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What are you going to do _____?

A. yesterday
B. the day before yesterday
C. the day after tomorrow

科目:初中英语 来源:专项题 题型:单选题

What are you going to do _____?
[     ]
A. yesterday
B. the day before yesterday
C. the day after tomorrow


科目:初中英语 来源:双色笔记八年级英语(上) 题型:014

-What are you going to do ________?

-We're going to watch a baseball game.

[  ]


B.the day before yesterday

C.last weekend

D.the day after tomorrow


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A. But it's hard to get a ticket, I think.
B. What about Jack?
C. Why not go and buy some earlier?
D. What about you?
E. Bad luck!
A: What are you going to do tonight?
B: Tonight? I'll be free, I think.__1__
A: The American rock band will give a concert in our town.
B : Yes? Where?
A: At the theater in the center of the town.
B: Do you want to go there?
A : Yes.__2__
B: __3__
A: I went there the day before yesterday, but couldn't get any.
B: __4__
A: Your sister works in the theater. I'm sure she can help us.
B: But she went to France on business.
A: __5__ . He's her best friend, you know.
B: Well, I'll call him. Maybe he can help us.


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省济南市2011年高中阶段教育学校招生考试英语试题 题型:001



1.A.I can see a map on the wall.

B.You must look after your watch.

C.She flies kites in the park every autumn.

2.A.Do you like Chinese tea?

B.Would you like some hot water?

C.Are there any trees in the picture?

3.A.What food do you like?

B.Whose coats are these?

C.Where are our books?

4.A.The best time to come to China is in spring.

B.There was a strong wind the day before yesterday.

C.Jim couldn't wash himself or get dressed

5.A.I've never been to that farm before.

B.Some of the players were hard to stop.

C.I told her to stay in bed till tomorrow.


6A.Lucy's new hat

B.Lucy's new kite.

C.Lucy's new bike.

D.Lily's old hat

7.A.A cup of tea.

B.Some orange.

C.A glass of water.

D.Something to eat

8.A.The blue one.

B.The red one.

C.The green one.


9.A.At 8∶00.

B.At 8∶30.

C.At 9∶00.

D.At 9∶30.

10.A.It's made in Shanghai.

B.It's made of cotton.

C.It's made of wool

D.It's made in Jinan.


11.A.At school.


C.At home.

D.In a food shop.


B.Vegetable sandwiches.

C.Bread and milk

D.Chicken sandwiches.

13.A.Wash his face.

B.Wash his hands.

C.Clean his teeth.

D.Wake his father up.

14.A.He's working.

B.He's going to the station.

C.He's sleeping.

D.He's meeting his friend.

15.A.He went to the station to meet his friend.

B.He wrote to his friend till late last night

C.He couldn't find the way to the station last night

D.He read a book till late last night


16.A.It was windy.

B.It was cloudy.

C.It was wet.

D.It was dry.

17.A.She was going home

R She was going to her friend's house.

C.She was going to her office.

D.She was going to her uncle's house.

18.A.Because it was windy.

B.Because she couldn't find her glasses.

C.Because she couldn't find her friend's house.

D.Because it was raining and the traffic was bad.

19.A.She turned off the radio.

B.She drove slowly.

C.She went to a hotel.

D.She read the road signs.

20.A.The first thing.

B.The second thing.

C.The third thing.

D.The fourth thing.


科目:初中英语 来源:1+1轻巧夺冠·优化训练 英语 七年级下册 (外研版)银版 外研版 题型:001



1.A.I can see a map on the wall.

B.You must look after your watch.

C.She flies kites in the park every autumn.

2.A.Do you like Chinese tea?

B.Would you like some hot water?

C.Are there any trees in the picture?

3.A.What food do you like?

B.Whose coats are these?

C.Where are our books?

4.A.The best time to come to China is in spring.

B.There was a strong wind the day before yesterday.

C.Jim couldn't wash himself or get dressed.

5.A.I've never been to that farm before.

B.Some of the players were hard to stop.

