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_________ a table over there.

A. There are
B. There is

科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

___________ a table over there.
[     ]
A. There are
B. There is


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

1. There is a phone on the end table.
[     ]
A. 在课桌上
B. 在桌子里
C. 在床头柜上
2. There are some nuts. Please help yourself.
[     ]
A. 帮助你自己
B. 来帮忙
C. 随便吃
3. What can you see over the bed?
[     ]
A. 在床上
B. 在床上方
C. 在床下
4. Mike的新房子有一个大花园。
[     ]
A. house
B. flat
C. home
5. 墙上贴着一幅画。
[     ]
A. in the wall
B. on the wall
C. over the wall


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. 我会洗衣服,下列哪项翻译是正确的:
[     ]
A. I can wash the dishes.
B. I can wash the clothes.
C. I can wash the bed.
2. 当你要说“台灯在桌子上”时,可以说:
[     ]
A. The book is on the table.
B. The lamp is over the table.
C. The lamp is on the table.
3. 当你要说“我的家乡有许多树”时,可以说:
[     ]
A. There is a tree in my village.
B. There are many trees in my village.
C. There are trees in my city.
4. 如果你要说“在图书室里不要大声喧哗”,可以说:
[     ]
A. Please don't talk in the library.
B. Please don't walk.
C. Please don't say.
5. 当你想要问别人路时,你要先说:
[     ]
A. Excuse me.
B. Thank you.
C. Sorry.


科目:小学英语 来源:2008年四年级英语(下) 牛津版 牛津版 题型:001


1.A.sir B.six C.sure

2.A.our B.ball C.door

3.A.bowl B.table C.noodle

4.A.grapes B.mangoes C.lemons

5.A.farmer B.worker C.driver

6.A.mother B.hospital C.driver

7.A.station B.theatre C.airport

8.A.sandwich B.hamburger C.write

9.A.bright B.light C.write

10.A.cupboard B.notice board C.playground


1.A.They go there by taxi.

B.I go there by taxi.

C.We go there by taxi.

2.A.I go to school by bus.

B.I go to school by bike.

C.I go home by bus.

3.A.I can’t see any trees.

B.I can see some green trees.

C.I can see some trees in the picture.

4.A.The English book is over there.

B.The glass is near the English book.

C.The glass is on my English book.

5.A.My grandmother is about seventy.

B.Your grandmother is about seventy.

C.Her grandmother is about seventy.


A:Look, Ann.________ a picture on the wall.

B:________ in the picture?

A:________ a fridge, a desk, a bed and a sofa.

B:________ the fridge?

A:It’s near the sofa.

B:________ ________ the desk?

A:It’s ________ the window.________ ________ some books on the desk, too.

B:________ they storybooks?

A:Yes, they are.

