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A: Good morning.       
B: Good morning. What are you    1    now?   
A: I'm     2    
B: Running? What's    3    with your bike?    
A: It's    4   . Could you mend it?        
B: Yes, I can. But now let's    5    games.      
A: OK. What     6    a frisbee (飞盘) ?    
B: Good. Can you    7    it?    
A: Yes, I can. Throw it    8    this.     
B: No, you are    9   . Do it like this.     
A: I know. It's very   10   .
1.                  2.                3.                  4.                  5.               
6.                  7.                8.                  9.                 10.             

1. doing     2. running     3. wrong     4. broken     5. play    
6. about     7. throw       8. like      9. wrong     10. interesting  
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    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

    Yang Ling: Hi, Mike. How many 1._____ do you have this 2._____?
    Mike: We have 3._____. How about you?
    Yang Ling: Me,too.
    Mike: How many 4._____ lessons do you have a 5._____?
    Yang Ling: We have four,but I hope we have five. We have five 6._____ and Maths lessons.
    Mike: We have only one 7._____ 8._____, two Art lessons,three Science lessons and three PE lessons.
    Yang Ling: Oh, that's good. I 9._____ PE but we have two PE lessons a week.
    Mike: Me, too. And I like Maths, too. It's 10._____.
    Yang Ling: I think so.


    科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

    A: Good morning.
    B: Good morning. What are you 1_____________ now?
    A: I'm 2_____________.
    B: Running? What's 3_____________ with your bike?
    A: It's 4_____________. Could you mend it?
    B: Yes, I can. But now let's 5_____________ games.
    A: OK. What 6_____________ a Frisbee (飞盘)?
    B: Good. Can you 7_____________ it?
    A: Yes, I can. Throw it 8_____________ this.
    B: No, you are 9_____________. Do it like this.
    A: I know. It's very 10_____________.


    科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

    1. A: What is the                           ?         
        B: She is              to              .   
    2. A: Which             do you like           
        B:                 .   
        A: Why               you like spring?      
        B:                I can plant trees.
    3. A:              the date?    
        B: It's             lst.    
        A: Oh, it's our             Day.
    4. A:             do you              up?    
        B: I usually get up at             .   


    科目:小学英语 来源:模拟题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

    A: Good morning, Mr Green.    1     are you from ?    
    B:    2    from London.    
    A: Where    3      you work ?    
    B: I work in a middle school near here. I'm a     4     .
    A:     5      do you teach ?    
    B: I teach English.   
    A: Can you     6     Chinese ?     
    B: A little. I go to Chinese classes every week.       
    A: Good ! Do you like working in China ?      
    B: Yes, I do. I like it a     7    . The Chinese people are very friendly.    
    A: Do you have any     8    ?    
    B: Yes, I      9    . I have    10     , a son and a daughter. 
    1.                  2.                    3.                     4.                    5.                
    6.                  7.                    8.                     9.                    10.               

