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— ______ do you want to go shopping?
— After school.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014届度江苏省七年级上学期联考英语试卷 题型:单项填空

--______ do you want to go shopping?

         --After school.

     A.How            B.What            C. When             D. Where



科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省期末题 题型:单选题

— ______ do you want to go shopping?
— After school.
[     ]


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省镇江市部分学校2011-2012学年七年级上学期联考英语试题 题型:017

-_________ do you want to go shopping?

-After school.

[  ]









科目:初中英语 来源:2007平湖市当湖高级中学零模考试英语试卷 题型:053


The people below are all willing to offer help to those who needs help.After the description of these people, there is information about six voluntary jobs(A-F).Decide which place would be most suitable for the person(s)mentioned in questions 61-65 and then mark the correct number on your answer sheet.There is one extra paragraph about one job which you don’t need to use.

1.________ Stephen:Last summer I went through a training program and became a literacy(文化知识)volunteer.When I began to discover what other people’s lives were like because they could not read, I realized the true importance of reading.

2.________ Ben:After graduation, I don’t want to apply for a job at once.Instead, I plan to spend one year to help those who need help most and try my best to improve their lives.You know, education is essential to poverty relief and at the same time I’ll get valuable experience for my future career.

3.________ Susan:I’m a girl from England and has studied French for years.I’m here in Beijing University studying Chinese.I like China as it is full of mysteries.So I hope the voluntary work will help me to get in touch with Chinese people and get to know about China.Although my study is busy, I can be free at night and at the weekends.

4.________ Tim:Since I myself have overcome a lot of difficulties in my life, I understand young people’s problems and I know how to listen patiently to others and offer some advice.I’m working now in the daytime so I can only spend two to three hours a day at night to help others.

5.________ Lisa:I burst into tears when I saw those children in a TV programme.What a sight.They are only bone and skin left.What’s worse, every day the children are dying because of lack of food.I realized how lucky I am with enough food and a good chance to get education.The summer vacation is coming and I hope I can do something for them.

A.As we know, the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing and many people from other countries will come to visit China.The taxi drivers in Dongfeng Taxi Company think the way to show kindness is to be able to greet the foreigners in their languages.They need someone who can teach them languages and the best time is at night when they are not so busy.

B.Tim is so addicted to on-line games that he cannot concentrate on his study like before.Now he often misses school in order to play games, and tells lies to his teachers and parents again and again.Though he realizes what he does is wrong, he just can’t stop it.How badly he needs someone’s help.

C.Marie, a 44-year-old single mother of three, has to walk two miles to the nearest supermarket twice a week because she doesn’t know which bus to take.What’s worse, since she does not know words, she can not write out a shopping list.Also, she can only recognize items by sight, so if the product has a different label, she will not recognize it as the product she wants.

D.“Helping hand” organization will hold an event to help the starving children in Africa.The event starts in August and those taking part in will go without food for 30 hours.In this way, it is expected that money will be raised for the poor children.

E.“Green Earth” cares a lot for the animals in danger.Still many people in the world don’t know much about the importance of animal protecting.This summer vacation a lot of events will be organized to call on people to live in harmony with our earth.

F.A group of young children in a remote village in southwest China are in great need of teachers.Because of the low salary, many teachers came and then went.The villagers hope to have a teacher who can stay for at least a year, because they know knowledge can make a difference to the children’s future.


科目:初中英语 来源:安徽省安庆市2011届九年级第一次中考模拟考试英语试题 题型:050


  Will you be excited when you finally get to relax?Ask all the Junior 3 students.They will be experiencing it soon after the Senior high school entrance(入学)exams in June.What will they do To celebrate?Here, four of them tell us what they plan to do this

  Li Junzhe 15, Huaihua, Hunan:

  My friends and l will travel to Beijing and the Shanghai Expo right after the big exam.We planned to go by ourselves but our parents refused.They said we were too young to travel alone·Actually.I'm okay with it because I've ever traveled by myself.

  Aermu, 17, Tianjin:I am from Xinjiang, but I study at Tianjin NO.5 Middle School with l45 other Xinjiang students.After the big exam, we will go home together.It's my first time away from home and I miss my family very much.1 will bring them the famous Tianjin mahua and other things.

  Zhu Hangjian, 15, Dexing, Jiangxi:What am I going to do this summer?Of course I'll go see the Shanghai Expo!But before that, I will watch movies.I will watch whatever is in the cinema!As for the Expo, I can't wait to see the UK Pavilion(场馆).I won't miss the Little Mermaid(美人鱼)statue at the Denmark Pavilion, either.

  DongXu, 14, Dalian, Liaoning:I will play computer games for days after the big exam.My mother never let me do it during the past few years.I can't imagine how exciting it will be now.Also my friends and I will pay a visit to the Shanghai Expo organized by a travel agency.The first must-see on my list is the Liaoning Pavilion, our home pavilion.I really want to know what we are showing to the world there.


