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Mr. Wang is _____________ football on the playground.

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A. plays
B. play
C. playing

科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

Listen and choose. (听一听,选择正确的单词,在后面画“√”)
Are you Mr Wang?               
Mrs Wang?
Jessy is from   China.                                      
I'm a   girl.                     


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

Mr. Wang: May I come in?
Mr. Liu: Oh, it's you. Please come in.
Mr. Wang: Thanks. How are you this afternoon and how's your brother?
Mr. Liu: I'm fine, thanks. My brother isn't at home now. He goes to see his friends on Sunday afternoon.
             He's fine, too. It's time to practice (练习) English, isn't it ?
Mr. Wang: Yes. What are we going to talk about this time (这次)?
Mr. Liu: What about this picture? Look, here it is!
Mr. Wang: What a nice picture! I like it!
Mr. Liu: So do I. It's a picture of Mr. Smith's family.
Mr. Wang: Let me have a look. Ah, there're four members (成员) in the family. One, two, three, four.
Mr. Liu: No, five. There're five.
Mr. Wang: But I see only four. Look, Mr. Smith on the right (右边); Mrs. Smith on the left (左边) and two
                children in front of them.
Mr. Liu: Look, here is another (另一个) one, a dog. Its name is Tom.
Mr. Wang: Oh, I see. They must be very happy.
Mr. Liu: Yes. They are very happy.
      1____________ is 2____________ afternoon. Mr. Wang is at Mr. Liu's 3____________. They practice
English at this 4____________ 5____________ the day.
      Mr. Wang 6____________ a picture. 7____________ is a picture 8____________ Mr. 9____________
Family. 10____________ 11____________ five members. 12____________ of them is 13____________,
a 14____________.
      Mr. Smith 15____________ a happy family. 16____________ a happy family he 17____________!


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:填空题

1. Mike _______________ (write) English last night.
2. A policeman _______________ (see) two thieves steal a girl's mobile phone last week.
3. Mr. Wang _______________ (buy) a house in Shanghai in 2010.
4. Mary _______________ (begin) to begin Chinese last year.
5. My brother _______________ (not do) his homework yesterday.
6. I listened but _______________ (hear) nothing.
7. Our teacher usually _______________ (help) us when we were at school.
8. What _______________ he _______________ (do) last night?
9. What _______________ (do) you see three hours ago?
10. My brother usually _______________ (catch) a bus to go to school last month.
11. I _______________ (meet) my old friend a moment ago.
12. There _______________ (be) some beautiful flowers and some water in the vase just now.
13. —  _______________ you _______________ (take) part in the last singing contest?
     — No, I _______________.
14. Yesterday the girl _______________ (show) me a nice skirt. I _______________ (like) it very much.
15. I _______________ (make) a card for my cousin last Christmas.


科目:小学英语 来源:北京小考真题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: 1_____ me, is 2_____ a post office near here?
B: 3_____. I don't know. Let's ask Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang, 4___ _ is the post office?
C: Oh, it's very far 5_____ here, but you can 6_____ a taxi.
A: Oh, no,1 want to go there on foot.
C: OK, let me tell you the way. Go down this street and 7_____ left, it's down Bridge
     Street 8____  the right. It's across 9           a big hotel.
A: 10_____. 
C: You are welcome.


科目:小学英语 来源:北京同步题 题型:听力题

1. A:              is Amy's English teacher?     
    B: Mrs. Smith.   
2. A:              is he like?     
    B: He's tall and strong.   
3. A:              you play basketball?      
    B: Let me try.   
4. A:             is your mother?     
    B: She is very well.     
5. A:              is Mr. Wang? I want to ask him some questions.     
    B: He is in the office.

