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Is Peter good ____________ Chinese?

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A. in
B. at
C. of

科目:小学英语 来源:剑桥少儿英语  天天练一级下册 题型:004

Listen and complete the dialogue(听录音,完成下列对话)

(1)B: What's the woman ________?

G: ________ woman?

B: The woman in front of the blackboard.

G: Oh, she is our ________. She is writing ________ on the blackboard.

(2)B: What's ________ doing?

G: Peter? Which boy is he?

B: That boy ________ at the ________ is Peter.

G: What's he doing? Is he looking for his book?

B: No, he isn't. He is ________ his homework.

(3)B: What are you doing?

G: I'm ________ with my________.

B: Your door?

G: Ah… no, doll.

B: Is that d-o-double 1?

G: That's right.


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:填空题


Dear Dad,
     I'm glad to 1. t____________ you that I am getting on very 2. w____________ in school. I have
got to 3. k____________ more boys and feel 4. h____________ than before. I'm working hard at my
5. l____________. Three boys live 6. w____________ me and they are nice to me. In the evening, I
usually 7. p____________ table tennis. I can play 8. w____________ now. Our teacher is Miss Brown.
At 9. f____________, I didn't like 10. h____________. Now I see I was 11. w____________. She is a
good teacher. She often plays, works and talks with 12. u____________ like a friend. Peter is my
13. b____________ friend now. He is 14. g____________ at games and lessons. We play together and
often go 15. f____________ a walk. I must stop now. Please send my love to Mum.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题


What are they doing?
e.g.  Tom is reading a book. 
1. May ____________________. 
2. Peter ____________________ a bicycle. 
3. Dolly ____________________.   
4. Sam and Ray ____________________.   
5. Paul is not playing. He ____________________.  
6. Lily is ____________________. 


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. What's your name?
(     ) 2. Is it a big lemon?
(     ) 3. Are you a student?
(     ) 4. What do you want?
(     ) 5. What animal is it?
(     ) 6. What's the matter?
(     ) 7. Who is that?
(     ) 8. Do you like hot noodles?
(     ) 9. Have some cold water! 
(     ) 10. Can you see now?
A. That is my sister.
B. Yes, I can. 
C. Thank you. 
D. No, it isn't. 
E. It is a monkey. 
F. My name is Peter. 
G. Yes, I am. 
H. My tongue hurts. 
I. Yes, I do. 
J. I want a ruler.                                                                    


科目:小学英语 来源:江苏小考真题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. What would you like?            
(     ) 2. Where is the History Museum?    
(     ) 3. Can I have an envelope?         
(     ) 4. Who do you want to write to?    
(     ) 5. Where are you going?             
(     ) 6. Are you as heavy as your sister? 
(     ) 7. What's your telephone number?   
(     ) 8. How many stops are there?        
A. 62773688.              
B. Peter.                             
C. No, I'm not.            
D. I'd like some chocolate.                                        
E. Here you are.                
F. This way, please.             
G. Only three.                   
H. We're going to the theatre. 

