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科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

32、Sunshine Middle School

Goes to the final !

Our school basketball team needs support ! It is in the final of the basketball competition !

The match takes place at South Hill School in Moonlight Town on Sunday, 16th July. Don’t

Forget to bring your friends !

·Cheer for our team !

·Lunch at Star Restaurant

·¥10---Bus fare(车费) and lunch

·9 a.m.----2p.m. (Match starts at 10:30 a.m.)

With your support, we will win !

Buy your tickets now !

1. Does Sunshine Middle School need support ?

2. What time is the match going to start on that day ?

3. Where is lunch going to be ?

4.How much is bus fare and lunch ?

5. What advice does the poster give us ?


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

31、Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Richmond Film Society. Tonight, we begin a season of Marilyn Monroe films. Before we star the film I’d like to say just a few words about Marilyn Monroe’s life.

Marilyn was born in Los Angeles in 1926, but had quite a sad life as a child. Her father didn’t want to see her from the time she was born and her mother became ill when she was very young and stayed in hospital for a long period of time. Between 1926 and 1935, Marilyn lived with lots of different families.

In 1935, she went to a school for girls with no parents, but didn’t like it and left in 1942 when she married Jim Dougherty. In 1949 she met the famous film director Johnny Hyde, and in 1950 she made her first film, The Asphalt Jungle.

Between 1950 and 1961 she made thirty-one films. She was, however, never very happy. She died in Hollywood in 1962.


                          Personal Information

                          Name: Marilyn Monroe        

                          Birth place:  (1 )                              

                          Nationality: U.S.A 

                          Age of the first marriage( 结婚):  (2)               

                          Name of her first film:  (3)                 

                          Achievement( 成就) 1950—1961: (4)                

                          Age of death:  (5)                    


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

30、People all have problems. If we don’t deal with these problems, we can easily become unhappy. Worrying about our problems can affect how we do at school. It can also influence the way we behave with our families. So how do we deal with our problems ? There are many ways and here is one of them.

Most of us have probably been angry with our friends, parents or teachers. Perhaps they said something you didn’t like, or you felt they were unfair. Sometimes people can stay angry for years about a small problem. Time goes by, and good friendship may be lost.

When we are angry, however, we are usually the ones affected. Perhaps we have seen young children playing together. Sometimes they have disagreements, and decide not to talk to each other. However, this usually does not last for long. This is an important lesson for us to learn.

1. What do you think the main idea of the text is ?

     A. How to deal with problem       B. How to do at school.

     C. How to behave with families.     D. How to talk to each other.

2. According to the text, what will happen if people stay angry for long ?

     A. They feel unfair               B. They may get sick

     C. Good friendship may be lost      D. They may miss each other.

3. Children decide not to talk to each other probably because_______.

     A. they become unhappy         B. they have different ideas

     C. they worry about a small problem  D. they want disagreements

4. From the text we know an important lessons for us is______.

     A. playing together         B. learning to forget

     C. staying angry           D. feeling unfair


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

29、Singapore, July 12------Many people enjoy chewing gum, but in 1992 Singapore decided to make it against the law. The government said that people were not careful about throwing away used gum. Instead, they dropped it on sidewalks and on the street where it made a big mess. Chewing gum also got stuck (粘贴)in the doors of the underground trains so that the doors didn’t close properly. This meant the trains did not run on time. Singapore said that people had to give up chewing gum or pay a lot of money to the government. During the time without chewing gum, the streets and underground trains of Singapore were clean.

   Now the government of Singapore is changing the rules a little. Some dentists say that chewing sugarless gum can help take care of people’s teeth. Now the government says that people will be able to buy special kinds of gum at drugstores for health reasons. Other kinds of gum are still not allowed.

1. The text is probably taken from_______.

  A. a story book    B. a newspaper   C. a guide book   D. a letter

2. What problem was Singapore facing before 1992 ?

  A. Chewing gum made the city dirty     B. People kept chewing gum.

  C.The underground train did not run     D. People must pay a lot of money

3. What happened in Singapore during the time without chewing gum ?

A.         The doors of underground trains didn’t close properly.

B.         People began stopping to throw away used gum.

C.          The streets and underground trains were clean.

D.         The government had to pay a lot of money for it .

 4. Where can people buy special kinds of gum for health reasons ?

   A. From underground trains       B. In the street nearby

   C. At the dentist’s               D. At drugstores.


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

28、When my wife and I went to live in an Arab country, my friends told us to be prepared for a culture shock(文化差异). Later, we realized that the advice given to us by our friends was correct.

The culture shock started with the weather. Here, the burning sun can cook an egg in a minute ! The hot weather made us feel so tired that we were falling asleep at midday !.

Another culture shock was the working week. We worked from Saturdays to Wednesdays, including Sundays. It was also strange to see people praying( 祷告) in a certain direction! They have strict rules for women. They do not let people see their faces in public. They do not let women drive cars, either. All dresses worn by women have to cover the body completely. They believe that women cannot be see in public.

At the weekends, we went camping in the desert(沙漠). I will never forget watching the sun setting over the desert. We also enjoyed riding on the camels.

In the end, we enjoyed living there, but their culture is very different from the American culture.

