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How many vases ____?
[     ]
A. has he
B. have he
C. have Tom

科目:小学英语 来源:模拟题 题型:填空题

1. I like a _____________ (d s c a h n w i)  and milk for lunch. 
2. We want to have three _____________ (k s a c e).
3. My friends are playing _____________ (b k e l a b l s a t).
4. When you _____________ (t e e m) an old man on the bus, you should give your seat to him.
5. There are many _____________ (k o o s t b r o y s) on the bookshelf.  
6. Which is your _____________ (e t f i o u a v r) festival, Kate?
7. I want to buy some _____________ (s e s n p r e t) for my father.
8. Today is the sixth of _____________ (g s t u u A).
9. How many _____________ (s a e n o s s) are there in a year?
10. I went to _____________ (e p s k u r m a r e t) last Friday.


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:填空题

1. My father has a bird. It can _________ (n, s, g, i) many songs.      
2. Mr. Wood can speak _________ (e, h, e, i, C, n, s) very well.      
3. How is the _________ (h, e, a, w, e, t, r)?  It's windy.      
4. My hands are _________ (r, t, d, y, i), I wash them in the sink.      
5. It's raining outside. Don't forget your _________ (u, b, l, a, r, l, m, e).
6. I go to school by _________ (c, i, c, e, b, y, l).      
7. The Spring _________ (v, a, F, l, e, s, t, i) is coming.     
8. We work _________ (e, h, e, g, t, r, t, o).     
9. We _________ (a, c, e, l, n) the house.       
10. It's going to be the _________ (a, r, e, y) of the tiger.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. Look! Here is a ____________ (a r i t b b). 
2. I have a lovely ____________ (g o d).
3. Look at the dress. It is ____________ (c e i n). 
4. How many tomatoes? ____________ (e l v e w T). 
5. This is my shirt. It is too ____________ (m a l l s). 


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

阅读短文, 选择答案。
     I am a number (数字).  I have (有) four letters (字母).  My first (第一) letter is in "four" ,but not in
"your".  My second (第二) letter is in "in", but not in "on".  My third  (第三) letter is in “vest", but not in
"test". The last letter is between "d" and "f".  Who am I? 
1. How many letters does the number have (有)?         
A. 5        
B. 3        
C. 4
2. The first letter is           .          
A. f        
B. o        
C. y
3. The third letter is           .         
A. e        
B. s        
C. v
4. The number is           .         
A. four      
B. five      
C. ten

