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Damimg: What did you do last winter holiday?
Lingling: I travelled with my parents. We went to Hainan. It's in the south of China.
Daming: What did you do there? Did you swim there?
Lingling: Yes, we swam and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine there. Mum also bought a lotof things.
1. Hainan is in the _____ of China.

A. east      
B. west      
C. north      
D. south

2. Lingling travelled with _____.
A. her father      
B. her mother    
C. her parents      
D. her friends
3. They _____ there.  
A. swam                
B. enjoyed the sunshine
C. shopped              
D. all of the above
4. It must be very _____  in Hainan in the winter.
A. hot      
B. cold      
C. cool        
D. warm
1. D  2. C  3. D  4. D
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    科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

         It was a sunny day yesterday. Peter went to see Daming. He had a birthday gift for Daming. Daming
    was surprised because it wasn't his birthday. At that time Simon came back, with some birthday cards in
    hand. "Oh, it's Simon's birthday today! I remember. "said Peter. He gave the birthday gift to Simon and
    said, "Happy birthday, Simon. I thought it was Daming's birthday today. "Peter made a mistake ( 犯了个
    错误) but he was happy. They all laughed over it for quite some time.
    1. What was the weather like?
    2. What did Peter want to give Daming?
    3. Why did they laugh?
    4. Whose birthday was it yesterday?
    5. Did they have fun?


    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

    heavy  big  light  small  beautiful  thin  cute  fat 
    1.The elephant is____ and____
    2.The bird is____and____.
    3.The panda is____ and____
    4.The dog is____ and____
    5.. The tiger is____ and____


    科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:单选题

    (     ) 1. pineapple
    (     ) 2. nut      
    (     ) 3. look 
    (     ) 4. tomato 
    (     ) 5. girl  
    (     ) 6. onion  
    (     ) 7. fish     
    (     ) 8. help     
    (     ) 9. five     
    (     ) 10. color
    (     ) 11. crab 
    (     ) 12. tree 
    (     ) 13. carry
    (     ) 14. draw 
    (     ) 15. but
    A. 西瓜 
    A. 坚果 
    A. 看   
    A. 西红柿
    A. 男孩 
    A. 洋葱 
    A. 写   
    A. 帮助 
    A. 四   
    A. 颜色 
    A. 蝴蝶 
    A. 树   
    A. 背;搬
    A. 绘画 
    A. 可以     
    B. 菠萝
    B. 柠檬
    B. 听  
    B. 土豆
    B. 女孩
    B. 茄子
    B. 鱼  
    B. 小心
    B. 五  
    B. 棕色
    B. 螃蟹
    B. 饼干
    B. 抓住
    B. 跳舞
    B. 但是                                                                             


    科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:填空题

    newer, more boring, oldest, heavier, more interesting,
    most expensive, tallest, longer, earliest, cheapest
    1. cheaper: ____________________________________________________ 
    2. biggest: ____________________________________________________


    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

    1. It's _____________ (rainy / rain) today.
    2. London is _____________ (windy / wind) today.
    3. It's _____________ (snow / snowy) in Beijing today.
    4. It's _____________ (cloudy / cloud) in Lhasa today.
    5. It's _____________ (sun / sunny) in Harbin today.
    6. It's _____________ (hot / hat) today.

