精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

完成对话 从方框内选择最佳选项,并把字母序号写在对话后面的空格内。(方框中有两个选项与对话内容无关)

AOf course not.                Bby the way,

CWhat’s up?                    DI’d love to take some photos.

EI want to buy him a gift   FCan you help me to get a new one?

GCan I go to your house to get it on Friday evening?

Andy: Hello.

Rita: Hi, Andy. This is Rita.

Andy: Oh, Rita. ___1______

Rita: I’m going to my best friend’s birthday party.   2  Would you mind lending me your new camera?

Andy:  3   I don’t think I’ll need it for anything.

Rita: Thanks a lot, I’ll give it back soon

Andy: Well,   4   have you used a camera before?

Rita: Uh-huh, Sure, several times.  5  

Andy: Ok. I’ll wait for you at home.

1、1C       2D      3A       4B       5G


科目:初中英语 来源:吉林省实验中学2012届九年级学业水平阶段检测(五)英语试题 题型:030


A:Hello, Mrs.Smith.I'd like to be a volunteer.  1  

B:Sure.What kind of volunteer work?

A:Well, I like working with kids.

B:  2   We need someone to help teach kids basketball.

A:No, I don't really like basketball.Is there anything else?

B:Sure.There's a job cleaning up the parks.  3  

A:That's not good.I help take care of my grandmother on Sundays.

B:I see.  4   Can you cook dinner?

A:Sorry, I can't.

B:Mmmm.We need someone to read to people at the hospital.  5  

A:That sounds good.When do I start?

B:How about today?



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

完成对话 从方框内选择最佳选项,并把字母序号写在对话后面的空格内。(方框中有两个选项与对话内容无关)

A.Of course not.                B.by the way,

C.What’s up?                    D.I’d love to take some photos.

E.I want to buy him a gift   F.Can you help me to get a new one?

G.Can I go to your house to get it on Friday evening?

Andy: Hello.

Rita: Hi, Andy. This is Rita.

Andy: Oh, Rita. ___1______

Rita: I’m going to my best friend’s birthday party.   2  Would you mind lending me your new camera?

Andy:  3   I don’t think I’ll need it for anything.

Rita: Thanks a lot, I’ll give it back soon

Andy: Well,   4   have you used a camera before?

Rita: Uh-huh, Sure, several times.  5  

Andy: Ok. I’ll wait for you at home.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

完成对话       从方框内选择最佳选项。(方框中有两个选项与对话内容无关)

A.See you later.

B.What does he look like?

C.My parents are both from Paris.

D.What does he do?

E.Do you have any brothers or sisters?

F.My parents are both fifty years old.

G.Do you have a big family?

John:Hi,Mike.Where is your family from?

Mike:Well.  1    How about you? Where's your family from?

John:My parents are from Australia,but l was born in Toronto.

Mike:Really?   2  

John:Yes.There are six people in my family.I have a brother and two sisters in high school.    3___

Mike:Yes.I only have a brother.He has two kids.

John:Oh.   4   

Mike:He is a musician.

John:Cool! Oh,I have to go! I will have a class in five minutes.

Mike:OK,John.  5   

John:See you.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A:Hello, this is Damao here.Is that Mary?
A:Mary.The happy weekend is coming.小题1:    
B:Yes.I’m not busy at all.I’ve already finished my homework.
B:I've no ideas.What about you?
A:Let me see.We’d better do something interesting and helpful.小题3:  
A:In the new museum.
B:Oh, I remember.I heard of it last week.小题4:   
A:By bike.It’s Saturday tomorrow.The traffic must be heavy,I think.
B:I agree.小题5:   
A:At the gate of our school at nine in the morning.
B:OK.See you then.
A. When and where shall we meet?     
B. How shall we get there?
C. What are you going to do?           
D. Are you free tomorrow?
E. Would you like to see some old things with us?


科目:初中英语 来源:中考必备英语 题型:030


A.I'll do my best.

B.About two months.

C.Quite right.

D.I'll keep them.

E.I'm going to the airport.

F.Yes, I'm going to do some shopping with my aunt.

G.Tell me what.

H.Yes, I'm going to stay with my aunt and uncle in Athens(雅典).

I.It's very kind of you.

J.In two months.

K.Thank you all the same.

L.I hope you will enjoy yourself.

Peter:Hi, Linda! Where are you going?

Linda: 1

Peter:Wow, you are taking many things with you. Let me give you a hand.

Linda: 2

Peter:For what will you go there? For your summer holiday?

Linda: 3

Peter:Athens? The 2004 Olympic Games will be held there in August?

Linda: 4 My uncle will take me to watch some matches during the time.

Peter:How long will you be there?

Linda: 5

Peter:You are so lucky! By the way, are you going to do anything else?

Linda: 6

Peter:Could you do something for me, please?

Linda:Of course. 7

Peter:I'm not interested in shopping, but could you take some photos of the Olympic Games for me? 8

Linda:I'm not sure. 9 Here we are at the airport. It's time to say goodbye. Thanks for helping me.

Peter:You're welcome. 10


科目:初中英语 来源:新教材完全解读·九年级英语 (下册) (配人教版新目标) (第1次修订) 人教版新目标 题型:030


A:Excuse me.  1  

B:There isn't hospital near here.But there is one   2   the river.

A:Is it very   3   here?

B:Yes, it is.You can   4  

A:OK.Thank you.  5  

B:A Number 4 bus.

A:Where is the   6  ?

B:Walk along this road.Take the second turning on the right.

You can find it in front of you.

A:Thanks.Oh, the bus is   7  !

B:You are welcome.You'd   8   run after it.

A:Oh, dear!The bus goes   9   than I.I can't catch it.

B:Yes, but you can   10   the next bus.

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________

6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________


科目:初中英语 来源:外研版(2012) 八年级下册 题型:


  Betty:Hi,Tony.What are you up to?

  Tony:I'm making a model of the space station.  1  

  Betty:It's great!I can't imagine you are so clever.

  Tony:Thank you.

  Betty:  2  

  Tony:It's for my space travel homework.

  Betty:Oh,I see.  3  

  Tony:Don't worry.Miss Li wants it next month.You have enough time to finish it.

  Betty:  4  

  Tony:For about three days.

  Betty:Is it hard?By the way,how do you know so much about space?

  Tony:A little hard,but it is interesting.  5  

  Betty:May I borrow your book?

  Tony:Of course.I'll give it to you tomorrow morning.







科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A. What’s she famous for?

B. How could he hiccup for that long?

C. When did he start hiccupping?

D. Really? When did she start sneezing?

E. And when did he stop?

A: Who’s that?

B: Charles Smith. He holds the world record for hiccupping. He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months.

A: ____56____

B: He started hiccupping in 1922.

A: _____57_____

B: He stopped in 1990.

A: ____58____

B: I don’t know. Oh, look, this is Donna Green.

A: _____59____

B: Sneezing. She sneezed for 978 days.

A: ___60____

B: Let me see. It says she started sneezing on January 13th, 1981 and she stopped sneezing on September 16th, 1983.

A: Wow! That’s a long time.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:030



A: Hi, Jim. I can't find Tom. Have you seen him anywhere?

B: 1

A: I have some problems, I need his help.

B: Oh. He has gone to Taiyuan.

A: 2

B: In a month, I'm not sure.

A: Did he go there for a trip or on business?

B: 3 You know, he is very busy now.

A: 4

B: No, not so often. About once or twice a year. 5

A: No, thank you. I'll wait for him.

ANo, I haven't.

BOn business.

CWhat's wrong?

DWhen will he be back?

EDoes he often take business trips?

FWhat did you say?

GCan I help you?

