精英家教网 > 小学英语 > 题目详情
(     ) 1. Does she like pink?           
(     ) 2. What's Kim's favourite colour?
(     ) 3. Where is the white cat?       
(     ) 4. Do you like the same colour?  
(     ) 5. What is your favourite colour?
a. Her favourite colour is green.
b. My favourite colour is purple.                                             
c. Yes, we do.                  
d. No, she doesn't.             
e. It's under the desk.         
1. d  2. a  3. e  4. c  5. b

科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. Are you hungry Jenny?       
(     ) 2. How many eggs do you have?  
(     ) 3. I'm thirsty.                 
(     ) 4. What's for lunch?            
(     ) 5. Would you like some fish?   
(     ) 6. Do you like meat?           
(     ) 7. Do you like dumplings?      
(     ) 8. Would you like some soup?   
(     ) 9. What's your favourite food?
(     ) 10. What's for breakfast?      
A. I eat rice and chicken for lunch.     
B. Yes, please.                         
C. Let's drink.                         
D. Yes, I'm very hungry.                
E. Twelve.                              
F. No, thanks.                          
G. I eat milk and two eggs for breakfast.                                      
H. No, I don't like meat.                
I. Yes, I do.                            
J. My favourite food is noodles.        


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. What would you like?         
(     ) 2. Do you like fish?
(     ) 3. What colour is your hair?
(     ) 4. What's your name?
(     ) 5. What do you do with your feet? 
(     ) 6. How many oranges? 
(     ) 7. How much for one banana? 
(     ) 8. Can you see it? 
(     ) 9. Is it new? 
(     ) 10. Where are you?
A. Yes, I can. 
B. My name is Jenny. 
C. Two yuan.
D. Yes, it is. 
E. Yes, I do. 
F. I'm in the gym.
G. I would like some meat. 
H. I walk with my feet.                                                                 
I. It's blond. 
J. Twenty oranges.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. The TV is too loud.         
(     ) 2. May I turn on the TV?       
(     ) 3. Do you like this one?       
(     ) 4. How often do you play games?
(     ) 5. What are you doing?         
(     ) 6. Who plays best?             
(     ) 7. Can you hear it?            
(     ) 8. Is this a piano or a guitar? 
(     ) 9. What can you play?          
(     ) 10. Thanks.                    
A. Yes, I can.               
B. I can play the guitar.    
C. I can turn it down.       
D. It's a piano.              
E. Yes, I do.                
F. You are welcome.          
G. Yes, you may.             
H. Danny plays best.         
I. Once a week.              
J. I'm listening to the radio.                                                           


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. Hello, Danny!     
(     ) 2. How are you?      
(     ) 3. What's your name?   
(     ) 4. Nice to meet you.     
(     ) 5. Are you ready for school?
A. Fine, thanks.    
B. Hi, Jenny!    
C. Yes!     
D. My name is Li Ming.                                                              
E. Nice to meet you.  

