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         are you from?

A. What    
B. This    
C. Where

科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

         are you from?
[     ]
A. What    
B. This    
C. Where


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

__________ are you from? 
[     ]
A. Where                
B. What             
C. This


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. Where are you from?
(     ) 2. What's this?
(     ) 3. Is the Queen's house big?
A. I'm from China.
B. It's a pen.
C. Yes, it is.


科目:小学英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

选用in, on, from, for, to填空。
A. Hi, Dick! Where are you         
B. Happy birthday         you. 
C. What's this         English? 
D. Where's my book?          the bed. 
E. This is an orange. It's          you.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. Who's that man?        
(     ) 2. What's this?           
(     ) 3. Where are you from?    
(     ) 4. Nice to meet you.      
(     ) 5. Is she your teacher? 
A. No, she is my grandmother.   
B. Nice to meet you, too.       
C. He is my father.                                                              
D. It's a book.                 
E. I'm from Beijing.          


科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:改错题

(     ) 1. Where is you from?                                         
                A    B          C     
(     ) 2. Look  in my  pen.                                            
               A     B  C     
(     ) 3. This  is  she  brother.                                       
              A    B    C   
(     ) 4. what many oranges are there?                           
               A                 B      C
(     ) 5. Where is you bag?                                           
                A     B  C


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

1. 这是一件女衬衣.
[     ]
A. This is a blouse.    
B. This is a shirt.     
C. This is a broom.
2. 这是一双袜子.
[     ]
A. This is a sock.    
B. This is a pair of sock.     
C. This is a pair of socks.
3. 她是一个中国女孩.
[     ]
A. He is a China girl.    
B. She is a Japanese girl.     
C. She is a Chinese girl.
4. 在图片里的是什么?
[     ]
A. What's in the picture?    
B. What's in picture?     
C. What in the picture?
5. 他的上衣是什么颜色的?
[     ]
A. What is colour his coat?    
B. What colour is her coat?     
C. What colour is his coat?
6. 真好看.
[     ]
A. How old are you!    
B. How nice!     
C. What a good!
7. 咱们去你们家吧!
[     ]
A. Let go to your house.  
B. Let's go to your house.  
C. Let's to go to your house.
8. 今天,你能和我一起玩吗?
[     ]
A. Can you play with me today?  
B. Can you play me today?
C. Are you play with me today?
9. 你住在哪里?
[     ]
A. Where do you live?                  
B. Where are you from? 
C. Where do you live in?
10. 林涛1.8米高。
[     ]
A. Lin Tao is 1.8 tall metres.        
B. Lin Tao is tall 1.8 metres.                  
C. Lin Tao is 1.8 metre tall.          
D. Lin Tao is 1.8 metres tall.


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. 当有人问你:“Where are you going?”时,你应回答:
[     ]
A. Turn left.
B. Go straight.
C. To the stairs.
2. 当你想要打扰别人时,你要说:
[     ]
A. I'm sorry.
B. Follow me.
C. Excuse me.
3. 你想知道今天的天气怎样?应该这样问:
[     ]
A. How's the weather?
B. What's the weather?
C. It's warm.
4. 你想表达电视机在床对面,应该说:
[     ]
A. The TV is beside the bed.
B. The TV is below the bed.
C. The TV is across from the bed.
5. 给别人指路时,你想告诉他在交通灯处左拐,要说:
[     ]
A. Turn right.
B. Turn left at the traffic lights.
C. Go down this street.


科目:小学英语 来源:河北省小考真题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. What do you want this envelope for?
(     ) 2. Where are you from?
(     ) 3. What would you like?
(     ) 4. Can I have some paper?
(     ) 5. What does your sister do?
(     ) 6. Whose ruler is longer, his or yours?
(     ) 7. Which bus shall I take?
(     ) 8. What day is it today?
(     ) 9. How many stops are there?
(     ) 10. Which season do you like best?     
A. Mine.
B. There are three stops.
C. You can take bus No. 33.
D. I want to post a letter.
E. I'd like some chocolate.
F. It's Tuesday.
G. She is a nurse.
H. Of course, here you are.        
I. I like summer best.
J. We are from Japan.      


科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. What's your name?
(     ) 2. How are you?
(     ) 3. Where are you from?
(     ) 4. This is my friend, Amy. 
(     ) 5. How many dogs do you have?
A. I'm from Canada.
B. I'm Amy.
C. I'm fine, thank you.
D. I have three.
E. Nice to meet you.                                                                

