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We            hungry.

A. am                       
B. is                          
C. are

科目:小学英语 来源:北京同步题 题型:单选题

We            hungry.
[     ]
A. am                       
B. is                          
C. are


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

Read and choose. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。
John and Tom are hungry. They want a snack. A snack is little food to eat.  
"Who is hungry?" asks Mrs. Zhang.  
"We are hungry!" say John and Tom.  
"Would you like a snack?" asks Mrs. Zhang.  
"Yes, please!" say John and Tom.  
"No, thanks, Mrs. Zhang." Lucy says. "I am not hungry."  
"I am hungry." says Tom, "but I don't know what I want to eat!"      
"Would you like some noodles, Tom?" asks Mrs. Zhang.  
"No, thank you." says Tom. "I don't like noodles. May I have some soup, please?"  
"Sure!" says Mrs. Zhang. "What would you like, John?"     
"I would like an orange, please, mum. " says John.  
"OK, I have apples, oranges and grapes." says Mrs. Zhang.
1. Who is hungry?
[     ]
A. Tom.                
B. John                 
C. Both Tom and John.
2. Who wants to have some soup?
[     ]
A. John.           
B. Mrs. Zhang.        
C. Tom.
3. What does John would like? 
[     ]
A. Some noodles.       
B. An orange.            
C. Some soup.
4. Who is Mrs. Zhang?
[     ]
A. John's mother.      
B. Tom's mother.        
C. Lucy's mother. 
5. Who is not hungry?
[     ]
A. Tom.           
B. John.            
C. Lucy.
6. Does Tom like some noodles?
[     ]
A. Yes, he is.     
B. No, he doesn't like noodles.             
C. Thank you.


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

Mother: It's warm and sunny. Let's go to the clothes shop, OK?
Girl: OK! I want to buy a new dress.
Father: Let's go to the toy shop to buy a toy.
Girl: No! Now I am hungry.  Let's go to the restaurant to eat some hamburgers.
Mother and father: OK! Let's go.
Waitress: What would you like?
Mother: We would like some hamburgers.  How much for one?
Waitress: 5 yuan.
Mother: We'll take three, please.
Waitress: Here you are.
1. The weather in Shanghai is _______.
A. hot and sunny        
B. warm and rainy        
C. warm and sunny
2. What does the girl want to buy?
A. A new toy.            
B. A new dress.          
C. A new skirt.
3. How much for three hamburgers?
A. 5 yuan.              
B. 10 yuan.              
C. 15 yuan.
4. How many hamburgers do they want to buy?
A. One.              
B. Two.              
C. Three.
5. The father wants to buy ________.
A. a hamburger          
B. a toy                  
C. an animal

