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Did you see him come in?

NOI didn'tI _________ a basketball match at that time

Awas watching         Bam watching           Cwatched        Dwill watch



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

一Did you see him come in?

一NO,I didn't.I _________ a basketball match at that time.

A.was watching         B.am watching           C.watched        D.will watch


科目:初中英语 来源:中考必备英语 题型:050



  John Russell, aged 83, got on a Chicago bus and saw a sign saying that senior citizens(老年公民) could ride for half the cost. When he dropped his three quarters into the box, the driver asked him for identification(身份证明). John took out an ID card. “You need a special CTA card,” said the driver. John did not have the CTA card because he lives in New York and was in Chicago visiting his two sons.

  “Put in another three quarters,” said the driver, “or get off the bus.” John said, “Give me back my quarters, and I'll get off.” “I can't-it's in the box. If you don't get off, I'll call the police,” said he, which he did.

  Two police cars drove over and stopped. “I'm the criminal(罪犯),” said John Russell. Then he and the driver told their stories.

  “That's what you called me for?” one policeman asked the driver. Another policeman then said to John, “I'll give you three quarters.” John shook his head, “Why should you give me the quarters? He has to give me my quarters.”

  “Where are you going?” asked the policemen. “Downtown to have lunch with friends,” John said. “Come on,” the policemen said. “We'll get you your card.” So they took him downtown to the CTA office. But the people there wouldn't give him a CTA card-he needed a picture. “What about his quarters?” one policeman asked. The officials discussed, and the decision was made to give John's quarters back.

  When John got downstairs, the policemen asked where he was going. “To see my friends,” John said. “How are you going to get there?” “On the bus. And all I'm going to pay is 75 cents.” “Good luck,” the policemen said.

  John got on a bus, dropped three quarters in the box, and said, “I'm a senior citizen…” The driver looked at John and nodded. He didn't know how lucky he was to be a sensible(通情达理的) man.

1.With a CTA card ________.

[  ]

A.senior citizens can pay only three quarters for a bus ride

B.senior citizens can pay only half the price for a bus ride

C.men of any age can ride on a bus paying only three quarters

D.men of any age can ride on a bus for half the price

2.John Russell doesn't have a CTA card because ________.

[  ]

A.he is not a senior citizen

B.he is not a citizen of Chicago

C.he is only visiting his two sons

D.his ID card is not a real one

3.The decision made by the CTA office was ________.

[  ]

A.to give John a CTA card then and there

B.to refuse to give John's quarters back

C.to return the three quarters to John

D.to declare(宣布) that John was a criminal

4.The second driver let John ride on his bus because ________.

[  ]

A.he knew John had his own CTA card

B.he knew John was a difficult man

C.he was kind enough to help the aged

D.he knew the police were protecting John

5.Who do you think is (are) NOT sensible?

[  ]

A.The first driver.

B.The second driver.

C.John Russell.

D.The policemen.

6.A good title(标题) for this passage is ________.

[  ]

A.Helping the Old

B.Giving No More Quarters

C.A Sensible Driver

D.A Senior Citizen


科目:初中英语 来源:湖北省襄樊市2010年初中毕业生学业考试英语试题 题型:001



1.A.Nice to meet you, too.

B.How are you?

C.I'm fine, thanks.

2.A.It's Friday.

B.It's June, 20th.

C.It's ten thirty.

3.A.OK.Here you are.

B.Yes.It's on Center Street.

C.Please hurry up.

4.A.I have a toothache.

B.I'm sorry to hear that.

C.You should see a dentist.

5.A.Yes, sure.

B.Yes, you can.

C.Sorry, you can't.

6.A.You'll have a good time.

B.Let's have it today.

C.If you do, you'll be late.

7.A.I hope so.

B.Somewhere relaxing.

C.Good idea.

8.A.How do you like them?

B.Never mind.

C.Sorry, I don't agree with you.



9.Where does Wei Hua's pen pal come from?




10.What language can Jenny speak?



C.Chinese and English.

11.How often does Wei Hua write to Jenny?

