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科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度滕州东南协作区第一学期八年级期中诊断性测评试卷 题型:

You eat _________ foodso you are _________ fat

Atoo manytoo much                Btoo muchtoo much

Ctoo muchmuch too                 Dmuch tootoo much


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度滕州东南协作区第一学期八年级期中诊断性测评试卷 题型:

_________ is the hospital from the bus stop?

20 minutes' walk

AHow long          BHow much            CHow far           DHow soon


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度滕州东南协作区第一学期八年级期中诊断性测评试卷 题型:

Most of the teachers _________ England to learn English next summer

Aleave for        Bare leaving for          Cleave        Dare leaving


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度滕州东南协作区第一学期八年级期中诊断性测评试卷 题型:

My mum is very _________ to be taking a _________ vacation in Shanghai

Aexcitingrelaxing                  Bexcitedrelaxed

Cexcitingrelaxed                   Dexcitedrelaxing


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度滕州东南协作区第一学期八年级期中诊断性测评试卷 题型:

Sam often goes to school _________He likes walking and it's good for his health

Aon foot        Bby bike        Cby bus           Dby subway


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度滕州东南协作区第一学期八年级期中诊断性测评试卷 题型:

I don' t like the colorCould you show me _________ one?

Aother        Banother         Cthe other         Delse


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度滕州东南协作区第一学期八年级期中诊断性测评试卷 题型:

I think Tom is a little _________ than JackHe doesn't laugh as much as Jack does

Afunnier        Btaller        Cmore outgoing          Dmore serious


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度滕州东南协作区第一学期八年级期中诊断性测评试卷 题型:

Can you go to the market with me tomorrow?

_________I want to buy same fruit

ANoI can't                    BI'm afraid I can

CSorryI can't                         DSureI'd love to


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度滕州东南协作区第一学期八年级期中诊断性测评试卷 题型:

I have _________ to tell you

Asomething exciting                       Bexciting something

Cexciting anything                    Danything exciting


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度滕州东南协作区第一学期八年级期中诊断性测评试卷 题型:

_________ he is ill_________ he goes to school

AAlthoughbut         B//             CAlthough/            DButalthough

