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He              his head.

[     ]

A. hurting        
B. hurts        
C. hurted        
D. hurtes

科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

     One day, John 1. s____ to his mother, "I am going to 2. p____ in the snow." "Okay." said his
mother. "3. P____ on your jacket, boots and mitts." "Don't 4. f____ your hat!" said 5. h____ mother.
John put on his hat. He played in the 6. s____. He 7. m____ a big snowman. He loved 8. h____
snowman. He played 9. w____ the snowman. He 10. h____ a good time.


科目:小学英语 来源:小考真题 题型:填空题

阅读短文,根据短文内容补全单词 (首字母已给出),将答案填写在短文下面的答题处。
       Last month, a   1    celebrating his sixteenth birthday, Jed's parents sent him to England for further study.
They told him, "You should always remember to t   2    of other people first, then you will be a whole person."
One day, he was walking in the street, suddenly he heard a big noise. He ran to where the noise c   3    from.  
When he got there, he saw a small car had knocked into the side of a truck. Someone in the car is shouting 
"Help! Help!". The street is q   4   . He looked around and found there were no people there. Q   5    he put down
his bag and tried his best to open the car door. But he couldn't. He ran b   6    down the street to the n   7    
telephone stand (电话亭) as fast as he could to call the policeman and the doctor. Soon the policeman and the 
doctor arrived. With their help, he got the car door open and carried the man o   8   . The man looked worried.
"Don't worry. You will be all right in a week or t   9   ." said Jed. The man held  Jed's hands and said, "You are 
really a good young man." Jed was very happy to hear it, he knew h  10    to be a whole person at that time.  
1.                  2.                   3.                    4.                   5.                 
6.                  7.                   8.                    9.                   10.             


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:填空题

      One day, John s__________ to his mother. " I am going to p__________ in the snow." " Okay." said his
mother. " P__________ on your jacket, boots and mitts." " Don't f__________ your hat! " said h__________
mother. John put on his hat. He played in the s__________. He m__________ a big snowman. He loved
h__________ snowman. He played w__________ the snowman. He h__________ a good time.


科目:小学英语 来源:模拟题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. I don't think she is right.  
(     ) 2. What will he do on vacation?   
(     ) 3. How often do you go to school?  
(     ) 4. Can he play the flute well?
(     ) 5. He will visit the Great Wall, won't he?   
(     ) 6. What chores do you do? 
(     ) 7. What is the weather like today?   
(     ) 8. How does Mike feel today? 
(     ) 9. What is Lily doing?
(     ) 10. What's your favorite food?
A. She is listening to music. 
B. He feels excited. 
C. I make the bed at home.   
D. Neither do I. 
E. Every day. 
F. He will go to Hainan with his parents.                             
G. Yes, he can.  
H. No, he won't.  
I. I like noodles best.  
J. It's cool and windy today.


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. Your name, please?
(     ) 2. What's his name?
(     ) 3. Are you Mr. Black?
(     ) 4. Is she her mother?
(     ) 5. Is he your uncle?
(     ) 6. Who's that girl?
(     ) 7. Who's this old man?
(     ) 8. Whose car is it?
(     ) 9. Where are the books?
(     ) 10. Do you like elephants?
A. Yes, I do.
B. They're on the desk.
C. It's my father's.
D. She's my English teacher.
E. Yes, she is.
F. My name is Kate.
G. Yes, he is.
H. He's my grandpa.
I. His name is Paul.
J. No, I am not.

