when having a debate.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1.Let’s go ___________(shop)now,Mary.

2.Look! A tiger is running after some ____________(sheep)

3.How many ___________(hour)do you sleep every night?

4.There are _____________(many)girl students in Class 2 than in Class l.

5.His father takes exercise every day,so he is very __________(health)

6.If you want to play the piano very well,you must __________it every day(practice).

7.Although they are twins,there are some differences between__________.(they)

8.I live in a town __________Alice Springs.(call)

9.In big cities,students usually _________bikes to school or take buses.(ride)

10.My mother hardly ever __________exercise,so she isn’t in good health.(take)


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. Don't talk so__      (loud)!The child is sleeping.
2. I think she is_____(real)a good student.
3. I enjoy____   (listen) to classical music very much.
4. There are too many_____(rule)  in my  school,
5. After lunch,I have to wash the_____ ( dish).


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1.It's a good way to save the tree by           (recycle) paper.
2.We had great fun             (play)in the swimming pool.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省大丰市第四中学八年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】Which do you like __________ of all the subjects?(well)
【小题2】There are many tall _____________ in our city.(build)
【小题3】I am in the _________(read) Club at school.
【小题4】How many ________(play) are there in a football match?
【小题5】How often does your school have a _____________ meeting?(parent)


科目:初中英语 来源:2014届江苏省大丰市八年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Which do you like __________ of all the subjects?(well)

2.There are many tall _____________ in our city.(build)

3.I am in the _________(read) Club at school.

4.How many ________(play) are there in a football match?

5.How often does your school have a _____________ meeting?(parent)



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:—I want to study abroad but I’m afraid I won’t get used to the lifestyle there.
—It’s really a difficult __________ (decide) to make.
小题2:Miss Li has a strange way of making her class _________ (live) and interesting.
小题3: If you are _________ (honest), no one will make friends with you.
小题4:Some colourful activities are usually held in our school on __________ (woman) Day.
小题5:With everyone’s effort, Suqian is becoming ___________ (beautiful) than before.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:I am afraid of_________(mouse).They are so terrible.
小题2:You can feel the ________(great)of these famous scientists.
小题3:He plays the guitar__________(wonder),and we all like it.
小题4:Our English teacher has over twenty years’ teaching_________(experience).
小题5:Wang Yaping is the first person_______(teach)in space.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Which do you like __________ of all the subjects?(well)
小题2:There are many tall _____________ in our city.(build)
小题3:I am in the _________(read) Club at school.
小题4:How many ________(play) are there in a football match?
小题5:How often does your school have a _____________ meeting?(parent)

