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科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度潍坊市奎文区第二学期九年级期中考试试卷 题型:

--Can you guess __________the MP4 player yesterday? 

--SorryI’ve no idea about it

Ahow much did he pay for                                   Bhow can he get

Chow much he paid for                                Dhow did he get


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度潍坊市奎文区第二学期九年级期中考试试卷 题型:

I stood in the doorwaywatching my older brother carefully putting clothes into his bagI coughed uneasilyWhen he realized that I was thereRocky turned toward me  1  a sad smile

    I’m  2  tomorrow,”he said.“I know.”My  3  was almost a whisper(低声,耳语).I was angry at  4  for being so weakbut I wasn’t about to(将要)cry.“My  5  is early so there is enough time to come to the airport,”he saidSeeing the sad look on my facehe quickly added,“I  6   won’t leave without saying goodbye.”

    I tried to say  7  but didn’tIt’s always better to  8  if you’re about to cr

    You promised you wouldn’t cry,”he said to methinking that I was to cryI remember the day he   9   me how to ride a bikeAt first I thought he was always right behind meholding the seat to keep me from  10  I was happy with thisbut he knew he  11  hold me up all my lifeHe told me that one day he would have to leaveHis coughing stopped my  12  What was left to say?  13  could l say goodbye to the person who taught me everything?

    The next morning I   14  looked at my alarm clockand realized he had left  15  beforeWe never even said goodbye

GoodbyeRocky! Although he may have been many miles awayI knew he heard meeven if it was only an answer in his heart

1AIn                            Bof                           Cby                         Dwith

2Aleaving                     Bcoming                  Ctraveling                 Dreturning

3Aword                        Bnoise                      Cvoice                     Dsound

4Ame                           Bhim                        Cmyself                   Dhimself

5Abus                          Bship                        Ctrain                             Dflight

6Ahope                        Bpromise                  Cwish                      Dagree

7Asomething                Banything                 Ceverything              Dnothing

8Acheer up                  Bkeep quiet               Cenjoy yourself         Dkeep away

9Ateaches                     Btaught                    Cis teaching              Dhad taught

10Ariding                     Brunning                  Cwalking                  Dfalling

11Acould                      Bcouldn’t                 Chad to                    Ddidn’t have to

12Adreaming                Bimaging                  Cthinking                  Drealizing

13AHow                       BWhy                       CWhat                     DWhen

14Agave up                  Blooked up                Cwoke up                Dstayed up

15Ahours                            Bdays                       Cweeks                    Dminutes


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度潍坊市奎文区第二学期九年级期中考试试卷 题型:

After supper, Mr. Hunt came outThe sun was setting down in the west and it was a little cool outsideFew people would stay at home There were a lot of people near the riverHe was walking along the bank while some friends greeted himAn hour later, he felt tired and sat down on a chair near the end of the bridge

    Suddenly, the old man heard a violent(激烈的)quarrel at the other endHe stood up and saw several people were thereAs a policemanhe thought it was his duty to find out what was happening to themHe went there and noticed four women quarrelling with each otherHe tried to prevent them from doing itbut nobody listened to himHe thought for a while and had an idea

    “Let’s hear the oldest speak first!”

    Hearing thisall of them stopped and left in a hurry, with red faces

1Few people would stay at home because __________

Ait was hot in the houses

Bthey enjoyed doing some exercises

Cthey hoped to talk with their friends

Dthe scenery outside was nice

2Mr. Hunt came out to __________

Agreet to his friends                                      Bhear the women quarrel

Cwalk along the bank                                   Dfind a chair to sit on

3Mr. Hunt thought __________so he went to the other end of the bridge

Athe women would listen to him

Bhe should prevent them from quarrelling

Cthe women would say something interesting

Dhe should take the women to the police station

4Each woman was afraid to __________so they hurried off

Abe beaten by the policeman                          Bbe thought as the oldest

Cgo home too late                                        Dsee the old policeman


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度潍坊市奎文区第二学期九年级期中考试试卷 题型:

Vitamin(维生素)D is called sunshine vitamin,”and it is very important to healthyet more Americans are not getting enoughUSresearchers said on MondayResearchers found that 75 percent of Americans can’t reach the levels of vitamin Dup from about 50 percent of them 20 years agoGetting enough vitamin D can be easyspend 10 minutes in the sun with legs and arms exposed (暴露),or take vitamin pills

    But people’s habits have changedthey are less active and outdoors lessand also protecting their skin from the sun because of skin cancer risk(皮癌风险),”said DrAdit Gindewho did the studyTraditionally, vitamin D has been seen important to bone(骨)health and to prevent rickets(软骨病),but recent discoveries show many kinds of cells(细胞)use vitamin D in some way, Ginde said

    Food can boost(提升)vitamin D levelsbut only a few foodsThose include some kinds of fishsalmonsardinestuna and mackereland milkBut the amounts in milk are not enough to keep people healthyIn the last few yearsvitamin D has gained more attentionPeople are paying a lot more attention to itA second study in the journal supposed the idea of providing more vitamin D for bone healthResearchers did a research on some people aged 65 or olderThey found that spinal bone fractures(脊椎断裂)decreased(卜降)20 percent when the patients took vitamin D every day

    Researcher Heike Bischoff-Ferrari wrote in the report.”it is possible for people to increase the amount of vitamin D earlier to keep healthy.”

