精英家教网 > 小学英语 > 题目详情
Read and choose. (选择正确的答案) 
     Bob is a middle school student. He studies in a middle school in the east suburbs (郊区) of California.
Bob goes to school from Monday to Friday. On weekdays, he always gets up at 7:00 o'clock, then he
has breakfast. He usually has a cup of milk, a piece of bread and two fried eggs for his breakfast. At
about 8 : 00 0'clock, he gets into his father's car and his dad drives it down the road towards his school.
Classes begin at 8 :30 and at 12 :30, he goes to the school canteen for lunch. In the afternoon,  when
classes are over,  Bob usually plays basketball with his classmates. Sometimes he also goes to the school
library to do some reading. In the evening, Bob may either watch an interesting TV program or do some
Internet surfing(冲浪). He goes to bed at 10 :00. His school days are busy, but he always enjoys them
very much.
1. Where does Bob live?          
A. He lives in a school.
B. He lives in California.
C. He lives in China.
2. How many days does Bob go to school in a week?              
A. Seven days.          
B. Six days.          
C. Five days.
3. Does Bob go to school by bus?           
A. No, he doesn't. His father drives him to school.
B. Yes, he does.
C. No, he doesn't. He goes to school by bike.
4. What does Bob do after classes?              
A. He goes home.
B. He plays basketball everyday.
C. He usually plays basketball and he also goes to the library.
5. Does Bob like his schooldays?              
A. Yes, he does.
B. No, he doesn't.
C. Just so-so.
6. What's the Chinese meaning of the word "canteen" ?           
A. 搡场                
B. 餐厅            
C. 图书馆
1.A 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.B

科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

Read and write. (把下列字母组成单词)
1. n, a, t  _________                
2. o, o, s, w, d__________
3. o, n, h, y, e__________                
4. c, k, I, p__________
5. n, s, i, t, c, e__________  
6. t, c, a, h, c__________
7. r, p, o, e, r, t _________              
8. e, c, s, s, h_________
9. c, t, o, n, u_________                                                     
10. c, c, i, i, p, n _________


科目:小学英语 来源:月考题 题型:单选题

Read and cross. (划掉与其他三个词不同类的单词)
1. A. girl    
2. A. America  
3. A. brother  
4. A. mother  
5. A. coff.ee  
B. boy        
B. China      
B. grandfather
B. dad        
B. coke        
C. goose  
C. Canada  
C. morning
C. grandma  
C. hot dog
D. teacher  
D. sister    
D. mother    
D. grandpa                                     
D. tea      


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

Read and write. (把单词补充完整并写出中文意思)
1. matt(     )(     ) ____    
3. (     )xc(     )ted____    
5. y(     )st(     )(     )day____
7. pr(     )s(     )(     )t____  
9. c(     )(     )sin____      
2. p(     )(     )ple____          
4. betw(     )(     )n____          
6. w(     )(     )kend____          
8. pr(     )p(     )re____          
10. (     )(     )l(     )ph(     )(     )t____                                               


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

Read and match. 把上下两行字母合成一个完整的单词并写出其汉语意思。
1. Sat       2. sh        3. house       4. Thu        5.  just       6. sli       7. Fr  
A. oes      B. rsday    C. right        D. urday     E. ppers     F. coat    G. iday


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

Read and fill in the blanks. 请你根据首字母和汉语提示写单词,将下列句子补充完整。
1. I want to send this l____ (信) to my mother.  
2. How many p___ (明信片) are there?   
3. This is an e____ (电子邮件).   
4. Can you point to the t ____ (顶部) of the picture?  
5. How much is the s____ (邮票)?   
6. You can play on the c____ (电脑).   
7. You can put a card in an e____ (信封).  
8. Go straight and turn r____ (右).   
9. Excuse me, where is the p____  o____ (邮局)?  
10. Now it's in the top, left c____ (角落).

