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1. My b_____________ is S_____________ 4th.
2. Lily often _____________ (go) to bed at 9: 00.
3. When is _____________ (she) birthday?
4. I often go _____________ (shop) with my mother.
5. I like s_____________ best, because it's warm and sunny. 
6. I'm _____________ (make) a birthday chart.

1. birthday, September  2. goes  3. her  4. shopping  5. spring  6. making
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    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

    1. The four seasons are__________.
    2. This month has only 28 days. It's________.
    3.  The date of the New Year's Day is________.
    4. The date of Children's Day is________.
    5.  This month is the third month in a year,  It's______.


    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

    1. How many s ______ are there in a year? There are four.        
    2. It's A _______ 7th today. It's my b_______ .                  
    3. The dog is _______  (run).                                    
    4. The rabbit can _______ (jump) , and the bird can ______ (fly).
    5. _______ my bag? It's on the table.                            
    6. Listen! The bird is _________( sing).                        
    7. -_________ do you go home?                                    
        -I go home at 5:00.                                          
    8. Let ______ (I) see.                                          
    9. Look _______ the bird.                                        
    10. My mother ________ the clothes every morning.


    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

    1. How many s______________ are there in a year?  There are four.
    2. It's A______________ 7th today. It's my b______________.
    3. The dog is ______________ (run).
    4. The rabbit can ______________ (jump) , and the bird can ______________ (fly).
    5. ______________ my bag? It's on the table.
    6. Listen! The bird is ______________ (sing).
    7. ______________ do you go home?  I go home at 5: 00.
    8. Let ______________ (I) see.
    9. Look ____________ the bird.
    10. My mother ______________ the clothes every morning.


    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

    1. Do you like ____________ (peach)?
    2. I ____________ (not) go to Beijing two days ago.
    3. Last weekend I ____________ (go) skiing.
    4. Bai Ling ____________ (climb) a mountain yesterday.
    5. My mother ____________ (take) pictures and ate good food.
    6. Lily ____________ (like swim).
    7. My bag is ____________ (heavy) than his.
    8. I ____________ (have) a pen.
    9. She ____________ (have) a pencil.
    10. ____________ you go skating yesterday?


    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

    1. The four seasons are ___________________________.
    2. This month has only 28 days. It's ______________. 
    3. The date of the New Year's Day is ______________.
    4. The date of Children's Day is ______________.
    5. This month is the third month in a year. It's ______________.

