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科目: 来源:2011年青岛市初级中学学业水平考试试卷 题型:

Don’t worry about your broken penYou can use ___________

Amy           Bmine               Cyours               Dmyself


科目: 来源:2011年青岛市初级中学学业水平考试试卷 题型:

I don’t know the _________ to the science museumWhat shall I do?

A map is helpfulI think

Aprice           Bway              Ctime             Dplace


科目: 来源:2011年青岛市初级中学学业水平考试试卷 题型:

Would you please pass me ______book on the right?

Athe third          Bthe three             Cthree            Dthird


科目: 来源:2011年青岛市初级中学学业水平考试试卷 题型:

Is the woman in white our manager?

It _________ be herShe has just left for Shanghai

Amust         Bmay              Ccan’t             Dcouldn’t


科目: 来源:2011年青岛市初级中学学业水平考试试卷 题型:

Where is John?

—He has gone to the libraryHe ________there for an hour

Ahas gone            Bhas been             Cwent             Dgoes


科目: 来源:2011年青岛市初级中学学业水平考试试卷 题型:

Could you tell me_____?

At l000 tomorrow morning

Ahow to leave                             Bwhen to leave

Cwhere you’ll leave for                      Dwho you’ll leave with


科目: 来源:2011年青岛市初级中学学业水平考试试卷 题型:

Would you like to go out for a walk?

Sure. the TV programs are too _______

Asurprising      Binteresting          Cexciting          Dboring


科目: 来源:2011年青岛市初级中学学业水平考试试卷 题型:

You always spend only a little time on your studyYou really _______me down

I’m sorryMumI won’t do that again

Atake          Bput            Clet              Dlook


科目: 来源:2011年青岛市初级中学学业水平考试试卷 题型:

I ________the film with you because I have seen it twice

Awill see          Bwon’t see           Csaw           Ddidn’t see


科目: 来源:2011年青岛市初级中学学业水平考试试卷 题型:

Don’t ___________ the people in troubleTry to help them

Ahear of           Bgo over            Claugh at            Dlook like

