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1. — What can you do at home? 
    — I can ____________ the bedroom and ____________ the flowers.
2. — What can you do at home?  
    — I can ____________ the floor, ____________ the meals and ____________ the trash.

1. clean, water  2. sweep, cook, empty
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    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

    A: Hello.
    B: Hello. 1.          I speak to Mike?
    A: Yes, speaking.
    B: 2.          3. ____ with you?
    A: 4.          got a cold.
    B: How do you 5.____ now?
    A: I feel 6.____.
    B: Are you taking 7. ____ medicine?
    A: Yes, I am.
    B: I hope you 8.___ 9.____ 10.____ soon.
    A: Thank you.


    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

    A: What's that 1.____     the wall (墙)?    
    B: It's my 2.             photo!
    A: 3.            a nice photo!              
    B: 4.            5.______.
    A: Who's 6.___     ?                  
    B: She's my mother.
    A: Is this 7.___      your father?          
    B: No, he's my uncle.
    A: You are this little boy, 8._          think.    
    B: Yes, it's 9._____.


    科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

    A: What's _____________ name?
    B: My _____________ is Peter.
    A: Can I ask you some questions?
    B: _____________, please.
    A: _____________ your number?
    B: I'm _____________ 6.
    A: What _____________ are you _____________?
    B: _____________ in Class One, Grade Four.
    A: Where _____________ you _____________?
    B: I _____________ from America.
    A: What's the _____________?
    B: _____________ seven o'clock.
    A: _____________ this _____________ English?
    B: It's _____________ eggplant.
    A: Do you like _____________?
    B: No, I _____________.
    A: What _____________ you like?
    B: I _____________ cucumbers.


    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

    1. — Are there any pandas in the forest?
        — Yes, ___________ ___________.
    2. — ___________ ___________ any tall buildings in the village?
        — Yes, there are.
    3. —  ___________ ___________ a river in the mountain?
        — No, there isn't.
    4. —  ___________ ___________ tell me more?
        — No, I can't.
    5. — Can you ___________ ___________ ___________? (扫地)
        — Yes, I can.


    科目:小学英语 来源:模拟题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

    1. A: Hi, Simon. You look very tired.
        B: Yes, I ____________ ____________ just now.
        A: You must be very ____________. Here's some orange ___________
            for you.
        B: I really need it. Thank you very much.
        A:  You're welcome.
    2. A: Hi, Jim. You are ____________ at P. E. So are you going to take 
           ____________ in the sports meeting tomorrow?
        B: Of course.
        A: Which sport are you going to take, running ____________ jumping?
        B: Running. I think I can run ____________ than the other boys. 
        A: Do you like any other sport? 
        B: Yes. I like ____________, too. I can swim as fast ____________
            Li Lei. 
        A: I see. Good luck (运气) to you.

