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Look ____________ me, please.
[     ]
A. on
B. at
C. to

科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1.  My friend Li Ming likes p_____________.
2.  Look at this man. He is very s_____________.
3.  My math t_____________ has short hair.
4.  This is a p_____________ of my friend and me.
5.  Tom likes s_____________ very much.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

Dear Zhang Peng, 
      Please come to my twelfth birthday party at 6: 30 p. m. on Sunday. Now let me tell you how to come:
1. Start from the bus stop near your home.
2. Take the No. 15 bus.
3. Get off at the cinema.
4. Walk east for five minutes.
5. My home is next to the red building.
6. Look for me near the door.
                                       Wu Yifan
1. Zhang Peng is one year older than Wu Yifan. How old is Zhang Peng?
[     ]
A. 11
B. 12
C. 13
2. Which bus should Zhang Peng take?
[     ]
A. No. 15 bus.
B. No. 50 bus.
C. No. 5 bus.
3. Where should Zhang Peng get off?
[     ]
A. At the zoo.
B. At the cinema.
C. At the library.
4. What colour is the building?
[     ]
A. White
B. Blue
C. Red
5. Wu Yifan's home is ____________ the building.
[     ]
A. next to
B. north of
C. south of


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

Dear Chen Jie:       
        Please come to my eleventh birthday party at 6 p.m. on 
Sunday. Now let me tell you how to come:       
        Please start from the bus stop in front of the park. Then take
the No. 35 bus. You should get off at the supermarket. Then walk
west for five minutes. Please find the white building on the right. 
Look for me near the door. I'll wait for you there.          
1. Chen Jie is younger than Amy. How old is Chen Jie?
[     ]
A. 11
B. 10
2. Amy will hold the birthday party at 6 p. m. on              .
[     ]
A. Saturday
B. Sunday  
3. Chen Jie should start from the bus stop              the park.
[     ]
A. in front of    
B. behind 
4. Chen Jie should take the             bus.
[     ]
A. No. 35    
B. No. 53
5. Chen Jie should get off at the            .
[     ]
A. museum    
B. supermarket
6. Amy asks Chen Jie to find the              building.
[     ]
A. white    
B. black 


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. 在别人的解释之后,你终于明白了某个问题。你可以说:
[     ]
A. Oh, see you.
B. Oh, I see.
C. I know.
2. 你想知道新来的音乐老师长什么样子,你可以说:
[     ]
A. What's the new music teacher like?
B. What does the new music teacher look like?
C. What's the new music teacher look like?
3. 你想知道新来的体育老师是谁,你可以说:
[     ]
A. What's the new P. E. teacher?
B. Who's the new P. E. teacher?
C. What's the new P. E. teacher like?
4. 你想加入到朋友中,跟他们一起玩,你可以这样问你的朋友:
[     ]
A. Do you like me?
B. Can I help you?
C. Can I join you?
5. 你想知道别人会不会唱歌,可以这样问:
[     ]
A. Can you dance?
B. Can you sing?
C. Can you help me?


科目:小学英语 来源:北京同步题 题型:填空题

A. bus stop     B. Dear Sarah     C. Yours     D. right     E. Amy   
F. twelfth       C. Sunday        H. west      I. Get       J. Look for
           Please come to my             birthday party at 5 p. m. on             . Now let me tell you how to come: 
Start from the            in front of our school. 
Take the No. 17 bus. 
            off at the hospital. 
Walk             for three minutes. 
Find the white building on the           
            me near the door.                                                 

