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A. How many books do you have?
B. Where is my book?

科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. 你想问:你书包里有什么?应这么说:
[     ]
A. What in your schoolbag?
B. What's in your schoolbag?
C. What's on your schoolbag?
2. 别人问你而你不知道,应这么说:
[     ]
A. Sorry, I don't know.
B. I know.
C. Sorry. Here you are.
3. 当你问别人有多少本书,应这么说:
[     ]
A. How many book do you have?
B. How many books you have?
C. How many books do you have?
4. 你想说:我有20支铅笔,应这么说:
[     ]
A. I have twelve pencils.
B. I has twenty pencils.
C. I have twenty pencils.
5. 你想告诉同学你有一个新书包,应这么说:
[     ]
A. I have an new schoolbag.
B. I have a new schoolbag.
C. I have a new bag.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. 你想问你同桌:我能看一下吗?应这么说:
[     ]
A. Can I look?
B. May I have a look?
C. May I look?
2. 你要说:看,我有一个小猴子。应这么说:
[     ]
A. I have a monkey.
B. I have monkey.
C. I have a monkey.
3. 你同桌要看你的玩具,你说:给你。应这么说:
[     ]
A. Give you.
B. Here is.
C. Here you are.
4. 你要说:它很漂亮,我喜欢。应这么说:
[     ]
A. It's good. I like it.
B. It's nice. I love it.
C. It's nice. I like it.
5. 你想说:请跟我来。应这么说:
[     ]
A. For me, please.
B. Follow me, please.
C. Follow, please.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. 你想问“她是谁?”应这么说:
[     ]
A. Who is she?
B. What's her name?
C. Who are she?
2. 你想告诉别人他有一头短黑的头发,应这么说:
[     ]
A. He has black hair.
B. He has short black.
C. He has short black hair.
3. 你想问:他叫什么名字?应这么说:
[     ]
A. What is he?
B. What's his name?
C. How old is he?
4. 你想说:我喜欢音乐。应这么说:
[     ]
A. I like sports.
B. I like music.
C. I am a student.
5. “玩电脑游戏”应这么说:
[     ]
A. play computer games
B. play games
C. play computers


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. 当你想问别人近处的物品是什么时,你可以这样说:
[     ]
A. What is this / are these?
B. What is that / are those?
2. 当你想问别人青蛙是什么颜色时,你可以这样说:
[     ]
A. What color are these frogs?
B. How many frogs are there?
3. 当你想问别人家里有多少人时,你可以这样说:
[     ]
A. How many children are there in your family?
B. How many people are there in your family?
4. 当你想赞美别人很聪明时,你可以这样说:
[     ]
A. You can help me.
B. You are so clever.
5. 当你想提醒别人小心时,你可以这样说:
[     ]
A. Look!
B. Be careful!
6. 当你给别人讲故事时,你可以这样开始: 
[     ]
A. Once upon a time.
B. Are you all right.
7. 当你想知道别人是否会游泳时,你可以这样问:
[    ]
A. Can you talk? 
B. Can you swim?
8. 当你想为别人提供帮助时,你可以这样说:
[     ]
A. Can I help you?
B. Can you help me?
9. 当你想寻问别人最喜欢的颜色是什么时,你可以这样说:
[     ]
A. What color is it?
B. What is your favorite color?
10. 当你想提出做一个水果沙拉的建议时,你可以这样说:
[     ]
A. Let's make a salad.
B. Can you make a salad?


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. 开学了,你向大家介绍新教室,你应说:

[     ]

A. This is our new school.
B. This is our new classroom.
2. 当你想说“我有一本英语书”时,你应说:

[     ]

A. I have an English book.
B. I have a English book.
3. 当你想问“这是你的书房吗?”,你应说:

[     ]

A. Is this your study?
B. Is this your student?
4. 当别人问你朋友的爱好时,你应说:

[     ]

A. My friend is tall.
B. My friend likes painting.
5. 当你告诉别人“我的哥哥是医生”时,你应说:

[     ]

A. I have a brother.
B. My brother is a doctor.
6. 当你认为别人说得对时,你应说:

[     ]

A. You are right.
B. All right.
7. 当小矮人想对白雪公主说“让我们去看一看吧”,他应说:

[     ]

A. Let's go and have a look.
B. Let's clean the window.
8. 当你想问大熊有多少本故事书时,你应说:

[     ]

A. How many English books do you have?
B. How many story-books do you have?
9. 白玲不知远处那个男孩叫什么,她应这样问:

[     ]

A. What's your name?
B. What's his name?
10. 你想问花园宝宝中午想吃什么,你应说:

[     ]

A. What would you like for lunch?
B. What do you like for lunch?