A.Once a month.

B.Once a week.

C.Twice a month.


12.Who will have the birthday party?




13.How many friends are going to the party?




14.Why can't Mary go to the party?

A.She is ill.

B.She has to take a rest.

C.She has to study for a test.


15.Why did Jim go to Paris?

A.To spend his holiday.

B.To study history.

C.To visit his uncle.

16.How did Lucy go there?

A.By ship.

B.By train.

C.By plane.

17.What was the weather like in Paris when Lucy stayed there?

A.It was bad.

B.It was sunny.

C.It was raining.


18.What does Sam's mother ask him to do?

A.To do his homework.

B.To do housework.

C.To do some shopping.

19.How long has Sam been doing his homework?

A.Since breakfast.

B.For the whole day.

C.Eight hours.

20.What's his mother's advice about his homework?

A.He should call up his teacher.

B.His mother can teach him how to do it.

C.He should ask Julia for help.


21.Where did Tony meet Jack one day?

A.In the street.

B.In the bookstore.

C.In the bank.

22.What did Jack like doing?

A.Listening to music.

B.Borrowing money.

C.Reading books.

23.How much money did Jack borrow from Tony?

A.Five dollars.

B.Ten dollars.

C.Twenty dollars.

24.What happened while Tony and Jack were talking and walking along the street?

A.They had a fight.

B.They were robbed(抢劫).

C.They had a traffic accident.

25.Did Jack have any money with him before he met the man?

A.Yes, he did.

B.No, he didn't.

C.We don't know.


科目:初中英语 来源:广东省茂名市愉园中学2011-2012学年九年级第二次统测英语试题 题型:001


第一节 听句子(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)



1.How many floors are there in that tall building?





2.What may my mother be?

A.A teacher.

B.A nurse.

C.A driver.


3.Who were the flowers given to?



C.My sister.


4.How many times has Peter been to Beijing?

A.Three times.




5.What is he weak in?

A.All his lessons.



第二节 听对话(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)



6.How did Tom feel?





7.What does Tom do once a week?

A.He rides his bicycle.

B.He plays football.

C.He goes to swim.

8.How often does Kate go to dance?

A.Once a week.

B.Every day.

C.We don't know.


9.Where is No.2 Middle School?

A.Near a large shop.

B.Near a large restaurant.

C.Near the traffic lights.

10.How will the woman go to No.2 Middle School?

A.By bus.

B.On foot.

C.By train.


11.Which country may the man come from?




12.Who may help the woman with her English?

A.The man.

B.The man's daughter.

C.The man's son.


13.What's the man's full name?

A.Allen James Green.

B.James Allen Green.

C.James Green Allen.

14.What does the woman mean by “OK,I won't.” ?

A.I will no longer call you Mr.James Green.

B.I won't call you Mr.James.

C.I would like to call you Mr.James.


15.What's the woman going to do?

A.To see a doctor.

B.To see a movie.

C.To buy tickets.

16.Who will go with the woman?




17.When will it begin?





18.Where do you think they are talking?

A.In a shop.

B.In a library.

C.In a hospital.

19.Where is the washing machine made?

A.In Japan.

B.In America.

C.In China.

20.Why didn't the man buy the machine at once?

A.Because he didn't have enough money.

B.Because he didn't want to buy the machine at all.

C.Because the machine is shaking(摇晃)and makes much noise.

第三节 听短文(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


21.According to the passage, what can we do on the Internet?

A.We can write to our friends.

B.We can talk to our parents.

C.We can call a policeman.

22.Why did the boy call the police?

A.Because he was robbed(抢劫).

B.Because he wanted the police to take him home.

C.Because he was very hungry.

23.How long did the boy stay at the Internet cafe?

A.Two days.

B.Two weeks.

C.A whole night.

24.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.The boy had no money left at all.

B.The boy didn't tell the truth(事实)at first.

C.The boy still had some money left.

25.What does the writer want to tell us?

A.The Internet is very useful for students.

B.The Internet is not good for students.

C.We shouldn't copy the boy's example.

