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科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

29、  Once there was a farmer.He worked for a landlord(地主) .The landlord made the man work all day long but paid him very little money and didn’t give him enough food to eat.

  One day when the man was having breakfast.the landlord came and said to him.“it's too much trouble to go work and come back for supper.So I want you to have breakfast and lunch and supper now,before you go to the fields.”

  “How can I eat three meals at the time?”the man thought.But he said.“All right.”He finished his breakfast and went out.

    Two hours later,the landlord went out for a walk.Now what did he see?He saw that the man was sitting under a tree and smoking.The landlord was very angry.“Why aren’t you working in the fields?”he said The man said with a smile.“I’ve had my supper and you know very well what I should do after supper.”


1.The landlord gave the farmer___________.

A.very little sleep  B.very little work  C.much food to eat  D.very little money

2.The farmer had three meals together because___________.

A.it was good for the landlord     B.it was good for the farmer

C.the landlord was very kind      D.he smoked under a tree

3.Two hours later.the landlord saw the farmer___________.

A.working hard on the farm      B.sleeping under a tree

C.having his lunch under a tree    D.smoking under a tree

4.The farmer told the landlord that after supper it was time___________.

A.work    B.to rest    C.to smoke    D.smoking under a tree

5.The farmer was very___________.

A.lazy    B.angry    C.clever    D.foolish


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

28、  Mary is an American schoolgirl,She is now in Beijing with her parents.Mary doesn’t know Chinese.But she is trying to learn and speak it.She often tries to speak Chinese to her Chinese friends.Sometimes they don’t understand because she can’t speak Chinese very well.It’s Sunday morning.She goes out.She is walking in the street.She is going to the zoo to see the elephants and monkeys,but she doesn’t know how to get there.She stops a Chinese schoolboy and ask him the way.The boy can’t understand her.She looks worried.Then she finds a way to express what she wants to say.She takes out a pen and some paper.She draws an elephant on it and show the picture to the boy.The boy has a careful look at the picture,reads it and smiles and then he shows Mary to the zoo.


1.This article mainly tells us a story of___________.

A.the picture to the boy          B.the way to the zoo

C.how to learn Chinese in China   D.an American girl Mary in Beijing

2.The underlined words“understand her”in the text means ___________ in Chinese.

A.理解她当时的心情  B.认识她    C.明白她说的话    D.帮助她

3.The underlined word“express”in the text can be replaced by“___________”

A.guess    B.keep    C.write    D.show

4.Why does Mary stop a schoolboy in the street? ___________.

      A.Because she wants the boy to see her picture

      B.Because she wants to have a talk with a Chinese boy

      C.Because she schoolboy is on his way to zoo

      D.Because she wants to know the way to the zoo from him

5.She draws an elephant and shows it to boy,because___________.

      A.she is good at drawing

      B.she wants the boy to know where she wants to go

      C.she doesn’t know how to say“elephant”in Chinese

      D.she wants to help the boy say“elephant”in English


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:



29 May, 2007

Dear Pingping,

How are you getting on these days? I don’t want to trouble you because I can imagine how busy you are! But I really need your help.

My friend Elena has a problem. She found she couldn’t read the numbers on the bus to school yesterday. We are going to have an eye test in school next week. She wants me to go first and tell her the letters on the chart. She doesn’t want to wear glasses. I’m not sure what I’m going to do.

I don’t want to lose a good friend! I might be ill on the day of the test!!

Love from



By the way. I’ve got a new email address: www.facebook.com

Dear Sandra,                                                                      








科目: 来源:czyy 题型:


1. 在交通高峰时段,有时开车没有骑车快。

  Sometimes driving a car is ____________________________riding a bike in the rush hours.

2. 在公共场所,我们最好不要大声喧哗。

  __________________________________________talk loudly in public places.

3. 有些路标太小,司机根本看不到。

  Some road signs ______________ drivers ____________________________.

4. 现在乘坐动车组从北京到上海只需10小时。

  It __________________________________to Shanghai from Beijing on a Bullet Train. 

5. 每天早晨在上学的路上,我都能欣喜地看到工人们正忙着建设奥运场馆。

   Every morning, ____________________, I __________________ stadiums and gyms for the Olympics.







(每空? 分,共? 分)




科目: 来源:czyy 题型:



1. last Saturday, Wang Ming, go outing, with his classmates

2. they, have lunch together, under a tree

3. after lunch, there be, some rubbish around them

4. they, not go, until, they, clean up the rubbish


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

24、The Pencil Maker held the pencil, just before putting it into the box.

“There are 5 things you need to know,” he told the pencil, “before I send you out into the world. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best pencil you can be.”

“One: You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be put into play.

Two: You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, but you’ll need it to become a better pencil.

Three: You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.

Four: The most important part of you will always be what’s inside.

And five: You must leave your mark when you walk through. No matter what you are you must carry on your duty.”

The pencil understood and went into the box with his confidence in his heart.

Try to imagine you are the pencil. Always remember them and never forget five things, and you will become the best person.

Allow the fable (a short story that teaches a lesson) of the pencil to encourage you to know that you are a special person and only you can be successful.

