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At last he couldn’t help _________ me the secret.

A.telling B.saying

C.to tell D.to say

A   can’t/couldn’t help doing sth.意为“忍不住做某事”。tell sb. sth.意为“告诉某人某事”。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Which order (顺序) is right ?

a. a minute   b. a day   c. a second    d. an hour e, a year

A.a>e>d>c>b      B.c>b>a>d>e          C.d<a<e<b<c      D. c<a<d<b<e


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

When I was walking past his room,I hear him       piano.

     A.playing    B.to play     C.to play the    D.playing the


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


假设你们班级即将召开以“感恩”为主题的班会,要求向大家介绍一下你最想向谁表达感恩之情,他或她为你做了什么,你又将怎样回报他或她的付出。请结合上文内容,以“Thank you, my…”为题写一篇发言稿。要求:1.句子通顺,语意连贯。2.包括所有提示内容。3.不少于80词。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

—How are you going to be a football player?

 —I       every day.

 A.am going to practice football                          B.am going to study math

C.am going to take acting lessons                       D.am going to study computer science


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   The Sydney Opera House is a very famous building in the world.It has become Sydney’s best-known landmark and international symbol.The Opera House with a “sailing roof ” was designed by a famous Danish architect (丹麦建筑师),Utzon.The base for the building was started in 1959,years before the designs were finished.Utzon spent four years designing the Opera House.In 1962,the designs were finalized (定稿) and the construction began.In 1967,they started the decoration inside.It took 14 years in total to build the Opera House.Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ officially opened it on October 20th,1973.

The Sydney Opera House cost around $100 million and was paid for by the public. 6,225 square meters of glass was used to build it.The Opera House includes 1,000 rooms.It is 185 meters long and 120 meters wide.The building’s roof sections weigh about 15 tons.Each year,this fantastic building attracts 200,000 tourists to come for a visit or enjoy events in it.

The Opera House reaches out into the harbour (港湾).It is amazing and unforgettable,offering people a strong sense of beauty.

1.The designer of the Sydney Opera House was from_____.

A.America                                                    B.Australia

C.England                                                   D.Denmark

2.Building the Sydney Opera House lasted_____.

A.from 1959 to 1973                                     B.from 1962 to 1973

C.from 1959 to 1967                                     D.from 1962 to 1967

3.The underlined word “construction” means_____in Chinese.

A.创立                                                               B.设计

C.施工                                                        D.竣工

4. _____paid for the cost of the building of the Sydney Opera House.

A.Utzon                                                      B.The public

C.Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ                                    D.The government

5.Which is the best title for the passage?

A.Sailing Roof                                              B.Travelling in Sydney

C.The Sydney Opera House                           D.The Opening of the Opera House


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Ann enjoys______the music on Sundays.

A. listening to B. listening C. listen to D. listen


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 She is going to buy a present        her mother.

A. to                          B. of                                  C. for


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏泰兴实验初级中学七年级上期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

People like to give gifts to others on big days. Do you know how to choose(挑选) gifts? You should choose gifts that your family or friends like. Different gifts are for different people. For example, boys often like to play with robots(机器人),toy guns(枪)and balls. And girls may like something lovely, like flowers, dolls and beautiful clothes. Of course, you don’t need to choose something expensive. Your feeling is much more important than money. There is a Chinese saying, “A small gift means far much. ”

1.The word “big ” in the first sentence means “ ”.

A.beautiful B. interesting

C. important D. funny

2. When you buy your friend a gift, you should choose something that .

A.you like B. he or she enjoys

C. is expensive D. is very big

3.Michael wants to buy a birthday gift for his sister, he may choose a .

A. teddy bear B. basketball

C. water gun D. robot

4. What does the underlined sentence mean in Chinese?

A. 礼多人不怪 B. 心有灵犀一点通

C. 礼轻情义重 D.来而不往非礼也

5.Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Everyone needs gifts B. Where to buy expensive gifts

C. The meanings of gifts D. How to choose a gift