From the passage, we know that Li Junzhe's parents don't allow him ________.

[  ]


to travel to Beijing alone


to take the train


to visit the Shanghai Expo


to have fun with friends


How many students of the four plan to see the Shanghai Expo?

[  ]










The students will do a lot of things after the big exam except ________.

[  ]


playing computer games


watching movies


going shopping


visiting the farm


________ is the youngest among the four students.

[  ]


Dong Xu


Zhu Hanjian




Li Junzhe


Which of the followings is Not true?

[  ]


Aermu is studying in Tianjing at the moment.


Dong Xu would most like to see the UK Pavilion.


When he was young, Li Junzhe travelled alone by train.


Zhu Hanjian will see the Little Mermaid statue during the the Shanghai Expo.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

   What should you do when an American friend asks you to   26  his family? What should you do  27  him? Should you bring him a gift? What clothes should you wear?  28   should you arrive? What should you do when you get there? Your American friend just hopes that you will make yourself   29  .

   Should you bring a gift for your friend? It is not a “must”. In our life, some people like to bring a small gift when they visit their friends. If you don’t want to bring a gift, that is OK.

   Most American people will   30   you the best food they had at home when you go to their home for dinner. You may ask,“Can I bring something?” They usually say, “No, just bring yourself.”And please remember to be   31  .If you can’t, you should give your friend a call. When you are having dinner with your friends, say that the food is very   32   and say“thank you”to them. Eat lots of food and your friends will be happy.

   After eating up the food, you may help your friends clean the table or   33  . But your friends may not let you do that because you are a guest. Then you may talk for   34  . After about an hour, you should know that it’s time for you to go home.and  35   I want to tell you last is that please don’t go looking around the house.

(  )26.A.visited        B.visit             C.visiting          D.visited

(  )27.A.after visit    B.when visiting     C.before visiting   D.while visit

(  )28.A.Where          B.What              C.How               D.What time

(  )29.A.at home        B.at work           C.at school         D.at farm

(  )30.A.afford         B.offer             C.show              D.buy

(  )31.A.no time        B.at a time         C.in time           D.for a time

(  )32.A.good           B.had               C.terrible          D.ugly

(  )33.A.Go shopping     B.do the dishes       C.clean the house      D.wash the clothes

(  )34.A.some time      B.sometimes         C.sometime          D.some times

(  )35.A.how            B.when              C.what              D.That



科目:初中英语 来源:河北省石家庄市42中2012届九年级中考二模英语试题 题型:001






2.A.some eggs

B.some bread

C.some rice

3.A.take a bus

B.be late for

C.by car

4.A.after the meeting

B.before the class

C.after school

5.A.We will go swimming tomorrow if it is a fine day.

B.Be careful! Don't go swimming alone.

C.Don't be sad if you can't go swimming.


6.A.I hurt myself.

B.It was too noisy.

C.Before supper.

7.A.Yes, it is.

B.No, they don't.

C.Yes, they are.

8.A.Well done!

B.Be careful!

C.Don't be sad.

9.A.The bus is coming.

B.It's over there, next to the station.

C.Don't worry.

10.A.In two weeks.

B.Two years ago.

C.For about three years.


11.A.She visited a friend.

B.She went swimming.

C.She went shopping.

12.A.There weren't enough chairs.

B.Their seats were wet.

C.They wanted to see clearly.

13.A.Some chicken.

B.Some beef.

C.Some oranges.








16.What will help you when you are lost in a city?

A.A voice.

B.A computer car.

C.A car.

17.How do you know where you are?

A.By a map.

B.By a computer.

C.By a big screen.

18.Where is the Red Sea?

A.Between Asia and Europe.

B.Between Asia and Africa.

C.Between Africa and Europe.

19.Why does the Red Sea attract lots of tourists?

A.The sea plants are beautiful.

B.The climate there is warm.

C.the water is suitable for swimming and bathing.

20.What is the weather like around the Red Sea?

A.Hot and dry.

B.Cool and dry.

C.Hot and wet.

21.Would Peter like to go hiking?

A.Yes, he'd love to.

B.No, because he is busy with work.

C.No, he doesn't like climbing mountains.

22.What does the weatherman say?

A.It is going to rain.

B.It will be sunny.

C.The rain will stop in the afternoon.

23.When will they come back?

A.In the afternoon.

B.Before noon.

C.We don't know.

24.Where will they meet?

A.At the foot of the mountain.

B.At the gate of the school.

C.Near John's house.

25.Why does Peter want to bring his camera?

A.Because he has a very good camera.

B.Because he is good at taking photos.

C.Because he wants to take photos of the scenery.