1Why Vitamin D is calledsunshine vitamin?

ABecause it is like sunshine

BBecause people can get vitamin D in the sun

CBecause it is very important

DBecause there isn’t enough vitamin D in the food

2If people have enough vitamin Dthey can avoid __________

Acold                       Bcancer                   Crickets                   Dfever

3We can get vitamin D by __________

Aeating some food                                        Bspending time in the sunshine

Ctaking vitamin D Pills                                  Dall of the above

4Americans get __________ vitamin D than before

Amore                   Bless                       Cbetter                     Dworse


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度潍坊市奎文区第二学期九年级期中考试试卷 题型:

Mr. Brown was going away for a weekBefore he left,(Ahe said to his son,“If anyone asks for meyou can tell him that your father has been out for doing somethingand will be back in a weekThen be sure to ask him to sit down for a cup of tea.”

    OkDad,”said his sonBut he was afraid his son couldn’t remember thishe wrote these words down on a piece of paper and gave it to him.(BHis son put it into his small pockettook it out and looked at it every now and then

Four days passedbut no one came to see his fatherThe boy thought that there was no one to come and thatCthe piece of paper was of no use for him any longerso he burnt it that evening

    The next afternoonsomeone knocked at the doorThe boy opened itA man was standing at the door and said,“Where is your father?the boy put his hand into his pocket at once and looked for the piece of paperHe could not find itHe suddenly rememberedDhe had burnt itso he shouted,“no more!The man was very surprised

    He asked.“NO more? I met your father last week When did it happen?”“Burnt yesterday evening.”





5What did the man think happened to the boy’s father?


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度潍坊市奎文区第二学期九年级期中考试试卷 题型:


1A q_________ is another way of saying 15 minutes

2If you eat too much fast food or sweetsyou’ll put on w_________

3The doctor told me to take the m_________ three times a day

4My daughter wants to be a dentist in order to take care of people’s t________

5---I haven’t been to Beijing beforeHow about youTom?

---Me n________

6Most small children enjoy __________off(炫耀)in front of visitors

7Could you give me some __________(建议)on the coming concert?

8There goes the bellLet’s stop __________(讨论)and have a break

9Mr. Liu is very kind__________ (耐心)and friendly to his students

10The worker showed us how to build the bridge __________ (安全).


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度潍坊市奎文区第二学期九年级期中考试试卷 题型:

My grandmother was an iron-willed(强硬的)womanWhen I was fiveshe invited some friends to her apartmentAmong the guests there  1  bea rich man and his daughterGrandmother considered them the most important among the guests

    During the partyI went to the bathroomI was still sitting down when the girl walked in.“You  2  stayhere too long!

    It’s not your businessDon’t you know that little girls shouldn’t come into the bathroom when a little boy   3  useit!?I said in angerThis  4   surprise the little girlThen she started to cryMost guests had heard what I said and laughedBut not Grandmother

    She   5  waitfor me when I left the bathroomGrandmother shouted that I was impolite and rude and ordered,“You  6  say sorry to her.”All the guests watched in silence

    Twenty minutes later, Grandmother walked by the bathroom and noticed a torrent(激流)of water  7  runout from under the doorEveryone knew who did thatGrandmother was so angry that she tried  8  getfile anywayIt took several strong men finally to move her away and calm her down

    My grandfather took me by the hand and seated me on his lapHe looked at menot at all angry or upset.“  9  tellme,”he asked,“why did you do it?”

    Wellshe shouted at me for nothing.”I said seriouslyNow she’s got something to be angry at.”

    Grandfather didn’t speak right awayHe just sat therelooking at me and smilingI  10  never __________ forgethis expressions(表情)for my whole life

    Eric,”he said at last,“I think you did the right thing.”


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度潍坊市奎文区第二学期七年级期中考试试卷 题型:

There is __________uand__________nin the wordrun”.

Aaa                       Banan                    Cana                    Daan


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度潍坊市奎文区第二学期七年级期中考试试卷 题型:

There __________ a class meeting next Saturday

Aisn’t have                Bisn’t going to be            Cisn’t have             Daren’t


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度潍坊市奎文区第二学期七年级期中考试试卷 题型:

This picture is __________ than that one

Abeautiful                                             Bmuch beautiful

Cmuch more beautiful                           Dbeautifully