1. What you read is __________.

  A. a fable                                          B. some instruction

  C. a lesson                                        D. some advice

2. How did the pencil feel when he went into the box?

  A. Happy.             B. Afraid.              C. Sad.                 D. Confident.

3. Which is right according to what you read?

  A. Don’t need a sharpening.

  B. Never make mistakes.

  C. Try your best to work well.

      D. Only do great things.







(每空? 分,共? 分)




科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

23、Worried about sports injuries (伤害)? The best way to do with sports injuries is to prevent them.

Sports injuries are injuries that happen while doing sports. You may think of your back or your arms and legs as the only places where you could get hurt while playing, but you can get a sports injury anywhere on your body. Head and neck injuries are among the most dangerous. You can hurt your neck in sports like mountain climbing, skydiving, horseback riding, diving, or boxing.

If the injury is serious and there is a chance that the neck might be injured, it’s very important to keep the injured person still with the head held straight while someone calls for emergency medical help (急救). If the person is lying on the ground, do not try to move him or her. Never try to move someone who may have a neck injury – a wrong treatment could even result in death.

Always remember that an injury left untreated will probably get worse over time. Yet, it’s not always necessary to see a doctor right away if your pain is slight (轻微的).

The most important thing to do when you feel you are injured is to stop doing whatever sport has caused the injury right away and go to see a doctor. For more serious or complicated (复杂的) injuries, it may be best to see a doctor.

If your doctor has asked you to stop playing, your number-one question is probably “When can I play sports again?” Make sure you discuss this with your doctor.

Always wear helmets (头盔) for contact (接触) sports and when doing activities like biking and roller-skating to prevent head injuries.

When you return to play, you might need some new protective equipments (装备) that help protect your body part from possible reinjury.

To help prevent reinjury, be sure to warm up before practice and games. Remember to take it slow when you first get back into your sport.

So, play, but play safe. Try to learn from your experience and do the things that can help you keep away from getting hurt.

1. __________is a contact sport.

  A. Volleyball                                     B. Tennis

  C. Basketball                                    D. Golf

2. When a person falls off a horseback and can’t move, we should not __________.

  A. take him to a safer place

B. leave him where he is

  C. keep his head straight

D. call for emergency medical help

3. Before taking part in the relay race, we have to __________.

  A. prepare useful equipments

B. stand there waiting

  C. make sure we have no injury         

D. get ourselves ready

4. From the passage we learn that ___________.

  A. we should go to see a doctor right away when we feel injured

  B. we can return to sports as soon as we get medical treatment

  C. stopping whatever sport has caused injuries is necessary

      D. using protective equipments keeps you away from injuries


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

22、I read yesterday (yes, on a blog) that there are now blogging competitions!! I can’t believe it. A man in England won $2,000 for writing the best blog. There’s even a list of the best Chinese bloggers! I’ve read a few of them- before they were famous, I might add. I suppose that one blog can be better than another. It can be better written, more interesting, funnier, and I suppose that blogs are there to be read and judged (点评) by other people. If they’re not good, they’re not read. And they’re not just personal feelings. If they were, they’d be called diaries. Have locks, and be hidden under beds. So I’m OK with this whole competition thing. I just can’t believe I didn’t win!

This has got me thinking about why I’m writing this blog. I’m not doing it to win a competition (or I wasn’t when I started …) and I’m not doing it to show all my personal feelings – I do that in my diary. So, why am I a blogger?

To tell the truth, the first time I heard the word blog I thought it was a new word for a toilet. But I love learning new words so I used my knowledge and found out that a blog was a personal website and the word blog came from the words web log. Now a log is a type of diary kept by sailors (水手), and web, well, we all know that it has nothing to do with catching flies and everything to do with the Internet. Web log… weblog… blog…. Being a writer I loved the idea of getting my views (观点)onto the Internet where anyone could read them, and no editors (编辑) could get their hands on them!

So my first reason for blogging: I’m a writer. I want people to read what I write (un-edited!). And I love writing about anything I choose. I can write about saving the environment or complain about how the people in front of me in the cinema always seem to have big heads. And sometimes I pour out my heart too.

My second reason is that it’s relaxing. I don’t have to do research and write an article. I can let my thoughts go on as long as I like.

Third reason? To keep in touch.  I’m terrible on the phone and all my friends around the world read my blog (or they say they do …). Every now and then, I even upload a photo so they remember what I look like.

Is there a fourth reason? There probably is but now it’s time for dinner. Tomorrow I might even tell you what I ate.

1. The writer thinks a good blog is one that _____________.

  A. can let his thought go freely

  B. wins a blogging competition

  C. helps people keep in touch

  D. is read by large numbers of people

2. The writer loves writing blogs mainly because __________.

  A. his writing about feeling can be shown anywhere

  B. his writing would never be edited by others

  C. he enjoys writing something about big events

  D. he finds himself terrible on the phone

3. There’re __________reasons in the passage to explain why the writer is a blogger.

  A. 2                     B. 3                      C. 4                     D. 5

4. This passage is _________.

  A. a blog about blogging                     B. a diary about blogging

      C. a view on blogging                        D. a judgement on blogging

