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B.Sandy's mother is driving Sandy to Suzy's home for the birthday party. Look at the map below. Complete the conversation between Sandy and her mother.

Mum: Sandy,how do we get ⑴ our home (2)

Suzy's home?

Sandy: (3) at the corner. Then drive (4)  Apple Street.(5)  at the traffic lights. Be careful. There's a zebra crossing there. Drive (6)  Pear Street until you see a footbridge. Then stop in front of the footbridge. Suzy's building is on the (7) . Use the footbridge to (8) the street.

Part B 

1 from 2 to 3 Turn right 4 along 5 Turn left 6 along 7 left 8 cross Listening

题目来源:2016年译林英语补充习题七年级下册 > Unit 4 Finding your way


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5 They are not in agreement that the polluted water is a problem in the small town.

They do not agree ; (problem) .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

F.Listen to Ted telling Benny about his email to his friend Helen in the USA. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

Deav Helen,

I am having a wonderful timein Beijing

I live with Benny's family in 习 flat. I eat a lot of ⑴ here.

There are many interesting places in Beijing. Mike the works of art and (2) in the palace Museum. Also,Wangfujing Straat is very (3) .The shops there are great!Tomorrow,Benny will take me t。(4) . I can eee (5) there. We are also going to this (6) this sunday. we can enjoy Beijing opera there. I am looking forvferd to it.

Best wishes, Ted


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A Using a,an and the

A1.Complete the questions and answers with a,an or the. Put a cross (×) in the blanks if no articles are needed.

1 Q: Is there library near here?

A: Yes. Beijing Library is just on corner of this street.

2 Q: Do you have dictionary? I need English dictionary.

A: Yes. There's dictionary on my desk.

3 Q: Is there post office near your home?

A: Yes,there is. It's at the end of road.

4 Q: Is New York capital of USA?

A: No. Washington   D. C. is capital.

5 Q: Are you going to play basketball after school?

A: No. I'm going to cinema with Peter.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

E. Listen to the conversation between Benny and his mother again and complete the table below.

At Wangfujing Station

at (1)

Get on the train

at (2)

Get to Xidan Station

at (3)

At Muxidi Station

at (4)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B. Simon is writing about what happened to Daniel one day. Complete his sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box.

as usual later pick up say to himself sound surprised the other day wonder Daniel went to the Computer Club ⑴ . After that,he went home by himself (2) . On the way,he heard a

(3) in the bushes beside the road. "What's that?" He

(4) . He went up to the bushes and saw a beautiful bird.

"Why is it lying here?" he (5) . He (6) the bird carefully and was (7) to see that there was blood on one of its legs. Daniel took the bird home. A few days (8) , the bird got better,and Daniel let it fly away.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A. Complete jerry's diary entry with the words in the box. You need to change the forms of the verbs.

at the same time come from find out go out happen on the way run away suddenly two weeks ago walk quickly 30April We moved into our new flat (1). Jane and I love our bedrooms.

There is a big balcony in my bedroom. I often listen to music and read a book there (2).

Yesterday evening,something interesting (3)  . When we were in the kitchen,Jane and I heard a strange noise. Jane was afraid and

(4)because she thought it was a mouse. Then I

(5)that it just (6)the big plastic bag behind the door.

We (7)for dinner tonight. (8)to the restaurant,it (9)started to rain,but we did not have umbrellas.

Luckily,the restaurant is not far away. We (10)and soon got to the restaurant. The dinner was nice. All of us enjoyed it very much.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B Using What and How to express strong feelings

B1. It is School Open Day. Simon's parents and his cousin Annie are at his school. Complete their conversations with What or How.

Simon: This is our school.

Annie:⑴ beautiful!Is that your teacher?

Simon: Yes. He's Mr Wu.

Annie: He looks friendly. (2) a nice man!

Dad: Are those the classrooms?

Simon: Yes. The room on the left on the first floor is my classroom.

Mum: a long way from here!Let's walk across the grass to your classroom.

Dad: (4) interesting!Are these written by your classmates? I like them.

Simon: No. They're from Class 2.

Annie: Look at this!It's Simon's.

(5) a strange story!


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A city with history

A1.Neil,one of the British exchange students,tells the Class 7 ,Grade 7students about his hometown Liverpool. Read his presentation script.

I am from Liverpool,a city with a long history in the UK. Liverpool is next to the sea. A big river called the River Mersey runs through the city.

Liverpool is very old. In 2007,it celebrated its 800th birthday. The city has over 2 ,500 old buildings. One area of Liverpool is so special that it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site,just like the Palace Museum in Beijing. However,most areas of the city are very modern. There are many shopping centres and cinemas. There are also some theatres. The city has three large universities and many small ones. In 2008,Liverpool was the European Capital of Culture.

Liverpool is famous for its music. The most famous band from Liverpool is The Beatles. Liverpool is also famous for sport,especially football. Liverpool Football Club is well known all over the world.

I love Liverpool. It is a great city with many things to see and do. I hope you can come and see me one day.