C.I told her to stay in bed till tomorrow.


6.A.Lucy's new hat.

B.Lucy's new kite.

C.Lucy's new bike.

D.Lily's old hat.

7.A.A cup of tea.

B.Some orange.

C.A glass of water.

D.Something to eat.

8.A.The blue one.

B.The red one.

C.The green one.


9.A.At 8∶00.

B.At 8∶30.

C.At 9∶00.

D.At 9∶30.

10.A.It's made in Shanghai.

B.It's made of cotton.

C.It's made of wool.

D.It's made in Jinan.


11.A.At school.


C.At home.

D.In a food shop.


B.Vegetable sandwiches.

C.Bread and milk.

D.Chicken sandwiches.

13.A.Wash his face.

B.Wash his hands.

C.Clean his teeth.

D.Wake his father up.

14.A.He's working.

B.He's going to the station.

C.He's sleeping.

D.He's meeting his friend.

15.A.He went to the station to meet his friend.

B.He wrote to his friend till late last night.

C.He couldn't find the way to the station last night.

D.He read a book till late last night.


16.A.It was windy.

B.It was cloudy.

C.It was wet.

D.It was dry.

17.A.She was going home.

B.She was going to her friend's house.

C.She was going to her office.

D.She was going to her uncle's house.

18.A.Because it was windy.

B.Because she couldn't find her glasses.

C.Because she couldn't find her friend's house.

D.Because it was raining and the traffic was bad.

19.A.She turned off the radio.

B.She drove slowly.

C.She went to a hotel.

D.She read the road signs.

20.A.The first thing.

B.The second thing.

C.The third thing.

D.The fourth thing.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江长兴县实验初中九年级下学期期中调研英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

At lunchtime, Bonnie and Ruth sat together like they always did at school. Ruth and Bonnie were best friends and best friends always sat together for lunch. They  1  sandwiches, cupcakes and almost everything.
But today things were   2  . Bonnie looked upset, and Ruth did not know why. “Why are you sad today, Bonnie?” Ruth asked. “Because my daddy    3  his job yesterday,” she said. “And we may have to move. My mom and dad are very unhappy and they always argue. I am   4 . What is going to happen to us?”
Bonnie’s news made Ruth very sad, too. What would school be like   5  Bonnie? What could she do to help her friend? When Ruth went home she told her mom the bad   6 .
“What can I do to help?” she asked.
“I’m not sure, Ruth,” said her mother sadly.
Ruth thought and thought. She thought while she ate supper and she thought while she did homework. She even thought when she brushed her teeth before going to bed.
“What can I do?” she  7 .
The next day was Saturday and Ruth woke up very early. She dressed and ate a quick breakfast,  8  went to find her friends. They all decided to    9  together to help Bonnie. They pulled weeds, played with babies and walked dogs. They even put on a Talent show in Ruth’s backyard. All the adults paid one dollar to watch the   10  sing and dance and do magic tricks. After the performance, the children   11 their money. They had made three hundred dollars! Ruth’s mom took them to the grocery store and they bought food, soap, paper towels, and all kinds of things that a person might need.
When they left the store they went to Bonnie’s house and each of the children   12  carried a bag to the door, rang the doorbell and ran away quickly. They had so much fun with   13  secret surprise! They knew it would make Bonnie very happy.
Ruth felt happy too,   14 she had helped her friend. She knew it wasn’t much, but all she needed to do was to show her friend that she cared   15 . I think Bonnie got the message, don’t you?

A.changed B.lostC.enjoyedD.got
A.worried B.lonelyC.disappointed D.surprised
A.storyB.result C.newsD.report
A.dreamtB.answered C.talkedD.wondered
A.parentsB.actorsC.students D.children
A.countedB.saved C.sent D.spent
A.though B.andC.because ofD.because


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届浙江长兴县实验初中九年级下学期期中调研英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

At lunchtime, Bonnie and Ruth sat together like they always did at school. Ruth and Bonnie were best friends and best friends always sat together for lunch. They  1  sandwiches, cupcakes and almost everything.

