 0  96070  96078  96084  96088  96094  96096  96100  96106  96108  96114  96120  96124  96126  96130  96136  96138  96144  96148  96150  96154  96156  96160  96162  96164  96165  96166  96168  96169  96170  96172  96174  96178  96180  96184  96186  96190  96196  96198  96204  96208  96210  96214  96220  96226  96228  96234  96238  96240  96246  96250  96256  96264  97155 

科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

Let me _____ you how _____ to our school.

A. to tell; to get
B. tell; to get
C. tell; get
D. to tell; get


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

—Mom, I want to buy a skirt. Do you need one?
—I _____ want one.

A. very
B. also
C. too
D. not


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

—_____ do you watch TV?
—Twice a week.

A. How long
B. How often
C. How many
D. What time


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

—Which season do you like _____?

A. good
B. well
C. best
D. better


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

Some children like _____ snowmen in winter.

A. make
B. making
C. having
D. to get


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

—_____ is the weather in winter?
—Very cold.

A. What
B. How
C. Which
D. Where


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

Summer is very _____ and winter is very _____.

A. cool, cold
B. hot, cold
C. cold, hot
D. warm, cold


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

Spring is a good season _____ hiking.

A. to
B. at
C. in
D. for


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

We _____ a shower schedule and I am the one to _____ a shower.

A. take, take
B. make, make
C. take, make
D. make, take


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

—Is it _____ boring job?
—No, it is _____ interesting work.  

A. a, an
B. an, a
C. ×, a
D. a, ×

