精英家教网 > 小学英语 > 题目详情

       My grandfather and I go to the park 1.______my house. There are many 2.______ in the park.
There are many men and women 3.______. There are many 4._____ playing and laughing. Anna and I go up high in a tree. Now we are scared. "5._____! " Everyone 6.____at us. My grandfather sees Anna and me in a tree. He runs to the tree and helps Anna and me 7.______.I am okay, but Anna 8._____ her

1. near    2. people    3. walking    4. children     5. Help     6. looks    7. down      8.hurts
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    科目:小学英语 来源:湖北省小考真题 题型:听力题

          _____________, Gao Shan and his friends _____________ _____________ to have a
    _____________. They need some food. They are going to _____________ some food and some
    _____________ at the _____________ center near the library. Wang Bing _____________ going 
    with them, because he and his _____________ are going to see a Beijing _____________ in 
    the school hall.


    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

    Listen and fill. 听录音,补全短文内容。
    Mom: Amy, look at 1.               dress. It's 2.              .  
    Amy: Yes, it is. It's very 3.              .    
    Assistant: Can I help you?  
    Mom: Yes. How much is this dress?  
    Assistant: It's ninety-nine yuan.  
    Mom: Oh, that's 4.             .  
    Amy: I like it, Mom.     
    Mom: Sorry, Amy. It's too 5.             .


    科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:听力题

         Jim has a brother and a s_ 1 _.They are Tim and Jane. All of them like going to the p  2   
    on Sundays. Jim likes to fly his kite. Tim likes to r_ 3_ books. Jane likes to sing songs under a
    t   4   . They have a g_5_ time.

