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科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度德州乐陵市第一学期九年级期中测试卷 题型:

---How are you feeling now?

--- ________________.

AI think so        BMuch better        CNever mind        DSounds good


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度德州乐陵市第一学期九年级期中测试卷 题型:

Where do you often see the sign “BUSINESS OURS 9:00---18:00” ?

AIn a hospital.                        BAt a school.

CIn a factory.                         DAt a post office


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度德州乐陵市第一学期九年级期中测试卷 题型:

---What did you say?

--- I wondered _______________.

Ahow would you go to Beijing

Bhow long you had been a teacher

Cwhen will you arrive in Shanghai

Dif you have finished your work


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度德州乐陵市第一学期九年级期中测试卷 题型:

One day James came up to Dick and said, “Look what I’ve found in Mr. Trotter’s rubbish bin.” It was a piece of paper. On it were some test questions for history. “That’s our history paper. I am sure of it,” said James. “It’s Mr. Trotter’s handwriting.” “Yes, I think so,” said Dick. “I’ll sell the paper for 1.00 to each of our classmates,” said James. So in the next three days he went round the class and sold the “test paper” to his classmates. James felt happy because he got 40.00. All the students were sure that these questions would be in the test paper. The questions were quite difficult so they had to work hard on them.

The day for the exam came. Mr. Trotter walked into the classroom. “History test,” he said and then he gave out the test paper. Oh dear! It was different from the paper that James had found None of the questions were the same. None of the students did well. James had to give all the money back to his classmates. Ever since he has never looked in teacher’s rubbish bins again.

1In Mr. Trotter’s rubbish bin James found the paper with______ on it.

Aa telephone number

Bsome exercises

Csome answers to the questions

Dsome test questions for history

2Who wrote the test questions on the paper?

AMr. Trotter        BJames.       CDick.         DThe headmaster

3In the end, James got _______from his classmates

A.$40.00          B.$1.00       Cno money      Dsome money

4Which of the following statements is TRUE?

AThe questions in the test paper were quite easy.

BJames never sold the test paper to his classmates.

CThe test paper Mr. Trotter gave out was different from the one James had found

DSome students did very well in the history exam.

5The best title for this passage is “________”.

AHistory Test

BA Lucky Boy

CA Good Way to Make Money

 DThe Best Way to Pass an Exam


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度德州乐陵市第一学期九年级期中测试卷 题型:

The Olympic Games have changed a lot since they were first held in Athens, Greece, in 1896. At that time, winners got silver medals instead of gold ones. Sounds strange, doesn’t it? People thought silver was better than goldNo women competed in the first Olympics, and only 14 countries took part.

   In the early years of the Olympics, there weren’t many sports. In the first Greek Games, event usually took place in the Panathenaic Stadium(雅典体育场),and you can still see it today. Players did not wear their countries’ clothes in 1896.They traveled to Athens by themselves and had to use their own money to take part.

New sports have been put into the Olympics over time, like badminton and table tennis, Some older games are no longer played, like tug-of-war(拔河).

   Swimming was different in 1896. There was a 1200-metre race in the seaA boat took swimmers out into the sea and they had to swim back to landThe first person to win that race was Alfred Hajos. He seemed happy just to finish. “I just wanted to live. That’s more important than winning,” he said

1In the first Olympics, winners were given____.

Agold medals   Bsilver and gold medals   Cmuch money  Dsilver medals

2In the early years of the Olympics__

Athere weren’t many sports 

Bplayers wore the sports clothes that people wear today 

Cpeople from about 200 countries took part

Devents usually took place in modern Olympics.

3_____is no longer played in the modern Olympics.

ARunning       BTug-of-war       CTable tennis        DSwimming

4The underlined sentence in the text really means______

Ahe was happy because he would finish it

Bhe seemed happy just because he finished it

Che was happy because he gave up at last

Dhe seemed happy because he still lived

5Swimming took place in the ____ in 1896.

Ariver           Blake          Cswimming pool        Dsea


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度德州乐陵市第一学期九年级期中测试卷 题型:

Butterfly exhibition 展览

Date: 1st-31st May

Place: Sunshine Town Museum


All kinds of butterflies from different parts of the world.

Time:  Mon.- Friday.   10:00am-4:00pm

Sat.- Sun.      9:00am-5:00pm


Adults: 20

Students: 15

Free for children under12

Group Booking:

Can be made through the group line 01074××××27

Adult groups of 10 or more: 15 each

Students groups of 10 or more: 10 each

         Special gift!

Come to the butterfly exhibition on 1st, May and receive a free picture of butterfly.


1What can you see in the butterfly exhibition ?

ASome paintings.

BSome beautiful butterflies.

Csome model planes

DSome nice clothes

2You want to see the butterfly exhibition with your 10-year-old daughter. How much will you pay for the tickets?

    A.$20       B.$35         C.$ 40          D.$45

3How can we book group tickets?

    ABy sending an e-mail.              BBy writing a letter.

CBy making a phone call             DBy filling in an application form.

4How much should they pay if thirty-two students visit the exhibition? 

    A.$280              B.$300          C.$320           D.$340

5If you go to the butterfly exhibition on 1stMay, you can get _________________.

    Aa present        Ba ticket           Ca book       Dsome money


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度德州乐陵市第一学期九年级期中测试卷 题型:


The English signs have become very important in people’s lives. The sign “No1s_______” is the most common sign. It appears2e___________ in our city. It can be3s________ in hospitals, meeting rooms, theatres, museums and so on. This is welcomed by non-smokers, especially women and4c___________. But it’s also hard to stop the people 5f________ smoking. People even like to give cigarettes6a_____ presents to their friends.

Another common sign is “No7p________”. As the number of 8c______ is increasing(增加, car9d__________ find it more and more difficult to park their cars. If you stop your car in a no parking place, your car will be 10t_________ away by a big truck. It’ll bring you lots of trouble. Anyway, to obey(遵守)the traffic rules is better.


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度德州乐陵市第一学期九年级期中测试卷 题型:



   Zhang Yining __________________________ at the 2008 Olympics.


   Shanghai ______________________________ the east of China


   We should ______________________________ people around us.


Our classroom is ________________________________ yours.


   Many people learn English so they can _____________________________.


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度德州乐陵市第一学期九年级期中测试卷 题型:



参考词汇:pavement (人行道), handle bar (自行车把),watch ahead (向前看), walk, ride, take a bus, should, don’t, traffic, while, until, before, line up, play, carry, get onoff

Dear teachers and friends,