But today things were   2  . Bonnie looked upset, and Ruth did not know why. “Why are you sad today, Bonnie?” Ruth asked. “Because my daddy    3  his job yesterday,” she said. “And we may have to move. My mom and dad are very unhappy and they always argue. I am   4 . What is going to happen to us?”

Bonnie’s news made Ruth very sad, too. What would school be like   5  Bonnie? What could she do to help her friend? When Ruth went home she told her mom the bad   6 .

“What can I do to help?” she asked.

“I’m not sure, Ruth,” said her mother sadly.

Ruth thought and thought. She thought while she ate supper and she thought while she did homework. She even thought when she brushed her teeth before going to bed.

“What can I do?” she  7 .

The next day was Saturday and Ruth woke up very early. She dressed and ate a quick breakfast,  8  went to find her friends. They all decided to    9  together to help Bonnie. They pulled weeds, played with babies and walked dogs. They even put on a Talent show in Ruth’s backyard. All the adults paid one dollar to watch the   10  sing and dance and do magic tricks. After the performance, the children   11 their money. They had made three hundred dollars! Ruth’s mom took them to the grocery store and they bought food, soap, paper towels, and all kinds of things that a person might need.

When they left the store they went to Bonnie’s house and each of the children   12  carried a bag to the door, rang the doorbell and ran away quickly. They had so much fun with   13  secret surprise! They knew it would make Bonnie very happy.

Ruth felt happy too,   14 she had helped her friend. She knew it wasn’t much, but all she needed to do was to show her friend that she cared   15 . I think Bonnie got the message, don’t you?

1.                A.found          B.cooked         C.shared   D.bought


2.                A.same          B.good           C.right D.different


3.                A.changed        B.lost            C.enjoyed  D.got


4.                A.worried        B.lonely          C.disappointed   D.surprised


5.                A.to             B.with           C.for  D.without


6.                A.story           B.result          C.news D.report


7.                A.dreamt         B.answered       C.talked    D.wondered


8.                A.so             B.then           C.after D.before


9.                A.work           B.study           C.help D.think


10.               A.parents        B.actors          C.students   D.children


11.               A.counted        B.saved          C.sent D.spent


12.               A.slowly          B.quietly         C.seriously  D.patiently


13.               A.their           B.his            C.her   D.its


14.               A.though         B.and            C.because of D.because


15.               A.helped         B.cared          C.understood D.realized




科目:初中英语 来源:北京市怀柔区2011年中考一模英语试题 题型:001




















5.Where are the two speakers talking?

A.In a shop.

B.At home.

C.On a bus.

6.What is the birthday present?

A.A guitar.

B.A camera.

C.A bike.


7.When did Tom fail the math exam?

A.The day before yesterday.



8.What does Lucy advise Tom to do?

A.To study hard.

B.To ask his teacher

C.To forget it.


9.Who wants to go camping?



C.David and Lily.

10.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A.Their families.

B.Their friends.

C.Their summer vacation.


11.What does the boy really want to do?

A.To play games.

B.To have a biology lesson.

C.To clean the bathroom.

12.Why doesn’t the boy’s mother let him go out?

A.Because she is going out herself.

B.Because the boy has played too long.

C.Because she wants to teach the boy.

13.What is the mother like?

A.Too serious to everything.

B.Good at teaching children.

C.Not kind at all.


14.How many pieces of advice on happiness are mentioned?




15.Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

A.Reading a good book

B.Traveling to foreign countries

C.Spending time with close friends

16.What is the best title of the passage?

A.Money Makes You Happy

B.The Secrets of Happiness

C.Good Friends Make You Happy



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省无锡市九年级3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

“It’s 8:15 on a Sunday morning,” said the officer, Tidwell, “and this sort of thing seems an unlikely adventure(冒险) at such a time. Would you mind explaining?”

   The man was astonished(吃惊的) at the voice from behind. He turned about and said, “I know what you’re thinking, officer, but it isn’t true. It’s a very funny mistake.”