1. The writer experienced( 体验) the culture shock_______.

A. before going to the Arab country   

B. after camping in the desert

C. during stay in the Arab country    

D. while watching the sunset

2.People in the Arab country do not go to work_______.

A. on Mondays and Tuesdays 

B. on Saturdays and Sundays

C. on Wednesdays and Thursdays    

D. on Thursdays and Fridays

3. Which of the following is strict rules for women ?

    a. cover faces in public        b. not go outside

    c. be dressed in white          d. not drive cars

A. a ; c     B. a ; d     C. b ; c     D. b ; d

4. What does the writer think of living in the Arab country ?

  A. He enjoyed living there    

B. He enjoyed the culture there.

C . He was interested in praying 

D. He felt strange to see the weather


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

27、In January 1998 twp pigs escaped from west of London. The gigs were going to be killed for meat. For almost a week, they hid in the woods around the town of Malmesbury.

When the local police began to look for the pigs, newspaper reporters from all over the country joined them. Soon people everywhere were reading about the adventures(历险记) of Butch and Sundance with great interest. The owner of the pigs said that if they were found, he would sell them to anyone who would give them a home. A number of newspapers tried to buy the pigs, and finally The daily Mail paid a lot of money for them.

One rainy night, six days after the escape, a reporter from The Daily Mail and some people from the town found Butch in the woods. They caught her and put her in a cage. The next day, Sundance was caught, too.

The pigs were sent to a zoo. They were no longer free, but they were alive !

1.Why did the two pigs escape ?

2. Where did the two pigs hide for almost a week ?

3. Who joined the local police in looking for the pigs ?

4. What’s the name of the two pigs ?

5. What do you know The Daily Mail is ?


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

26、Yellowstone is a huge park covering over 3,400 square miles in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. It can be reached by air to Cody or Jackson, 50 miles from the entrances(入口) . There is no train service nearby. Limited(有限的) bus service is used from some of the towns near it. Once in the area, a car is almost a must . The park has 5 entrances, which are open from May to October . It is a good idea to plan a trip during the good weather, but except big crowds and show traffic. Parts of the park are open in the winter for snow sports.

Be sure to come prepared for different weather at any time of the year. Take enough of your clothing so you will be prepared for unexpected changes in temperature. Take good walking shoes and thick socks, if you are going to do any hiking. You can also see the park on horseback.

If you want to learn about Yellowstone, the National Park Service has many talks, films and tours to help you to understand it .

1. How large is Yellowstone National Park ?

2. What is a must if you are in the area ?

3. Why are parts of the park open in winter ?

4. What do you need to take while going to do any hiking ?

5. Where can you find more information about Yellowstone ?


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

25、Is it hard for you to get up early and get ready for classes ? Some students at Winter Park High School just quickly get up and go to class in their own bedrooms. Of course, their teachers and classmates do not see them because all their class work is on the computer.

The Florida High School, the state’s only on-line school, has 250 students who are taking classes at home by computers.

 “I’m a lot more comfortable at home,” said Luke Levesque, a 16-year-old who is taking a computer class on line. He thinks (A) the school’s computer lab is so noisy that he can’t study well.” Home is much better,” he says.

Students in this first on-line program take classes in math, American government, chemistry, computer, and Web-page design. They also have to go to regular( 正规的) school to attend other classes.

When a student is ready to begin in class, he or she (B) _______the computer, reads the teacher’s instructions, and begins working on the lesson for the day. What happens if a student has a question for the teacher ? Or the teacher wants to say something about the work a students is doing ? The student and the teacher talk to each other every day through e-mail or by telephone.

Is it easy for students to cheat on tests(考试作弊) when they’re working at home ? (C) The teachers have already thought about this. They make students take their final exams in person in the classroom.

“You see most of the same things on-line that you see in a regular classroom,” says teacher Linda Hayes.

If this first on-line program goes well, in three years Florida High School students will be able to take all their classes by computer. When that happens, students will be able to get their high school diplomas(毕业证书) without having to (D) 走进教室。

1.将划线部分(A)改写成 the school’s computer lab is_______noisy for_______to study well.







科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

24、One of the strangest jobs at the Oscars is that of a seat-filler. When one of the stars needs to go to the bathroom, a seat-filler sits in the star’s seat. That way, the TV cameras won’t show any empty seats. Kathy Muller talks about her night as a seat-filler.

   ( A) I was told to reach the theater in the middle of the day, wearing my dress for the evening. There were about 200 of us seat-fillers, all very excited. We were told what we should and shouldn’t do (for example, ”Don’t talk to the stars”) , and then ( B) 我们一直等到五点钟。 That’s when the stars started coming.

   The show started at six o’clock. We had to stand outside the doors. Then, when someone came put to go to the bathroom or have a cigarette( 香烟) , we were told to go and sit in their seat. ( C) The show was three hours long, and I only sat down five times. By the end, I was really tired, but I was happy because, during the evening, I sat behind Jim Carrey ( he’s very tall !) and close to Denzel Washington, Nicole Kidman and Julia Roberts. It was an exciting night, but I think ( D )_______ year I’ll watch the Oscars on TV at home like everyone else !

1.将划线部分( A) 改写成 I was told to_________at the theater at________.


3.将划线部分( C)译成汉语_____________________________________________



