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科目: 来源:xxyy 题型:


A. Can I help you?    
B. What are you going to do?    
C. Are you a student?


科目: 来源:xxyy 题型:

1. a. morning      
2. a. play football            
3. a. study         
4. a. English       
5. a. watch         
b. evening      
b. making kites            
b. go to work      
b. Chinese       
b. pictures    
c. Tuesday         
c. collect stamps                     
c. go to school     
c. Beijing          
c. make           

A. 1-c;   2-b;   3-b;   4-c;   5-c
B. 1-c;   2-b;   3-a;   4-c;   5-b
C. 1-a;   2-b;   3-a;   4-a;   5-b
D. 1-c;   2-a;   3-a;   4-c;   5-b


科目: 来源:xxyy 题型:


A. How can I go to the cinema?    
B. Is the cinema far?     
C. How is the cinema?


科目: 来源:xxyy 题型:

There are always             lights: red,             and yellow.   

A. three, blue               
B. two, 不填                  
C. three, green


科目: 来源:xxyy 题型:

—             do they go to the park?   —They go there by bike.

A. Where      
B. What      
C. How


科目: 来源:xxyy 题型:

She usually goes to the cinema on foot, because her home is            

A. near        
B. next        
C. far 


科目: 来源:xxyy 题型:

1. a. need       
2. a. post office
3. a. CD         
4. a. shop       
5. a. train      
b. tomorrow    
b. pet shop    
b. post card   
b. shoe        
b. bus       
c. next week     
c. post card     
c. story-book    
c. hospital      
c. buy         
d. today           
d. Theme Park      
d. cake            
d. supermarket     
d. ship          

A. 1-a;   2-d;   3-d;   4-b;   5-d
B. 1-a;   2-c;   3-a;   4-b;   5-c
C. 1-c;   2-c;   3-d;   4-c;   5-c
D. 1-a;   2-c;   3-d;   4-b;   5-c


科目: 来源:xxyy 题型:

1. a. library     
2. a. post card   
3. a. singer      
4. a. sun          
5. a. train      
b. apple       
b. newspaper      
b. artist      
b. cloud       
b. elephant 
c. cinema      
c. hamburger   
c. bike                                
c. yellow      
c. plane     

A. 1-b;   2-c;   3-c;   4-c;   5-b
B. 1-b;   2-a;   3-c;   4-c;   5-c
C. 1-a;   2-c;   3-a;   4-c;   5-b
D. 1-b;   2-c;   3-c;   4-b;   5-b


科目: 来源:xxyy 题型:

Lily goes to school            subway. 

A. in           
B. by  
C. on        


科目: 来源:xxyy 题型:

1.     2.     3.      4.     5. 
    a. turn right             b. on foot             c. go straight             d. by bike              e. turn left

A. 1-b;   2-c;   3-e;   4-d;   5-a
B. 1-b;   2-d;   3-a;   4-c;   5-e
C. 1-d;   2-b;   3-e;   4-c;   5-a
D. 1-b;   2-d;   3-e;   4-c;   5-a