   “I think you’ve just left this house in a manner rather than the usual one. That may be quite all right, but I’d like to make sure.” Tidwell took out his notebook and a pen. “Name, address and occupation and then, please tell me your story.”

    “Charlie Crane, lorry(卡车) driver, from Nottingham, 51 Brecon Street. My story?”

    “Yes, What were you doing like a fly on that wall, Mr. Crane?”

    “Well, I had a breakdown yesterday and had to stay the night here. The landlady’s name is Mrs. Fern. She gave me breakfast at seven, and I was out of here in the right way and down at the lorry park by half past seven. It was only when I felt around for a cigarette that I realized I’d left $80 under the pillow(枕头) here. It’s a habit I’ve got into. I even do it almost every day.”

    “I see. Why didn’t you miss it when you meant to pay Mrs.? What’s her name?”

    “I paid her last night. You’ve got to pay when you take the room, see? So I came rushing back, but it’s Sunday, and she’d gone back to bed. I rang the bell and banged on the front door for ten minutes before I came round here. Up I went this pipe(管子) and the money was still there. You know the rest, and I hope you believe it because….”

   “Mr. Crane, whatever are you doing here? I thought you’d gone an hour ago.” It was Mrs. Fern.

1. What did Tidwell see?

A. He saw a man going to a park in a hurry 

B. He saw a man bringing a pipe out, through a window.

C. He saw a man leaving a house         

D. He saw a man trying to go up a pipe

2.When Mr. Crane was at home, he         .

A. kept his cigarettes under his pillow at night  

B. always carried his money about him at night

C. tried to give up the habit of smoking       

D. put his money under his pillow at night

3.What do you think happened in the end?

A. Mrs. Fern found the $80 in the house     

B. Tidwell took Mr. Crane to the police station

C. Mrs. Fern said sorry to Mr. Crane        

D. Mr. Crane was let go



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

At lunchtime, Bonnie and Ruth sat together like they always did at school. Ruth and Bonnie were best friends and best friends always sat together for lunch. They  1  sandwiches, cupcakes and almost everything.
But today things were   2  . Bonnie looked upset, and Ruth did not know why. “Why are you sad today, Bonnie?” Ruth asked. “Because my daddy    3  his job yesterday,” she said. “And we may have to move. My mom and dad are very unhappy and they always argue. I am   4 . What is going to happen to us?”
Bonnie’s news made Ruth very sad, too. What would school be like   5  Bonnie? What could she do to help her friend? When Ruth went home she told her mom the bad   6 .
“What can I do to help?” she asked.
“I’m not sure, Ruth,” said her mother sadly.
Ruth thought and thought. She thought while she ate supper and she thought while she did homework. She even thought when she brushed her teeth before going to bed.
“What can I do?” she  7 .
The next day was Saturday and Ruth woke up very early. She dressed and ate a quick breakfast,  8  went to find her friends. They all decided to    9  together to help Bonnie. They pulled weeds, played with babies and walked dogs. They even put on a Talent show in Ruth’s backyard. All the adults paid one dollar to watch the   10  sing and dance and do magic tricks. After the performance, the children   11 their money. They had made three hundred dollars! Ruth’s mom took them to the grocery store and they bought food, soap, paper towels, and all kinds of things that a person might need.
When they left the store they went to Bonnie’s house and each of the children   12  carried a bag to the door, rang the doorbell and ran away quickly. They had so much fun with   13  secret surprise! They knew it would make Bonnie very happy.
Ruth felt happy too,   14 she had helped her friend. She knew it wasn’t much, but all she needed to do was to show her friend that she cared   15 . I think Bonnie got the message, don’t you?
A.changed B.lostC.enjoyedD.got
A.worried B.lonelyC.disappointed D.surprised
A.storyB.result C.newsD.report
A.dreamtB.answered C.talkedD.wondered
A.parentsB.actorsC.students D.children
A.countedB.saved C.sent D.spent
A.though B.andC.because ofD.because

