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________ do I look?

A. What    
B. How    
C. Where

科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

________ do I look?
[     ]
A. What    
B. How    
C. Where


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. May I have a look? 
(     ) 2. Where's my book? 
(     ) 3. What's that? 
(     ) 4. How are you? 
(     ) 5. What colour is it? 
(     ) 6. What's her name?
(     ) 7. What do you like?
(     ) 8. What's in your bag?
(     ) 9. How many books do you have?
(     ) 10. Who's the boy?            
A. Her name is Amy.
B. Forty. 
C. Sure. Here you are.
D. Many books.
E. I like computer game.
F. It's on the desk.
G. He's John.
H. It's red. 
I. It's a small bee.
J. I'm fine. 


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

Read and choose.
A: Hi, John. 1.                         ?
B: It's sunny and warm.
A: You look happy. 2.                        ?
B: 1 feel excited.
A: 3.                             ?
B: I am going to play football this afternoon. 4.                        ?
A: Sorry. My leg hurls. I must stay at home May i have a look at your new comic look?
B: 5.                              
A: Thank you.

A. How do you feel
B. Can you go with me?
C. Yes, you may.
D. What's the weather like today Sure.
E. Here you are.
F. Where are you going this afternoon?


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:听力题

(    )1. A. How are you?
          B. Hello!
          C. What's your name?
(    )2. A. How many gifts?
          B. How many balloons?
          C. How old are you?
(    )3. A. Where is your hand?
           B. What's in the bag?
           C. Nice to meet you.
(    )4. A. Are you ten?
          B. Who are you?
          C. What can you see?
(    )5. A. Where is your nose?
          B. Thank you.
          C. May I have a look?
(    ) 6. A. Can I have some chicken?
           B. Where is your mouth?
           C. What do you like?


科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. Where is the man?   
(     ) 2. Look! What do you see?   
(     ) 3. What would you like?   
(     ) 4. How old are you?   
(     ) 5. How are you?
A. I'm  fine, thanks.      
B. He is on the train.
C. I see some children playing games. 
D. I would like some water. 
E. I am eleven years old.


科目:小学英语 来源:月考题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. Where's my seat?
(     ) 2. Let's clean the classroom.
(     ) 3. May I have a look?
(     ) 4. How many English books do you have?
(     ) 5. What's in your schoolbag?
A. I have six.
B. Many books.
C. It's near the door.
D. Good idea.
E. Sure.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. 你想让别人看你的新书包,你该怎样说?
[     ]
A. I have a bag. You see.
B. Look! I have a new schoolbag.     
C. This is my new schoolbag.
2. 你想看看同桌的新钢笔,你该怎样说?
[     ]
A. May I have a look at your new pen?    
B. I can see your pen?    
C. I can look your pen?
3. 小红有一支新铅笔,你想知道它是什么颜色,该怎样说?
[     ]
A. What's your new pencil?    
B. What colour is your new pencil?     
C. Where is your new pencil?
4. 陈洁背了新书包来到学校,你想知道里面装的是什么,该怎样说?
[     ]
A. What colour is your new schoolbag?     
B. What's in your new schoolbag?    
C. Where's your new schoolbag?
5. 你想知道迈克有多少本故事书,你该怎样说?
[     ]
A. How much storybooks do you have?    
B. How many storybooks do you have?    
C. Is this your storybooks?


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A. What's in it?
B. Are they on the table?
C. Thank you.
D. Yes, I do.
E. How many bedrooms do you have?
A: Welcome to my home. This is the living room.
B: Oh, it's very big. 1_______________________________
A: A brown sofa, a yellow table, a blue chair and a big TV.
B: 2_______________________________
A: I have 3 bedrooms.
B: Do you have your own (自己的) bedroom?
A: 3_______________________________ Oh! Where are my keys?
B: 4_______________________________
A: No, they aren't.
B: Look! They are in the door.
A: 5_______________________________
B: You're welcome.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. 当你想说“我妈妈是一名护士”时,你应说:

[     ]

A. My mother is a doctor.
B. My mother is a nurse.
C. My mother is a teacher.
2. 当你想知道别人有多少支铅笔时,你应说:

[     ]

A. How many pencils do you have?
B. How many books do you have?
C. I have six pencils.
3. 别人有一件夹克衫,你想知道它是什么颜色的,你应说:

[     ]

A. What colour is the jacket?
B. What colour is the coat?
C. Which colour is the jacket?
4. 当你想知道你的吉普车在哪儿时,你应说:

[     ]

A. Where is my bus?
B. Where is my jeep?
C. Where is my book?
5. 当你想让别人看你的新包时,你应说:

[     ]

A. Look! My new bag.
B. Look! My new lamp.
C. Look! My new kite.


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. 当问别人身体怎样时,应该说:

[     ]

A. How old are you?
B. How are you?
C. Fine, thank you.
2. 今天是John的生日,他的爸爸应该对他说:

[     ]

A. Happy birthday!
B. Happy Children's Day!
C. Happy Teachers' Day!
3. 当别人赞扬你的物品漂亮时,他应该说:

[     ]

A. Thank you!
B. You're welcome.
C. How nice!
4. 当你询问对方来自哪里时,应该说:

[     ]

A. What is it?
B. What's you name?
C. Where are you from?
5. 当你告诉别人你喜欢吃橘子时,应该说:

[     ]

A. I like pears.
B. Show me the pen.
C. I like oranges.
6. 当你正在找铅笔时,应该说:

[     ]

A. Where is my cup?
B. Where is my pencil?
C. Where is my cat?
7. 当新年到来时,应该说:

[     ]

A. Happy Halloween!
B. Thank you!
C. Happy New Year!
8. 当你看到别人要摔跤时,应该说:

[     ]

A. Watch TV!
B. Watch out!
C. Look at me!
9. 当你向别人介绍自己的朋友时,应该说:

[     ]

A. Who are you?
B. Hello!
C. This is my friend.
10. 当你询问别人有多少支钢笔时,应该说:

[     ]

A. How many pens do you have?
B. How many crayons do you have?
C. How many pens can you see?

