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科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

Can you think ______?

A. what is his job
B. what does his job  
C. what his job does
D. what his job is


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:


A. There have many tomatoes on table.
B. There are some tomatos on the table.
C. There are many tomatoes on the table.


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

On April 14, 2010, a serious earthquake happened in Yushu. More than 2,000
people _____ in it.    

A. dead      
B. death      
C. died        
D. die


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

My parents like places ______ the weather is always warm.        

A. that        
B. where          
C. which        
D. who


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

Do you know _____?

A. What kind of movies dose he like
B. What kind of movies he likes
C. What kind of movies dose he likes.  
D. What kind of movies he like


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

We often have sports after class and I like to play _________ football.     

A. a          
B. an            
C. the          


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

This is the school _______ I used to study.            

A. which          
B. that            
C. in where        
D. where


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

He has been               English for six years.            

A. learned  
B. learn            
C. learns  
D. learning


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

My father _____ the Party _____ he was 22 years old.         

A. joined;  at        
B. joined;  when        
C. joined in;  when        
D. joins;  when


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

Last night my father _____ home very late.    

A. reached                      
B. gets    
C. reached to                  
D. got to

